Are you the victim of advertising propaganda?

Can you complete the line? Did the tune come into your head as well?

  1. Sometimes you feel like a nut, ______.
  1. Campbell’s Tomato Soup -- ______.
  1. It's the meatball spaghetti you can eat with a spoon...uh-oh ______!
  1. Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick… ______!
  1. I want my baby back baby back baby back ______’s baby back ribs.
  1. 1-800- ______!
  1. Shield your home…the ______.
  1. I am stuck on Band-Aid brand, ‘cause ______.
  1. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, ______is a commercial for ______.
  1. A wholesome snack that smiles back… ______

Identify the brand for each Trademark: Write the brand name under each logo.

Propaganda Terms

You need to know these terms for the test.

Term: / Definition / Example / My Example
Propaganda / Tactics that persuade people to believe, buy, or do something / See below
Name-calling / an attack on a person instead of an issue / “My opponent is a “tree-hugger.”
Bandwagon / You want to do this because “everyone” is doing it. / Everyone is voting for Jim Smith. Shouldn’t you be part of the winning team?
Red Herring / Distraction – Uses details that have nothing to do with the topic / “The death penalty doesn’t stop criminals from committing crimes…But what about all of the victims’ families?”
Emotional Appeal / Appealing to your emotions instead of using logic, reason, or facts / Using cute little puppies for the SPCA commercial
(can also be use of anger or humor)
Transfer & Testimonial / Using a famous person to endorse a product or idea
Testimonial=they say they like/use it / Athletes in Gatorade commercials
Actress saying she uses the hair color
Repetition / Repeats the message over and over again / Commercial “jingles”
Glittering Generalization / Using “good” labels that are unsupported by facts / American, patriotic, amazing, beautiful
Sweeping Generalization / Stereotypes- a statement about a group of people not based on fact / All ______people are ______.
Circular Argument / What you are supposed to believe is mixed in with the proof…You are led to believe something based on the facts. / Political Ad:
Joe Smith is in favor of gun control. Communists support gun control. Joe Smith must be a Communist.
Appeal to Numbers--
Statistics / Using numbers to show how many people think something is true / “4 out of 5 doctors recommend…”
Check the small print!
What do the numbers really mean? Who are these doctors?
Plain Folks / People who use this product or believe this idea are just like you and me. / A presidential candidate is seen eating at a McDonald’s restaurant.

Name ______

Group members: ______

Your small group will view a set of commercials. You must identify the types of propaganda used in each commercial.

Which type of propaganda is most obvious?

Group # _____

Types of Propaganda:

Types of Propaganda Used in Each Commercial:


Name ______Partner: ______

1. Work with a partner or on your own. Click on each of the links below.

2. Watch the short commercial clip – #1 and #13 are a little longer.

After watching the first 30 seconds, if you know the answer, you don’t have to watch the rest.

3. Fill in the type of propaganda that is being used. Some will have two, others may have one.

4. Explain why you picked that answer.



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Audi commercial

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Brad Pitt- Levis jeans

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Career Builder

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Chuck Norris- Mt. Dew

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______



Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Harry Reid

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______

Type of Propaganda Used: ______Explanation:______


Sell It With Propaganda

Identifying Propaganda Worksheet

Name: ______

Use this worksheet to examine your example of propaganda (a commercial, magazine ad, etc.) Identify which strategy was used, and bring thead to school. If it is a TV commercial or a website, just include the title.

Title of ad ______

What is your ad trying to “sell” (a product or an idea)? ______


Briefly describe your ad (its appearance, message, tone, etc.):




Intended audience (ex: a specific group of people, a nation, etc.): ______

Propaganda technique used (ex: testimonial, bandwagon, fear, etc.): ______


What clues indicate technique used?: ______



What makes the ad effective in “selling” the product?: ______



These websites may be helpful when working through your propaganda unit.

PBS: Advertising Tricks


Propaganda Resources on the Web


Propaganda Slide Examples: PowerPoint (political)


Student Propaganda PowerPoint Slide Examples


Student Propaganda PowerPoint Slide Examples

Propaganda Group Presentation


  • Your group will create a PowerPoint slide for one form of propaganda.
  • Your slide will contain the term, a picture, a definition, and an example (commercial or advertisement) of the propaganda technique.
  • Your slide will be added to a class PowerPoint presentation of all of the propaganda terms. You will present your slide when it appears.

Presentation Planning & Note Sheet:

Who will present this piece of the PPoint?
Commercial or Advertisement
Defend the Propaganda for this Commercial or Advertisement