You are invited to compete at:

The 17th Annual Pioneer Days Cheerleading Competition

on Saturday, September 12th at 5:00pm in the Kalida High School Gymnasium

$45 Entry fee per squad

Entry Deadline: Friday, August 28, 2015

Confirmation packets will be emailed along with warm-up and performance schedules no later than September 5th.

Team Divisions Awards

Varsity Cash prize & trophy

Junior Varsity/Freshman for the top three teams

Junior High in each division

Mini Youth School

Youth School

All-Star (mount and non-mount)

Schedule will be as follows:

3:00 - 4:00 – Registration

4:15 – Coaches Meeting

4:45 – Scheduled warm-up time begins

5:00 – Team Competition begins

Awards will be presented following final team performance.

**Team members and 2 coaches will not pay admittance as long as they arrive as a team. All other spectators’ admission will be $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students at the door.

General Rules for Kalida Pioneer Cheerleading Competition


All cheerleaders must complete and turn in the insurance waivers PRIOR to the competition. The waiver form attached to this letter may be copied as needed. Coaches may turn in the waivers on the day of the competition at the registration table.


Team divisions will be as follows:



Junior High

Mini Youth School (3rd grade and younger)

Youth School (6th grade and younger)

All-Star (mount and non-mount)

*If any division has more than ten (10) squads entered, we will divide it into two smaller divisions. In this event, the division will be made by the Kalida Cheerleading Advisor and Judges.

Teams must have at least three (3) cheerleaders in order to compete.

Mascots may perform, but they will be counted as a team member if they do motions, dance, or tumble with the squad. If a mascot performs with one squad, he/she cannot perform with another.


Our rules coincide with the NFHS rules. It is your responsibility to know and follow these rules. You may find more information at

A cheerleader must compete in only one division, and must be enrolled in that school for the 2015-2016 school year.

The only props permitted are: megaphones, poms, and signs. Materials from camp may be used.

There will be no out of bounds, so use as much of the floor as you need. We have a standard competition mat for the competition!!

You must provide one quality CD. Please review the content of your music for profanity or other inappropriate words to avoid penalties. There will be a reserved seat for ONE coach, or their designee, to sit beside the judge’s table next to the announcer. Coaches, or their designee, must be at the announcer’s table, with CD in hand, at least one entry prior to their team performance. Coaches, or their designee, will be responsible for starting and stopping the music. (Inappropriate music – 10 pt deduction)

Make sure your moves are in good taste and are age appropriate to avoid penalties. Routines must be suitable for family viewing. (Inappropriate moves – 10 pt deduction)

In the event that your routine is interrupted because of failure of our equipment, you will be permitted to restart your program from the beginning. If your routine is interrupted because of failure of your supplies or personnel, you should continue, as your time limit will remain in effect. In the event that an injury occurs during your performance, you may either continue your routine, or start over.


Each team will have a four (4) minute time limit to perform. Requirements are at least one (1) cheer, one (1) chant and one (1) dance. Requirements can be used in any order and any number of times within the time limit.

You will be allowed to place any poms, signs, immediately prior to your starting position. When the squad is ready to go, one cheerleader will raise her hand letting the officials know that her squad is ready and waiting on the judges' signal. Time will begin with the first organized motion or note of music. Time stops when the last cheerleader is off the floor.


Pyramids, mounts, partner stunts, or any act where one person supports the weight of another, and the use of mini tramps, springboards or any height increasing apparatus is not permitted. (Safety violation – 10 pt deduction)

Absolutely NO jewelry; this includes all piercings such as earrings, tongue rings, belly rings, etc. If jewelry cannot be removed, it must be taped. (Jewelry violation – 10 pt deduction)

An EMT will be on hand and available if needed. Water will be available to all cheerleaders and coaches.


There will be qualified judges scoring the competition. There will also be two panels of judges to keep the competition running smoothly.

In the event of a tie, the teams that are tied will be asked to perform their routine again. The teams will be given time to warm up.


Any squad that does not adhere to any or all of the rules (including NFHS rules) may be disqualified and automatically gives up the right to any and all awards.

One (1) point per second over the original four (4) minutes will be deducted for going over the time limit. A ten (10) point penalty will be issued for inappropriate music and/or inappropriate moves. A ten (10) point penalty will be issued for each cheerleader wearing jewelry. Ten points (10) will be deducted from the final score for violations discussed in the safety rules.

The decisions of the judges, including the scoring and penalties, are final and non-negotiable.


This competition will take place in the Kalida High School Gymnasium. The awards ceremony will be held immediately following the conclusion of the competition.

Cash prizes & trophies per division: Varsity, JV/Freshmen, Junior High, Mini Youth, Youth, and All-Star (mount and non-mount)

NOTE: When the Kalida cheerleaders, both high school and junior high, perform, they will be doing so for score sheet judging only. They WILL NOT be competing for awards.


The performance order will be determined by a random drawing. This order will be emailed to you with your confirmation packet no later than September 5th.


A warm-up facility will be provided. You will be assigned a warm-up time after the order of performance is completed. This schedule will be sent to you in your confirmation packet. You will receive 5 minutes in the warm-up facility.

Additional information on the Pioneer Days website:

Please contact Chelsea Recker with any questions regarding the Pioneer Days Cheerleading Competition.

E-mail: Phone: 419-302-3134

17th Annual Pioneer Days Cheerleading Competition

Registration Form

DEADLINE DATE: Friday, August 28, 2015

School Name: ______

School Nickname: ______

Coach’s Name(s):______

Address where confirmation should be sent:

Street address: ______


City/State/Zip: ______

Coach’s Email: ______

(please provide an email that you check on a regular basis)

Coach’s Phone: ______

CHECK ALL THAT APPLY ($45.00 per team)

______Varsity Division _____ number of cheerleaders

______JV/Freshman Division _____ number of cheerleaders

(Please circle: JV or Freshman squad)

______Junior High Division _____ number of cheerleaders

______Mini Youth School Division _____ number of cheerleaders

______Youth School Division _____ number of cheerleaders

______All-Star Division _____ number of cheerleaders

(Please circle: Mount or Non-mount and Youth, Junior, or Senior)

_____ total number of coaches

Please attach a typed list of team members in alphabetical order!


Make checks payable to “Kalida Local Schools”

Kalida High School

PO Box 269

Kalida, Ohio 45853

ATTN: Chelsea Recker

17th Annual Pioneer Days Cheerleading Competition

Waiver Form

I have been informed of the rules of this cheerleading competition and accept the decision of the cheerleading competition judges as final.

In consideration for acceptance and approval of this entry, I hereby, waive and release for my child and their heirs and administrators any claims for damage against the Pioneer Days Committee, Kalida High School and its representatives, any and all injuries suffered by my son/daughter at this competition and its related events.


Cheerleader Participant Name (Please Print)


Cheerleader Participant Signature


Parent/Legal Guardian Signature


Junior High/High School/Gym Name