Living Hope Baptist Church (the “Church”) is a non-profit corporation organized under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, Article 1396-1.01 et seq. of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes (the “Act”) and shall have all of the powers, duties, authorizations and responsibilities as provided therein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Church shall neither have nor exercise any power, nor engage directly or indirectly in any activity that would invalidate its status as an organization exempt from federal income tax and described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The principal office of the Church in the State of Texas shall be located in Brazos County, Texas. The Church shall comply with the requirements of the Act and maintain a registered office and registered agent in Texas.
Statement of Faith
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, and as the only basis for our beliefs. This Church accepts “the Baptist Faith and Message,” an affirmation of basic Christian beliefs, as a general statement of our faith. The purpose of our Church is to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
The Great Commandment: “Jesus said, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart…soul…and mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments’.” Matt. 22:36-40 (NIV).
The Great Commission: “Jesus said, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’” Matt. 28:19-20 (NIV).
Our vision statement is a summary of these verses and serves as a statement of direction for the ministry of the Church.
Our Vision
We are a Christian fellowship that glorifies God through worshipping, teaching His Word, evangelizing and ministering to the community.
Our Mission
We are to Glorify God through His Son Jesus Christ and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow our Savior’s example to the world. This is done in order to function as a living body that:
· worships the only true God,
· teaches His Holy Word,
· helps evangelize the community and the world,
· ministers to its members and the community,
· exhibits Christ’s love through its caring Christian compassion for all people.
Church Structure Introduction
The purpose of the Church structure document is to provide an effective and orderly decision making structure that will help it accomplish the Church’s vision and mission.
This is a congregational Church. In that respect, each member is equally responsible for the welfare of the Church and has an equal voice in matters brought before the Church. Each member should be provided the maximum freedom and encouragement in developing their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The appropriate perspective of each church leader is as a servant for the benefit of accomplishing the vision of the Church.
As servants of the congregation, leaders should encourage and respond to input from the Church family. Church members should be provided access to all elements of the decision making structure described in this document to express their input, opinions, concerns and ideas. All significant decisions should involve input from the congregation and further should be reported to and approved by the congregation when appropriate.
This structure provides for a dynamic leadership being shared in cooperative partnerships between the Church membership and ordained staff of the Church. In this manner, the Church can take full advantage of all the leadership and spiritual gifts, which God has provided for the healthy functioning of the body.
The Church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control. Recognizing, however, the benefits of cooperation with other churches in world missions and otherwise, this Church voluntarily affiliates with and supports the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist General Convention of Texas, Creath-Brazos Association and other such entities as may be determined by the Church.
1. General
Membership in this Church shall consist of all persons who have met the qualifications for membership and are listed on the membership role.
2. Qualifications for Membership
A. A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
B. Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation.
C. Completion of the Church’s membership class.
D. A commitment to abide by the membership agreement.
3. Candidacy for Membership
All candidates shall be presented membership in any of the following ways:
A. By profession of faith and for biblical baptism by immersion.
B. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church of like faith and order.
C. By statement of faith if a candidate comes with a prior conversion experience and biblical baptism by immersion and having adopted the views of faith and practice held by the Church.
4. Designation of Membership
In an effort to properly reflect the membership of the Church, two rolls shall be maintained. These rolls shall be updated periodically.
A. Active/Resident Members: All members who reside within the Church’s ministry area or are currently active in the Church.
B. Nonresident Members: Members who have become inactive as a result of moving out of the Church’s ministry area and have not joined another church.
5. Responsibilities of Membership
The responsibilities of membership are described in the membership agreement.
6. Voting Rights of Membership
Every Active/Resident Member shall have the right to vote on the following matters: the annual budget of the Church, the election of the Trustees, the election of the Church Administrative Team, the disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Church, the merger or dissolution of the Church, the acquisition of real property and related indebtedness, amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Structure Document of the Church, and the calling or removing of a Pastor or any other ministerial staff person, and all votes brought to the Church during regular or special called business conferences. Voting by proxy is prohibited.
7. Termination of Membership
Members shall be removed from the Church roll for the following reasons:
A. Death.
B. Transfer of membership to another church.
C. By personal request of the member.
D. Dismissal by the Church according to the following conditions:
1) The member’s life and conduct is not in accordance with the membership covenant in such a way that the member continually hinders the mission of the Church in the community.
2) Procedures for the dismissal of a member shall be according to Matthew 18:15-17. It will be the role of the Pastors and Deacons to insure that this process is carried out in love for the purpose of restoration rather than punishment.
3) In the event that dismissal is necessary, a special Church meeting will be called. Four weeks prior to this meeting the Pastor will ask the Church to pray for this individual and family in hope that repentance and restoration would happen prior to the meeting. In the event that repentance does not come, the Deacons will recommend dismissal. The Church must affirm this decision by a two-thirds vote for this person’s membership to be terminated.
8. Restoration of Membership
Members removed from the roll by the Church shall be restored by the Church according to the spirit of 2 Corinthians 2:7-8, when the terminated member requests and when their lifestyle is determined to be in accordance with the membership agreement. The Deacons will bring such recommendation to the Church at a special called Church Conference. The Church must affirm this decision by a two-thirds vote for this person’s membership to be restored.
