Name: ______Date: ______

Mrs. Compton/Mr. Sugiura; Global Studies


Common Core Learning Standards: CCLS RI.1, CCLS CCR 7, CCLS W 5, CCLS CCR Speaking and Listening 1, 3, and 4

Layer C: Basic Understanding (700 points MAX)

  • You must earn 750 points to complete Layer C and move on to Layer B
  • **Assignments** with asterisks are REQUIRED ACTIVITIES; all students must complete
  • You can earn the remaining points you need in each category using any combination of assignments, including lecture notes, videos, textbook reading, graphic organizers, handouts, and internet activities
  • All assignments will be graded based on an oral quiz given by your teacher, and will be collected at the end of the unit
  • Depending on the assignment you will be graded on both the assignment and the oral quiz
  • Any work that is not completed in class can be completed at home for homework

Essential Questions: When I complete this layer, I will be able to answer the following questions…

  1. How did the colonial legacy contribute to a growing spirit of nationalism?
  2. Is nationalism a unifying or dividing force in the world
  3. Are revolutions inevitable or the result of bad government?
  4. Is non-violence an effective way to bring peace?
  5. How did Gandhi help India gain independence?
  6. What signs of nationalism developed in Africa?
  7. How did the long struggle to end apartheid lead to a new South Africa?

Learning Tasks: These are activities you will complete to show you have learned the objectives. You can accumulate 700 points for Layer C of this unit. You can earn 50 points for each mini-lesson, 250 points for vocabulary activity, and 50 points for each Objective Activity.

**MINI-LESSONS (50 points each) and VOCABULARY: notes are 250 points total

Introduction: Feelings of Nationalism After WWI and WWII (No Objective Activity)

Decolonization / Imperialism / Self-determination
  • Mini-Lesson 1: Nationalism in India

Gandhi / Home Rule / Indian National Congress
Muslim League / Amritsar Massacre / Noncooperation
Boycotts / Strike / Civil Disobedience
  • Mini-Lesson 2: Social Inequality in South Africa and India (Movie)

Apartheid / Segregation / Human Rights Violation
  • Mini-Lesson 3: Non-Violent Protests in India (Movie)

Salt March / Home Rule / Home Spun Movement
  • Mini Lesson 4: India Gains Independence (Movie)
  • Mini-Lesson 5:Indian Subcontinent AchievesFreedom

Partition / Muhammad Ali Jinnah / Jawaharlal Nehru
Benazir Bhutto / Indira Gandhi / Congress Party
  • Mini-Lesson 6:New Nations in Africa (Ghana and Kenya)

Kenya / Jomo Kenyatta / Ghana
Kwame Nkrumah / Pan-Africanism / African National Congress
  • Mini-Lesson 7: The MauMau
  • Mini-Lesson 8: The Challenge of Democracy in Africa

Nelson Mandela / Apartheid / F.W. de Klerk
Sharpeville Massacre / Afrikaans / sanctions
  • Mini-Lesson 9: Apartheid

Townships / Activist / State of Emergency

**VOCABULARY ASSIGNMENTS (250 points): Product and oral defense is 250 points total. For each Mini-Lesson, complete one of the following vocabulary assignments. This is to be done at home, or after you finish the assigned classwork for the day.

  1. Index Cards: Make index cards for each of the terms. On one side of the card, write the term. On the other side, write definition, examples, location, and any other relevant information.
  2. Glossary: on a piece of paper, write a definition, and a sentence for each term

