Drake University

Course Syllabus

Special Education 275

Career, Vocational, and Transition Planning

Dean F. Flyr, Instructor



Course Description:

Overview: This course will provide participants with a knowledge base to develop career education programs for children and adults with disabilities. Participants will be able to identify key concepts, objectives, and resources for use in taking a leadership and instructional role in supporting elementary and secondary career education programs.

Drake University Mission Statement: Drake’s mission is to provide an exceptional learning environment that prepares students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship. The Drake experience is distinguished by collaborative learning among students, faculty, and staff and by the integration of the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation.

School of Education Mission Statement: The School of Education at Drake University is a diverse community of collaborative learners dedicated to the preparation, licensure, advancement, and continuing education of teachers, counselors, school administrators, human resource development professionals, and other educational leaders of learning communities.


Assurances: Drake University abides by interpretations of the American with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that stipulates no student shall be denied the benefits of an education “solely by reason of a handicap.” Disabilities covered by aw include, but are not limited to, earning disabilities, hearing, sight or mobility impairments, and other health related impairments. If you have a disabling condition that will require an accommodation in assessments or class structure, please inform the instructor as soon as possible. The Disability Resource Center Staff can be reached at 271-3074

The following policies are meant to assist you in knowing the requirements of the class.

A.  Class Materials: Bring materials reflected in syllabus. Each student should read the syllabus carefully and being materials/equipment with him/her for use when needed.

B.  Class Attendance: Presence is a requirement of participation. Participation is required. Please inform the instructor of extenuating circumstances.

III. Learning Objectives/Benchmarks: As a result of participating in course activities students will:

1.  Understand that the career development process is a sequence of self-knowledge

2.  Understand that legislation and administrative code support career development as a major goal in education

3.  Understand the critical foundation of implementing career/ vocational activities in grades K-8

4.  Understand the “Student Core Curriculum Plan”

IV. Assessment of Objectives

1.  Reflection paper on what you have learned (20 Points). Covers objectives 1-4.

2.  Reflection on a career site. (20 Points). Covers objective one.

3.  Six Week Unit Plan over 21st Employability Skills (20 points). Covers objectives 3 and 4.

4.  Comparison of IEP’s with Iowa IEP (20 points). Covers objective 2.

5.  Attendance (20 points).

Total Points Possible: 100

Assignments and must be met at a “C” level or above.

V. Grading

A= 90% and above

B= 80%

C= 70%

D= 60%

Note: This class is required for the work experience endorsement. All endorsement classes must be passed with a C level or above in the Teacher Education Program, or they must be retaken.

Academic Honesty: The School of Education (SOE) expects intellectual integrity on the part of the undergraduate and graduate students who participate in professional preparation and enhancement programs offered by the SOE. The penalty for plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty will vary from incident to incident (0 points for the assignment, probation, suspension, and/or dismissal from the course/university) depending upon the scope and magnitude of the offense and the circumstances in which it occurred. As future practitioners, students of the Drake University SOE must maintain high ethical standards and academic honesty. All incidents of plagiarism are reported to the Provost’s Office through a central reporting system.

References: Knowledge Base: Print

Clark,G.M , Neubert,D.A & Sitlington, P.A (2010). Transition Education and Services for students with disabilities (5th Edition)

Baer,R.M., Flexor,R.W., Luft, P., & Simmons, T.J (2013) Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities (4th Edition).

References: Knowledge Base: Websites

I have a Plan Iowa (Career Planning Website) : https://secure.ihaveaplaniowa.gov/default.aspx

I have a Plan Iowa (Resource Page): https://secure.ihaveaplaniowa.gov/Home/Educator.aspx

Kuder Career Planning: https://www.kuder.com/

Broeg Google Docs Transition Assessment IEP across the United States: https://sites.google.com/site/broegtransitionassessments/examples-of-special-education-forms-across-the-united-states

Iowa Core: https://www.educateiowa.gov/iowacore

National Core Standards: http://www.corestandards.org/

Virginia Career Site: http://www.vaview.vt.edu/

Projected Schedule for Career, Vocational, and Transition Planning

Session 1 / TOPIC
Introduction to Syllabus/Course Objectives and Expectations / ACTIVITY
Strengths, Interest, Preferences Survey.
Session 2 / Legislative Foundations / PowerPoint
Session 3 / Introduction of AEA representatives / Guest Speaker
Session 4 / I have a Plan Iowa, Career Voyages, Naviance, and Kuder / PowerPoint
Session 4 / Quad City Career Connections / Guest Speaker
Session 5 / Integrating Transition activities into schools / PowerPoint
Session 6 / 21st Century Employability Skills / PowerPoint
Group Work
Session 7 / Career Development Starts Early / PowerPoint
Session 8 / Review of links
Session 9 / Career, Vocational Training / PowerPoint
Session 10 / Parents in the IEP process
Session 11 / Wrap up of day’s activities
Session 12 / Reflection on I have a Plan or other career sites. / Student Assignment
Session 13 / Develop Unit Plan that goes with 21st Century Employability Skills / Student
Session 14 / Comparison of Iowa IEP to Another State IEP / Student assignment
Session 15 / Reflection paper over what you learned in class and how you can use it in your classroom. / Student assignment
Session 16 / Sharing of Information