Chapter 1 system installation
1.1 System Requirements 4
1.2 Installation 5
1.3 Log on the software and authentic software registration. 8
1.4 Upgrade and reinstallation 9
Chapter 2 basic illustrations
2.1 Glossary 11
2.2 Business operation illustration 12
2.3 Short cuts 15
2.4 Basic operation for modifying bills 16
2.5 Auditing report inquire 18
2.6 Printing format for bills auditing reports 18
Chapter 3 Initiate the account series
3.1 Preparation before initiation 21
3.2 Procedure for initiation 21
3.3 Register initial balance 40
3.4 Activate account series 43
Chapter 4 Retail
4.1 Retail parameter configuration 42
4.2 Credits accumulation regulations 43
4.3 Set discounts according to consumed sum of money 43
4.4 Member card categorization 44
4.5 Member card information 44
4.6 Credits management 45
4.7 Promotional plan 46
4.8 Buy one gets one more 46
4.9 Retail daily accounting 46
4.10 Retail bills preview 47
4.11 Pricing order of Pos 47
4.12 POS retail 47
Chapter 5 purchase
5.1 Purchase order 49
5.2 Purchase bill 50
5.3 Purchase goods-returned bill 51
5.4 Supplement goods application form 52
5.5 Purchase price-adjustment bill 53
5.6 Payment bill 54
Chapter 6 Sells
6.1 Sells order 56
6.2 Sells bills 57
6.3 Sells goods-returned bills 59
6.4 Sells price-adjustment bills 60
6.5 receipt 60
Chapter 7 storage
7.1 delivery preparation bills 62
7.2 local warehouse switching bills 62
7.3 distribution from other places_take in 63
7.4 distribution from other places_check out 63
7.5 Check-in bills 64
7.6 Check-out bills 65
7.7 Profit and lose check bills 66
7.8 Assembly bills 67
7.9 Disassembly bills 67
7.10 Check bills 67
Chapter 8 Indirect sells
8.1 On trust indirect sells check in bills 70
8.2 stayed on trust settlement bills 70
8.3 on trust indirect sells price adjustment 71
8.4 On trust indirect sells check out bills 71
8.5 On trust stayed settlement bills 72
8.6 On trust sells price adjustment 72
8.7 Indirect sells auditing report inquiry 72
Chapter 9 Accounting
9.1 Receiving slip 73
9.2 expenses slips 73
9.3 Cash bank slip 74
9.4 transference slip 75
9.5 simple accounting bills 75
chapter 10 internal deals
10.1 internal purchase bills 79
10.2 internal sells bills 80
10.3 internal payment slip 81
10.4 internal receiving slips 81
Chapter 11 end-period operations
11.1 re-register 83
11.2 carry forward to the following month 83
11.3 anti carry forward 83
chapter 12 others
12.1 change operator and password 84
12.2 recover minimumized window 84
12.3 business operation information notice 85
12.4 use information notice window 85
12.5 group email 85
chapter 13 sever operation
13.1 create account series 87
13.2 modify account series 87
13.3 delete account series 88
13.4 Back up data 88
13.5 recover data 89
13.6 data base server parameters 89
13.7 workstation access purview 89
13.8 Startnet server parameter configuration 90
13.9 change administrator’s password 90
13.10 lock server 90
13.11 clear data 90
13.12 sample account series 90
Chapter 1 system installation
1.1 System Requirements
1.1.1 Hardware
Please set 800 * 600 or 1024 * 768 as the display mood. And use A4 as default paper for printings all the charts and documents.
1、 server
Basic system requirements:
No less than Celeron III CPU;
No less than 256M memory
No less than 1G disk free space.
(1) 512m original brand memory or more, original network card, independent partition in the free disk space (not in the same partition where Windows and other applications are in.)
(2) he maximum pressure that Startnet Network Server can support is dependent on the simultaneous access amounts of the client computers, instead of the numbers of the client computers. The Administrator can adjust the settings, especially the memory, of the server accordingly.
2、 client computers
(1) Minimum system requirements: Celeron 566 MHz CPU or its upgrades; and 128M memory or more.
(2) Recommended system environments: Celeron 1.1 GHz CPU or its upgrades, 128M original brand memory and original brand network card.
