Harold C. and Jessie M. Hudson Trust

MSU College of Nursing

Graduate Student Scholarship

Information about the Harold C. and Jessie M. Hudson Trust Endowment Harold C. Hudson was born May 25, 1896 and Jessie May (Miller) Hudson was born February 24, 1895. They lived in Three Forks, Montana at the time of their marriage in 1920. At the time the trust was created in 1977, Mr. Hudson was a retired railroad conductor and Mrs. Hudson was a retired registered nurse. They felt very strongly about continuing funds to provide assistance to those in the nursing field. Upon their deaths in the early 1990s, 90% of the interest from their trust was given to Montana State University to be used as scholarships for nursing students. Clifford V. Davis, now deceased Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biology at MSU, was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and, until his death, was the recipient of thank you letters from the nursing students who were honored with the scholarships. Letters of thanks are now sent to his widow, Mrs. Jeannie Davis.

Criteria for Scholarships

Montana State University graduate nursing students who have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPAare eligible to applyas early astheir first year of graduate school. The money will provide funding for completing their master’s thesis or professional project.

Award Amount

The awards are for up to $500 for one year of funding or end when a student graduates.

Application Process

For consideration, proposals are to be submitted electronically to the MSU College of Nursing Office of Research; , 126 Sherrick Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717, (406) 994-2783.

The proposal should be no more than 2 pages (can be single spaced) and contain:

1)A brief summary of the project (aim, statement of significance, conceptual framework, method, data analysis, etc) including where the applicant is in terms of the timeline of the project (if it has been started), perceived outcome(s) of the project, plan to disperse information gained from project, etc.

2)Budget for the project and how the applicant plans to spend the money if received.

3)A brief bio-sketch (including where from, how far along in graduate program, and future plans after graduation).

4)A separate, supporting e-mail letter from the student’s graduate committee chair.

Important Dates

  • October 15 : Deadline for applications
  • November 1: Notification of funding
  • November 15: Funding begins (funding period is for one year or ends if a student graduates)

Selection Process

The College of Nursing Research Office will review the proposals and select the recipient(s). Recipients will write a letter of thanks to Mrs. Jeannie Davis, 1616 South 3rd Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 at the time of notification with a copy to the College of Nursing Research Office.


At the end of the funding period or when a student graduates, the recipient(s) will provide:

1)A written report discussing how the money was utilized, the status of the project, and outcomes.

2)A project abstract that may be used in College of Nursing publications.