Venue: Central Queensland Indigenous Development – Conference Room, Building 26, Darumbal Drive, Central Queensland University
Time: 10:30am – 12noon
Attendees: Wade Mann (Chair – Revealing Wisdom), Troy Doyle (Helem Yumba), Shane Robinson ( Australian Red Cross), Pardis Hudson (CQ Party Hire), Poy Pensio (Bidgerdii Indigenous Health Service), Marcia Pensio (Bidgerdii Indigenous Health Service), Anne Gela (Saima Inc.), Mary (Saima Inc.), Wazan Dow (Saima Inc.) and Danessa Willie-White (Dept of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs - DATSIMA)
Apologies: Sarah Perkins (DATSIMA); Janette Moulder (Australian Red Cross);
Minute taker: Danessa Willie-White
Item / Topic / Discussion / Action/s / Delegate/s1 / Business arising from last meeting / Confirmation of NAIDOC Activities include: / To include in the NAIDOC Calendar / Community Organisations to forward their event details to
Louise Willie-Muggeridge at FBEC to be added to the NAIDOC Calendar.
Email Louise:
a / New Event:
Art Exhibition / Art Exhibition – Walter Reid Cultural Centre in partnership with Rockhampton Regional Council through Creative Capricorn and Indigenous local artists. / Art Exhibition will last for 2 week duration.
6pm start at launch on Monday 1/07/13 and will run til 12/07/13. / Kaylene Butler and Dr Pamela Croft-Warcon
b / Change of date for
Coming of the Light / Aunty Annie Gela advised that ‘Coming of the Light’ will be celebrated on Sunday 30th June at Northside Family Church, Thorn Street, North Rockhampton. / Saima / Saima
c / New Event: Australian Red Cross / Australian Red Cross is planning a ‘Community Day’ at the Walali Community Centre on Thursday 11th July and to prevent a time clash with the Phillip Street Expo, Australian Red Cross will hold their event in the afternoon from 1pm – 4pm. / Australian Red Cross to provide further details to Committee as plans progress and to add to calendar. / Shane Robinson and Janette Moulder
General Business
2 / NAIDOC Ball / Melissa Lawton advised the NAIDOC Committee that Fitzroy Basin Elders Committee Inc. will co-ordinate the NAIDOC Ball and NAIDOC Awards again this year. However, Melissa stated that she will require a lot of help and support from the community.
The date for the Ball has been set for Saturday 29th June 2013 and will be held at the Frenchville Sports Club, North Rockhampton. This was pre-booked and paid from last year. / Melissa Lawton and Danessa Willie-White will see assistance from other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and the community to be a part of a NAIDOC Ball Working Party.
Melissa also stated that Louise Willie-Muggeridge has the template for the NAIDOC Calendar and will be able to compile the Calendar for the Committee. / Melissa Lawton and Danessa Willie-White
Louise Willie-Muggeridge to compile NAIDOC Calendar.
Email Louise:
2a / Master of Ceremonies / Shane Robinson advised the NAIDOC Committee that Wayne Blair would be available for the Ball if it’s on the weekend, however, he’d be seeking assistance for flights. / Shane to confirm the date with Wayne and Wade and Sarah to arrange flights / Shane Robinson
Wade Mann and Sarah Perkins
3 / Corporate Breakfast / Medicare Local will be conducting the Corporate Breakfast on Wednesday 10th July from 7am. / Wade will contact Karen Mills at Medicare Local to confirm the venue and then forward details to Louise to add in the Calendar / Wade Mann
4 / Gawula Culture Day / Gawula Aboriginal Land Trust will hold their Culture Day at Gawula from 10am til early afternoon. / Wade to confirm this with Aunty Sally Vea Vea and advise Louise to add in the Calendar / Wade Mann
5 / NAIDOC Game @ Browne Park / Wade Mann and Shane Robinson discussed the possibility of holding a a rugby league game at Browne Park between the U/15 CQ Mob Versus U/15 Woorabinda side. Wade will discuss with the CQ rugby league committee if this could be a possible curtain raiser game prior to the CQ Capras versus Sunshine Coast game scheduled for the Saturday 6th July 2013. / Wade and Shane to talk to the CQ Rugby League committee and Woorabinda U/15 coach. / Wade Mann and Shane Robinson.
6 / Bidgerdii Health Checks / Bidgerdii will incorporate their activities at the Expo as well as at the Darumbal Touch Footy Tournament / Conducting health checks and promoting healthy lifestyle messages. / Bidgerdii Indigenous Health Service.
7 / NAIDOC event in Mt Morgan / Wade will talk to Leonie Wovat (Relationships Australia) at the Mt Morgan Hub to discuss a possible NAIDOC event at the Mt Morgan Dam. / Wade to meet with Leonie and discuss a possible event. / Wade Mann
8 / Culture & Dance Workshops / The Culture and Dance workshops will be discussed further at the Expo meeting on Monday 22/04/2013 at 12noon for a lunch time meeting. We need to discuss the schools and age groups we are targeting as well as funding. / Working party
Wade will make contact with Michelle Richards (St Brendan’s College), Dawn Bounghi (St Ursula’s College) and ReConnect in regard to Yeppoon State High. / Working party delegates
Wade Mann
9 / Risk Management / All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations who receive funding through the NAIDOC Committee for their event will need to complete a Risk Assessment form. Please contact either Daniel Yasso or Sarah Perkins. / Risk Assessments to be completed upon receipt of funding by all participating organisations. / Wade Mann, Daniel Yasso and Sarah Perkins.
10 / FaCHSIA NAIDOC Funding Application / Wade advised that the funding application was lodged on Friday 12th April. The same amount as last year was applied for and we’ll probably hear in the next couple of weeks of the outcome. / Wade and Daniel to advise the committee of the outcome. / NAIDOC Committee
Next Meeting: Wednesday 1st May 2013
Time: 10am -12noon
Venue: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service, 187-189 Phillips Street, North Rockhampton
Meeting closed 12noon