IR XML –News Releases
The NewsReleases XML feature provides the list of news releases and their associated categories if categorization is enabled. The NewsReleases XML file provides the header information for the news releases (mainly the press release title and date of issue), the body of each news release may be retrieved using the releasetxt XML file. The primary key between the two files is the NewsRelease ReleaseID attribute. Please see the documentation for the ReleaseTxt for more information.
News Releases may be set up for AutoPosting or done manually through your account manager. If AutoPosting is enabled, Thomson Reuters’s servers will “listen” to the news wires and when a news release from your company crosses the wire, Thomson Reuters can automatically add it to your list of news releases. The benefit of this feature is that it prevents items being posted on your website before they are released to the general public.
News Releases may also be categorized, and a news release may be part of multiple categories. Please contact your Thomson ReutersAccount Manager to set up your categories. Once the categories are set up, individuals from your firm can categorize press releases through the myCorpComm customer portal. News releases that are not categorized (or are auto posted and have not yet been categorized) will be found in the “NA” category if categorization is enabled.
Our XML Publisher will only publish News Releases that have a status of “Active”. Releases with a statuses other than “Active” are not included in the XML file.
News releases can automatically be flagged as “Archived”. This feature is useful if your firm would like all news releases more than 60 days old be placed into a new location. Please contact your Thomson Reuters Account Manager to set up the number of days for news releases to be considered “Archived”.
NewsReleases XML and Query Parameter
The XML containing the current news releases for your company can be found at:
by category)
(sorted by date)
Table 1 shows the XML elements, attributes and their descriptions for this feature. Figure 1 shows sample NewsReleases XML.
ReleaseTxt XML and Query Parameter
The XML containing the news release text is available at:
Table 2 shows the XML elements, attributes and their descriptions for this feature. Figure 2 shows sample ReleaseTxt XML.
Compid Query Parameter
The ‘compid’ query parameter represents the company ID, which will be assigned to your company by Thomson Reuters. You need to substitute your compid for the ‘######’ value in the URL query string. If you are unaware of your compid, please contact your Thomson Reuters Account Manager.
ReqID Query Parameter
If you wish to obtain the text of a news release, you can find the ReleaseID of the news release in the NewsReleases XML. You would then find the XML feed providing the text for that news release at the ReleaseTxt URL, where the compid, reqtype and reqid parameters are set to your company ID, ‘releasetxt’, and the ReleaseID respectively.
Assume that the NewsReleases XML contained the following:
NewsRelease ReleaseID="1362700" DLU="20091211 00:32:23" ArchiveStatus="Current"RNSSource=""
Titletesting new release</Title
Date Date="20091207" Time="19:31:00">12/7/2009 7:31:00 PM</Date
If your compid had the value of ‘132066’ and you wanted the text for the news release above with ReleaseID ‘1362730, then the URL to get the XML would be:
Structure of XML and Display Query Parameter
If you wish to obtain information about the structure of the newsrelease XML feed, you can access either the Data Type Definition (DTD) or the Schema by attaching the ‘display’ query string parameter to the URL above and setting it to ‘schema’ or ‘dtd’.
XML Useage and Cache Recommendation
We require our clients to cache our XML to reduce traffic between our servers speeding access times to enhance the user experience. Due to the nature of the Internet and HTTP, it is faster to serve up a dynamic XML driven web page when the XML is stored locally on your data servers instead of across the Internet on another server. Although we maintain nearly a 100% uptime, we also encourage our clients to put in place error checking and fail safes in case the XML feed is not available.
Recommended cache time: 10-15 minutes
Element / Attribute / Description / ValuesIRXML / Root element of XML with one occurrence.
CorpMasterID / Equivalent to your compID. / Numeric.
NewsReleases / Child of IRXML with one occurrence.
PubDate / Publication date of this XML. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
PubTime / Publication time of this XML. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
NewsCategory / Child of NewsReleases with 0 to many occurrences.
Category / This signifies the category of the news. / Text. (ie. Financial Releases, Financial Bulletins, . . . )
NewsRelease / Child of NewsCategory with 1 to many occurrences.
ReleaseID / Thomson Reuters internal unique identifier of the release. / Numeric.
DLU / Date the release was last updated. / Text. (YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS)
ArchiveStatus / The status of the archive of the release. / Text.
Title / Child of NewsRelease with 1 occurrence. / Text.
ExternalURL / Child of NewsRelease with 0 or 1 occurrence. / Text. (use when present, target _blank)
Date / Child of NewsRelease with 1 occurrence. The date of the release. / Text.
Date / Formatted date of the release. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
Time / Formatted time of the release. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
DisplayDateStart / Child of NewsRelease with 0 or 1 occurrence. . / Text.
Date / Formatted date that the display of the release begins. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
Time / Formatted time of the release. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
DisplayDateEnd / Child of NewsRelease with 0 or 1 occurrence. / Text.
Date / Formatted date that the display of the release ends. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
Time / Formatted time of the release. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
Categories / Child of NewsRelease with one occurrence. The category the individual release may be filed under. To maintain backward compatibility, the category element is a container for a collection of news releases, and is also repeated as an element of each individual news release. / Text.
Category / Child of Categories with one occurrence. / Text.
ContentNetworkingLinks / Text.
Table 1: Sample News Release XML Elements
Element / Attribute / Description / ValuesIRXML / Root element of the XML.
CorpMasterID / Equivalent to your compID. / Numeric.
NewsReleaseText / Child element of IRXML.
ReleaseID / Unique identifier of the release, internal to Thomson Reuters. / Numeric.
PubDate / Publication date of XML. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
PubTime / Publication time of XML. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
DLU / Date the news release information was last updated. / Text. (YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS)
Title / Title of the news release. / Text.
Date / Date of the news release. / Text.
Date / Formatted date value. / Numeric. (YYYYMMDD)
Time / Formatted time value. / Text. (HH:MM:SS)
ReleaseText / Contains the news release text. / CDATA (Can contain HTML formatting)
Table 2: ReleaseTxt XML Elements
Locations / Disclaimer[Currently None Required]
Table 3: Disclaimers
Figure 1: Sample NewsReleases XML
-IRXML CorpMasterID="9999999">
-NewsReleaseText PubDate="20020926" PubTime="12:44:43" ReleaseID="32599" DLU="20020814 15:43:00">
TitleStar Energy CEO and CFO Certify Financial Reports for SEC</Title
Date Date="20020814" Time="15:32:00">8/14/2002 3:32:00 PM</Date
Springfield, N.C., Aug 14, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Richard B. Jakes, Star Energy chairman, chief executive officer and president, and Robert L. Fields, executive vice president and chief financial officer, today complied with the Securities and Exchange Commission's June 27, 2002 order requiring submission of sworn statements relating to the accuracy and completeness of Star
Energy's 2001 Form 10-K and subsequently filed reports.
Star Energy is a diversified multinational energy company with an
integrated network of energy assets and expertise. The company manages a dynamic portfolio of natural gas and electric supply, delivery and trading businesses -- meeting the energy needs of customers throughout North America and in key markets around the world. Star Energy, headquartered in Springfield, N.C., is a
Fortune 100 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
More information about the company is available on the Internet at:
<PRE> CONTACT: Jerry Franc
Phone: 999/999-9999
24-Hour: 999/999-9999
Figure 2: Sample ReleaseTxt XML
NASDAQ OMX– News Releases Developer Manual