Contract Acquisition / Purchasing Management

Revised: March2015

  1. BUMEDINST 4200.5–Services Contract Management and Oversight
  2. BUMEDINST 4200.2 – Health Care Services Contracting
  4. NAVSUPINST 5300.36 - DON Acquisition Workforce Program
  5. FAR – Federal Acquisition Regulation
  6. DFARS - Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  7. Navy Medicine Materiel Acquisition Guidance, 04 Jun 2014
  8. DoDI 5000.66 - AT&L Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program
  9. SECNAVINST 4380.8C – Implementation of the DON Small Business Programs
/ Command POC:

DISCLAIMER: This list of references is not all inclusive and the most recent updates may not be reflected. Commands are responsible for all instructions and guidance related to a particular program or inspectable area.

Reference / Standard / Yes / No / Echelon Applicability / Comments/Notes
2 / 3 / 4 / 5
BUMED SOPs / Does the Activity perform adequate acquisition planning?
Are services contracts planned and approved in accordance with the applicable BUMED SOP?
Have all services requirements been approved by the Activity’s PMC and local SRRB before being approved at the Regional or Enterprise SRRB?
Have all requirements hitting tripwires been approved at the SES/Flag level?\ / √ / √ / √
BUMED UAC Policy / Does the Activity have a history of unauthorized commitments (UACs)? Is the Activity a UAC repeat offender? If so, does the Activity have an effective Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and are they following it? / √ / √ / √
DPAP Directed and
FAR 4.606 Reporting Data / Does the Activity use the Standard Procurement System (SPS) to execute purchase and delivery orders? Does the Activity submit Contract Action Reports (CARs), either in SPS or stand-alone through the Federal Procurement Data System web based system? / √ / √ / √
DFARS 232.7002 and 232.7003 Electronic Submission Reports Policy and Procedures / Does the activity use Wide Area Work Flow Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer (iRAPT) as a method of payment? / √ / √ / √
NAVSUPINST 5300.36 - DON Acquisition Workforce Program / Are Acquisition Workforce members certified to the appropriate level as defined in their PDs? / √ / √ / √ / Note: Contact NMLC for data before IG visit.
NAVSUPINST 5300.36 - DON Acquisition Workforce Program / Have Acquisition Workforce members met the requirements for 80 hours of continuous learning in the last two (2) years? / √ / √ / √ / Note: Contact NMLC for data before IG visit.
Navy Medicine Materiel Acquisition Guidance,
04 Jun 2014 / Does the Activity have a process to ensure that DLA eCommerce vehicles like Prime Vendor and ECAT are used to the maximum extent possible in lieu of Government Purchase Card transactions and local purchase? / √ / √ / √
DoDI 5000.66
Operation of the Defense AT&L, Workforce
Education, Training, & Career Development Program
SECNAVINST 4380.8C Implementation of the Dept of the Navy Small Business Programs / Does the Activity have in place a process to maintain the independence of the contracting officer?
Percentage of Priority 3 requirements?
Percentage of competitive requirements?
Percentage of small business requirements?
Small business specialist recommendations followed? / √ / √ / √ / Note: Contact NMLC for data before IG visit.