Membership Meetings
1. Place
Meetings of the members shall be held at a building on the Church property or at such other place or places as needed.
2. Annual Meeting
An annual meeting of the members shall be held the last Sunday evening in August of each year, or at such time as determined by the Church Administrative Team. The purpose of this meeting shall be to adopt an annual budget and to elect the Trustees and the Church Administrative Team. Subject to Section 4 of this Article, any other proper business may be conducted at this meeting.
3. Special Meetings
The Church Administrative Team, the Pastor or the Deacon Ministry Team may call special meetings at any time for any purpose by giving notice to the members in accordance with Section 4 of this Article.
4. Notice Requirements for Meetings
Whenever members are required or requested to take any action at a meeting, notice of a meeting, whether general or special, may be made by any one or more of the following means:
A. Oral announcement at a regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship service,
B. Announcement in the Church bulletin and/or Newsletter,
C. Distribution of written material to the congregation in attendance at a regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship service, or
D. By United States mail delivery to each active/resident member on the membership roll.
Notice shall be given to the members no less than two (2) weeks prior to a meeting.
* Exception: This two (2) week notification is waived in case of rare emergency or time-sensitive situation. Under the advisement of the appropriate Ministry Team (if applicable) or the Trustees, the Church Administrative Team (CAT) will be allowed to make the necessary decision to remedy the situation for the Church. At each of the next regular weekend worship services, the Church will be notified and informed of the decision that was made.
Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, the members present at a meeting duly noticed and called shall constitute a quorum of the membership for the transaction of Church business.
Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, all elections shall be had and all questions decided by a majority of the persons present at a meeting.
Notice of a meeting for the purpose of calling or removing the Pastor or any other ministerial staff person, shall be valid only if the notice specifies, with particularity, that a proposal to call or remove the individual will be on the meeting’s agenda.
Lifestyle Covenant
Once members have been observed to be faithful and ready for leadership positions in accordance with biblical qualifications such as those found in Acts 6:3, 1 Timothy 3:1-15 and Titus 1:5-11, they may serve in a leadership role. The Leadership of Living Hope Baptist Church shall be asked to live by the following lifestyle covenant as a condition of serving as a leader. The membership of the Church shall be encouraged to seriously consider living by this covenant.
“I covenant with God and those who join with me to be accountable in the following areas of my life:
I will take time for personal devotions on a regular basis to get alone with God for the purpose of developing my relationship with the Father, seeking spiritual guidance and maturity in my faith.
I will avoid allowing resentments and animosity to separate me from other members of the congregation.
I will serve with the gifts God has given me by sharing generously with the church and the community my time, talent and resources.
I will financially support the church on a regular basis, giving unselfishly and generously.
I will maintain a moral and ethically pure lifestyle.
I will give the vision of the church and the needs of the congregation a priority over my individual needs and opinions when they differ. I will persevere as those differences occur.
I invite those who have voluntarily entered into this covenant with me to confront me if any of these areas of my life appear to be compromised.”
Church Officers
1. Pastor
The Pastor shall be the spiritual leader of the Church. He shall administer the public services for the edification of the saints and the salvation for the sinner, and perform other ministerial tasks as necessary.
A. Pastoral Responsibility
The Pastor is responsible for leading the Church to function as a New Testament Church. He will lead the congregation, organizations and Church staff; he will serve as advisory member of Ministry Teams or delegate a staff member to do so for the purpose of advising and resource.
The Pastor is the leader of ministries in the Church to:
1) Lead the Church and the staff in implementing the vision of the Church.
2) Proclaim the Gospel to believers and nonbelievers.
3) Lead the Church to engage in fellowship, worship, witness, education, and ministry.
4) Care for and offer guidance to Church members.
5) Administer or cause to be administered the ordinances of the Church.
The Church and Deacons shall undergird the Pastor with their support, prayers and finances in such a manner as to allow him the greatest time for prayer, Bible study, and personal evangelism.
The Pastor shall be called by the Church and shall continue as Pastor until his service is terminated by his death or disability, resignation, or by vote of the Church, as specified in Article VII, Section 1 (C).
B. Pastoral Call
A Pastor shall be chosen and called by the Church whenever a vacancy occurs. His election shall take place at a meeting of the Church.
A Pastor Search Team, consisting of five members and two alternates (who will serve at the will of the majority of the members of the Pastor Search Team) shall be selected from a group of ten to twelve Church members willing to serve nominated by the Church Administrative Team. The Church vote shall be by secret ballot, and those receiving the most votes shall constitute the Pastor Search Team.
The Pastor Search Team shall select its own leader. It shall recommend to the congregation one man whom they feel can serve well as Pastor. If he is not elected by a two-thirds vote of the church, the Pastor Search Team shall recommend another.
C. Termination of Relationship
The Pastor may relinquish the office of Pastor of this church by submitting in writing a letter of resignation. This should be submitted in a regular Church service and should provide for at least two (2) weeks notice prior to his actually leaving. Upon leaving, the Pastor is due any vacation pay due him.