2016-2017SCHOOL YEAR
School Grade / Annual Tuition Fee / Monthly Payment(10Months) / Monthly payments are due by the 1st of every month
Grace period of 15 days will be given
10% penalty fee will be added for late payments
All tuition and other fees are non-refundable
Preschool 1 & 2 / $960.00 / $96.00
Lower Primary
Kindergarten – Grade 3 / $1,200.00 / $120.00
Upper Primary
Grades 4-6 / $1,800.00 / $180.00
Grades 7-9 / $2,400.00 / $240.00
Grades 10-12 / $3,600.00 / $360.00
Financial Aid
- We will offer a 5% discount to families who pay for the entire year at the time of enrollment/re-enrollment.
- We will offer a discount to families who have 2 or more children enrolled in the school, when no other discount or scholarships apply. Discount as follows: 2nd child 10%,3rd child 15%,4th child 20% and so on.
- All requests for financial aid or scholarship must be approved by the School Principal and Director.
- All students who receive financial aid must have at least a ‘C’ average on their report card to stay eligible.
Other School Fees (due at the time of registration)
______$25.00New Student Application Fee
______$5.00New Student/Placement Testing
______$25.00Registration and Administration Fee
______$100.00 Annual Capital Improvement Fee
______$15.00Annual Book Fee for each child in Pre-School
______$30.00Annual Book Fee for each child in Kindergarten through Grade 6
______$50.00Annual Book Fee for each child in Grade 7 through Grade 12
If there are any other books required for the student, you will be notified and will be required to pay for them at that time.
Financial Agreement (to be signed at the time of registration):
I understand that absences or school holidays will not be subject to a tuition discount.
Iagree to the above annual tuition fee and to make monthly payments by the 1st of each month.
I agree to pay a penalty fee of 10% for any payment not made by the 15th of the month
I understand that my child(ren) will be withdrawn from school if tuition fees have not been made for two consecutive months.
I fully understand that we are paying for a full year of schooling, and that the monthly fee price is for our convenience.
I agree that if my child should withdraw from the school after 1 November and before 1 July, a penalty fee of $25.00per quarter missed will be due at the time of withdrawal. All students’ information/records will be withheld until all feesare paid.
1stParent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
2nd Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______