JANUARY 15, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle, withSandquist, Beck,and Beckmanpresent.
Beck moved to approve the agendawith the addition of reports on ETPR, NECALG Tri-Part, Sedgwick County Hospital Board and Communication Center grant applications. Second by Sandquist, carried.
James Wittler, Attorney, joined the meeting. Wittler gave the Board a copy of the lease agreement for the land behind the county shops for review. Beck moved to submit the pasture lease to Mark and Larry Weber. Sandquist second, carried. Discussion was held on a letter of reprimand sent to an employee. Let it be known that the certified letter was signed for on January 9, 2013, however, the employee has not responded as of yet. Discussion was held on the letter drafted concerning County Rd 37. Sandquist moved to send the letter to the tenant and landowner on County Rd 37. Beck second, carried. Discussion was held on early retirement insurance benefits. Beckman will contact CTSI and find out some more information. Discussion was held on the changes made to the personnel policy. Sandquist moved to adopt the edited personnel policy. Beck second, carried. Discussion was held on Amendment 64 and the possibility of putting a ban in place. Wittler told the Board that it is possible to do so through an ordinance. Sandquist moved to approve James Wittler’sdrafting of an ordinance to ban recreational marijuana in Sedgwick County. Bauerle second, carried. Beck moved to go into executive session on January 15, 2013 at 9:05 a.m. for a conference with the County Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b). Discussion will be held on pending litigation with the Sheriff’s office. No business will be conducted and no decisions will be made. Bauerle second, carried. The time is now 9:23 a.m. and the executive session has been concluded. The participants in the executive session were: Jim Beck, Gene Bauerle, Glen Sandquist and James Wittler. For the record, if any person who participated in the executive session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the executive session occurred during the executive session, or that any improper action occurred during the executive session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record. Seeing none, we will move on to the next agenda item. Wittler left the meeting.
Beck moved to approve the final December 2012vouchers as presented. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Beckmoved to approve the January 15, 2013 vouchers as presented. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Bauerle reported on the Hospital Board meeting. Ron Hendrickson is retiring therefore a new appointment will be necessary. Discussion was held.
Bev Hollingsworth and Aaron Cumming, Fairboard, joined the meeting. Hollingsworth presented the Board with the financial report for the Fairground Improvement Project for review. Discussion was held. An approximate amount of $113,000 was found to be remaining to pay for this project. Hollingsworth will start a letter campaign with the 4-H members and will also plan to have advertising for the walls to collect extra income. Hollingsworth and Cumming left the meeting.
Beck moved to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2013 meeting as presented. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Rhonda Gronewold and Joan Pearson joined the meeting. Discussion was held on having a bookmobile coming to Sedgwick County. The Board will look into this matter before making a decision. The guests left the meeting.
Bauerle reported that the Stretesky Foundation will wait until next month before making a decision about the Communications Center grant and the Buckley Foundation awarded the County $12,500 in August and $12,500 in October. The Board called Connie Juhl and she will draft a thank you letter for the Buckley Foundation.
Sandquist reported on the NECALG meeting. There will be some changes in the allocations made. Sandquist told the Board that there were some issues with the County Express that were discussed which will be looked into.
Dan Pederson, Accountant, joined the meeting. Pederson gave the Board the edited budget to review. Discussion was held. Pederson left the meeting.
Beck reported on the ETPR meeting. The bids will go out for the overpass through town and the Ovid to Sedgwick Interstate on January 31, 2013. The next meeting will be on April 8, 2013 in Limon. The new transitions in district boundaries will be official in July, 2013. HB 1030 was not supported at the meeting.
Beck moved to send out a memo to all county employees prohibiting candles and candle warmers in County buildings. Sandquist second, carried.
Discussion was held on a letter sent from Mountain Mapping. Beck moved to allow to Mountain Mapping to do GIS scenic mapping of the byway. Sandquist second, carried.
Beck moved to approve Glen Sandquist as the County Commissioner representative for County Health Pool and Christy M. Beckman as the designated alternate representative for County Health Pool. Bauerle second, carried.
Discussion was held on a Road & Bridge employee and time sheet situation.
Meeting was adjourned.
Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board