Draw a Butterfly

1.  Open Paint. (Click on Start, Programs, Accessories, Paint)

2.  Open Word. Add a header to type your name and then Minimize.

3.  Draw the left side of a butterfly. If you are having trouble you can open Word and add a clip art picture of a butterfly to look at.

4.  Decorate your butterfly. Be creative!

5.  Select your drawing. (Edit, Select All). The click on the clear background button …

6.  Then click on Copy and Paste it into Word.

7.  Format the left side as “In front of text”. Then copy it and paste it—this will be the right side of the butterfly.

8.  Under the Draw button (Drawing toolbar) Choose “Rotate/Flip”. Then click on “Flip Horizontally”.

9.  Move the right side into place. You will need to click on the “Set Transparent Button” on the Picture toolbar to get rid of the white.

10.  Draw the rest of the body and the antennas.

11.  Insert Word Art for your name.

12.  You can add other graphics if you have time.