Objective / Layer C: Choose activities that add up 50 points per day. Grade yourself in the space next the total points under each choice. / Teacher Grade
Day One:
Nationalism in India / 1. Write a response letter from Lord Irwin (see your worksheet), reflecting the British reaction to Indian attempts at gaining independence. Your letter should be at least one page long, and should use the vocabulary from the mini-lesson.
___/50 points.
2. Answer the questions based on Lord Irwin’s letter, using evidence from the text.
___/50 points
3. Create a timeline showing the history of imperialism in India and eventually led to the beginnings of Indian independence.
___/50 points.
Day Two: Social Inequality in South Africa and India / 1. Media played a very significant role in the success of Indian National Movement. Write two editorials about Gandhi. One should express opinions that might have appeared in a British newspaper of the 1930s. The other should express opinions that might have appeared in an Indian nationalist newspaper of the same period. Editorials should include information about the conditions that Gandhi opposed, the goals that he had and the methods that he used. Editorials should express different opinions.
___/25 points
2. Describe how the system of apartheid works from theperspective of two native South Africans: one African and oneEuropean. This should be at least one page in length, and should cite evidence from the film and readings.
___/25 points
3. Illustrate the process of apartheid in three cartoonframes. The frames must demonstrate the origin of apartheid and itseffect on South African society. Use evidence from the film and your readings to create your cartoon strip.
___/50 points
Day Three: Nonviolent Protests in India / 1. Options 1 and 2. Read the document and answer the questions, citing evidence from the text in your answers (See worksheet). 50 points each.
___/50 points each
Day Four: India Gains Independ-ence / 1. Famous Assassinations: Compare the assassination of Gandhi toother figures through global and explain if his death was moreimportant or symbolic than others.
___/50 points.
2. Draw a political cartoon about the Amritsar massacre. Your political cartoon should use images, symbols, but few words to convey a point of view.
___/25 points
3. Create an advertisement for membership in the Indian National Congress. Keep in mind the kinds of Indians that would be offered membership, as well as who would be excluded. Include reasons for Indians to join, as well as eye-catching pictures or drawings.
___/25 points
Day Five: Indian Sub-continent Achieves Freedom / 1. Write a letter from Gandhi to the leaders of these new nations. Consider, what would Gandhi make of the events that occurred since his assassination? Use all of the vocabulary words in the list at the top of the previous page.
___/50 points
2. Label the map of India after the partition of Pakistan. Label all the major landforms and new political borders. Next to each newly formed country, write a brief summary of the belief systems and major characteristics of that country.
___/25 points
3. Write a dialogue between an Indian nationalist and a Muslim separatist. Include in your conversation reasons for unity, and reasons for separation. This should be at least 10 lines long.
___/25 points
4. Watch the Gandhi Brainpop. For each activity you complete, you can earn 25 points.
___/25 points
Day Six: New Nations in Africa / 1. Create a chart demonstrating the history of either Ghana or Kenya showing pre-imperialism, imperialism, and post-imperialism.
___/50 points
2. Research either Ghana or Mali and write a short paper discussing the long-term effects decolonization has had on these nations. Have they recovered?
___/50 points
3. Create baseball cards for Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta. Include their major statistics, such as years their nations gained independence, success at gaining independence, and methods used to gain independence.
___/25 points
Day Seven: The Mau Mau / 1. Newspaper examination and APPARTS graphic organizer completion
___/50 points
Day Eight The Challenge of Democracy / 1. Create a three panel cartoon illustrating the early life, incarceration, and successes of Nelson Mandela,
___/50 points
2. Watch the Brainpop on Apartheid. Each activity is worth 25 points. Print or e-mail your results to Mrs. Compton.
___/50 points
3. Write a conversation that might occur between Nelson Mandela and Gandhi regarding the use of non-violence. Include in your conversation each man’s perspective on non-violent civil disobedience, and some experiences each had that led them to that perspective. Your conversation should be at least one page long, should cite specific information from the text and notes, and should include vocabulary from the unit list.
___/50 points
Mini-Lesson Nine: Apartheid / 1. Write a short paper based on research about the effects of economic sanctions in South Africa. What impact did these sanctions have on the South African government’s ability to sustain apartheid?
___/50 points
2.Why do activists campaigning against repressive regimes often go to great lengths to gain the attention of foreign media, especially media from the United States and Western Europe? How can a nonviolent movement, in its opposition to a government, use international attention? Answer in a paragraph.
___/50 points
3.Write a poem expressing some aspect of the South African condition of the 1980s and 1990s from an African point of view. You may wish to write about exploitation, resistance, or the growing spirit of self-confidence.
___/50 points

Layer B: Read George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”. Complete one of the following:

1. Complete a detailed SOAPSTone analysis focusing on what the author feels about imperialism in India

2. Create a storyboard including at least 10 panels.

3. Re-write the story from the perspective of an Indian.

Layer A: Research one of the following former colonies: Vietnam, Cambodia, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Algeria, or New Zealand. Create a storyboard, poster, or write a paper that shows their progress from colony to indepdent country. Include how the country is currently doing, and consider how this relates to their colonial history.