Jamaican Steering Committee Meeting

November 14, 2010

Present: Fr. Louis, Kathy DePorter, Pat Binko, Mary Dodd, Lisa Moore, Dave Hunter and Lisa Mummert

Opening Prayer: Fr. Louis

Summer Flea Market: Final Results - $400.00

Clothing and Supplies Shipment: 255 boxes shipped to Food for the Poor. At first there was a slight problem with the shipping because Food for the Poor was only shipping to Haiti. This was resolved and the boxes have been shipped to Jamaica.

Fall Silent Auction: The monies received form the auction are going to provide either a regular classroom or a concrete building (to be used for a computer lab). Barb has been in contact with Sr. Connie. She will forward a quote to Barb for the cost of the concrete building. After we receive this quote we can make a decision on which building would be more beneficial.

School Sponsorship: Only one payment was not received as of yesterday. This payment was the final payment of a three month installment. All other monies have been collected and sent to the Sisters.

Alumni Trip: I have forwarded a separate email concerning this trip. If you are still interested in going in April please contact Pat Byrnes.

Jamaica Webpage: Mary attended the second usage meeting. She has a better feel for how to navigate through the site. She now has access to what she needs to post our information. Mary has posted a calendar of our events and our Mission Statement. She will try to attend this year’s team November meeting to explain to them how to use and update the blog.Mary will need to oversee this blog to make sure what is posted is appropriate. Please use our short url ( to access our information on the Church website. We are still waiting for permission to use our videos from each trip on the website. Mary is getting the DVD’s of pictures to Tom to have posted. She has a copy of both 2008 and 2009. She needs a copy of all the other year’s to give to Tom.

Global Health Ministry. This ministry has a site in Kingston, Jamaica. They need doctors, dentists, nurses and technicians. They have the equipment but need the manpower. Fr. Louis will talk to Steve Olkowski to see what it would take to get a team together from our parish.

2011 Team: This year’s team will be speaking at church November 28th. The money collection will be either the first or second weekend in December.

Final Prayer: Fr. Louis


Next Meeting: January 9, 2011

Church pews are still being reserved for the Jamaican Alumni. This reservation is always the second Sunday of the month at the 10:30 AM mass.