1.1.2 Applications Environments
Windows Service Packs are strongly recommended for each computer with windows operation system.
1、 Server
(1) Recommended environments: windows 2000 server edition, MS SQL server 2000 professional edition, .NET Framework 1.1, and .NET Framework SP1.
(2) Compatible environments: Windows 98/Me/2000/2003 desktop edition, MS SQL Server 2000/2003 Home or professional edition, .NET Framework 1.1.
2、 Client Computer
(3) Recommended environments: Windows 2000 desktop edition, MS Office 2000 (if you want to export charts to Excel from Startnet software), NET Framework 1.1、and .NET Framework SP1.
(4) Compatible environments: Windows 98/Me/2000/2003/XP desktop edition and .NET Framework 1.1.
(1)Recommended environments: Windows 2000 desktop edition, .NET Framework 1.1、and .NET Framework SP1.
(2)Compatible environments: Windows 98/Me/2000/2003/XP desktop edition, .NET Framework 1.1.
1.1.3 Net work environments
All the computers under the same user name should try to use the same net work provider. Please test the network speed at different times (both free and busy hours), if these computers cannot use the same net work provider.
1、 Server
If the users connect to the internet via any of the bellow-mentioned ways, we strongly recommended users to use router with limited ports open. Startnet software’s default port is 8088.
(1) We recommended ADSL dial connection.
(2) We recommended ADSL with special telephone line or fiber connections.
(3) If the users prefer other broad band connections, they must provide a valid fixed or automatically given IP address.
2、 Client Computer and POS
Connections ways do not matter, but firework are suggested.
1.2 Installation
1.2.1 Server Installation Install MS SQL Server
Run the installation file, choose <install SQL SERVER 2000 components > and then choose <install database server> after the <install components> pops up. Install .NET Framework 1.1
NET Framework 1.1 is the supplementary software that goes with Startnet Distribution .NET software, which can be installed from Microsoft web site through automatic pop-up notice or from running the dotnetfx.exe file in .NET Framework 1.1.
(1) This software is not needed for Windows 2003.
(2) Microsoft download link: Install Startnet distribution .NET server
We recommend users to install Startnet distribution .NET server in separate partition in your computer, other than the system partition and partitions with other applications in, so as to gain maximum consistent space for the dada base, avoid fragments and better its performance.
(Crucial notes: the directory “installation directory¥data¥”is for saving the data base files and cannot be deleted.)
(1) Run the configuration file, click NEXT until the following window pops up and then the users can change the installation directory.
(2) Click <NEXT> until the system notices you by popping up <installation complete> and then click <finish> to complete the installation.
1.2.2 Server Installation Install .NET Framework 1.1
Refer to the installation of .NET FrameWork 1.1 Install Startnet Distribution .NET in client computers
(1) Run the configuration file. The following window will appear. The users can change the directory for installation.
(2)Click <NEXT> and the system will start installing the files. Wait until the system notice you by popping up <installation complete> and then click <finish> to complete the installation.
(3)Run the configuration file again. The system will inform you to choose the communication ways, as follows:
Fixed IP/domain names/VPN/intranet: users can connect to the server using a fixed or almost fixed address. If the server and the client computers are in the intranet, the users should choose this one.
Automatically given IP: Each time the users connect to the server, they should search for the IP address of the server in order to connect.
(4)Click <summit> after you put in the information. The system will start to sign up and pop up the notice of <registration done. Please exit the soft and then sign in again> as follows:
(5)Click <OK> to finish registration.
POS installation Install .NET Framework 1.1
Refer to the installation of .NET FrameWork 1.1 Install Startnet POS .NET
(1)Run the configuration file, when the following window pops up, the users can change the installation directory.
(2)Click <NEXT> and the system will start installing the files. Wait until the system notice you by popping up <installation complete> and then click <finish> to complete the installation.
(3)Run the configuration file again. The system will inform you to choose the communication ways, as follows:
(4)Input the assigned number for the computer (assigned by the Company, consisted with numbers only and cannot be repeated.) and also the Account Series (Account Series is the series number of the account which this computer is going to operate with.)
(5)Click <summit> after you put in the information. The system will start to sign up and pop up the notice of <registration done. Please exit the soft and then sign in again> as follows:
(6)Click <ENTER> to complete registration.
1.3 Log on the software and authentic software registration.
(1) Connect to the internet.
(2) Users should “start up the Startnet Distribution .NET server, and then start the Startnet Distribution .ENT client computer or Startnet POS .NET” to sign in the system separately.
(3) Double click the icon of “Startnet Distribution .NET client Computer” or “Startnet POS. NET” to log on the software directly.
(4) The software will automatically search for the registration information and pop up the “registration window” for unregistered users.
Automatically given IP way:
Fixed IP/domain names/VIP/intranet:
Server address: the IP address of the computer which has installed Startnet Distribution .NET server.
Communication port: default port 8088
(5) Authentic software users should click <summit> after filling in all the registration information including the user numbers.
Our company will finish the registration in 15 minutes for authentic software users.
1.4 Upgrade and reinstallation
Back up your data before any upgrade or reinstallation.
For Startnet POS.NET, all the retail bills should be uploaded to the server before reinstallation, or all the data will be lost.
1.4.1 upgrade
Startnet Company provides automatically upgrade service. Startnet Distribution .NET server, client computer and POS have automatically upgrade function. The users do not have to bother with when and how to upgrade.
1.4.2 Reinstallation
Startnet Distribution .NET has strong synchronizing version control function because it’s designed for users who have to handle long distance office work. Normal repair reinstallation
(1) Start configuration file.
(2) Choose “repair” to install.
Installation in this way will only cover the running files. And it will not cover the data files of the user. Complete Installation.
(1) Start configuration file.
(2) Select “delete”. This will delete all the files in the installation directory, except for the “installation directory¥Data¥”
(Crucial notes: the directory “installation directory¥data¥”is for saving the data base files and cannot be deleted.)
(3) Start configuration file to install.
Chapter 2 basic illustrations
2.1 Glossary
1、 Organization and departments
“Organization” in this system means bodies that participate in the business operation and need to process data statistic, for example, the Sells department, the purchase department, Branch Company, retail stores and etc, which can be divided into independent auditing organization and dependent auditing organization. “Department” means bodies that is subjective to one organization, which do not participate in business operation, for example The Accounting department, the Administrative department.
In the system, independent auditing organization and dependent organizations can use all the slips, while departments can only use register slips and disbursement slips.
2、 Operational flow
Operational flow in this system consists of long flow and short flow.
(1) Long flow:
During operation, goods circulate through the warehouse. They are sold and stored in different places. To sell them, usually the warehouse administrator will register in the storage book and the accounting book and generate a “check-out”bill based on the sells orders. To purchase, usually the warehouse generates a “check-in”bill, and the purchase department will generate a purchase invoice based on the “check-in”bill.
Auditing regulations
Bills generated by the sells department or the purchase department can be filled only with pay-in or pay-out figures. These bills cannot be registered in either the storage book or the accounting book. For the warehouse administrator, they can only generate bills that will be registered in the storage book and the accounting book. They do not need to generate bills with pay-in or pay-out.
(2) short flow
During operation, goods do not circulate through the warehouse. They will be sold and stored in the same place, for example, shops or chain stores. It’s a common practice that the customers can get the goods as long as the bills are generated when the goods are sold.
Bills generated by the sells department or the purchase department should be filled with the pay-in and pay-out and also these bills should be registered in both the storage book and the accounting book.
3、 General purchasing
It indicates purchasing from suppliers and getting the goods ready in the local warehouse (usually it means the warehouse in the headquarter.)
Special features: goods arrive in the warehouse in the headquarter. And a account payable of the headquarter will be generated to the suppliers.
4、 Direct purchasing
Direct purchasing means goods will arrive from the suppliers to the clients of the branch department or to the branch warehouses that do not have the authority to purchase.
。Special features: the goods are not distributed by the headquarter’s warehouse so it does not effect the storage of the headquarter’s warehouse, while the headquarter generates account payable to the suppliers; branch warehouse’s storage book will be added and the branch warehouse will also receive pay-in money, but because they do not have the purchasing authority, they cannot generate account payable to the suppliers.