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Sally Benge
23 July 2014
Dear Sir / Madam,
Public Consultation: Ramsgate Road, Sandwich – Improvement Scheme
Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation has secured funding fromthe Central GovernmentLocal Sustainable Transport Fund to improve pedestrian and cycle facilities between Discovery Park and Sandwich Town Centre/Railway Station. Ramsgate Road between Monks Way and Willowbank had been identified previously as being a poor approach to Sandwich and it does not lend itself to encourage walking or cycling in its current condition.
Why do we want to carry out this work?
To encourage people to travel sustainably between Discovery Park and Sandwichby creating a wide shared use pathway with enhanced surfacing materials and planting. Discovery Park master plan proposes a mixed use development which will attract interaction between the town and the Discovery Park site and KCC want to encourage walking and cycling as much as possible between these two areas. In addition works need to be carried out to address speeding traffic along this section of carriageway and formalise the parking that consistently occurs damagingthe verge.
What does the proposed scheme involve?
The scheme (as shown on drawing number A2/KCC/LSTF/RRS/002) involves:-
The proposal is to provide a shared footway/cycleway along the east side of Ramsgate Road. The path will be 3m wide where running through the grassed verge (nearly 10 feet), increasing in width to 4m (over 13 feet) where abutting the carriageway outside of the Salvage Yard. Recent research bythe Department for Transport and Sustrans recognise that conflict between pedestrians and cyclists on shared routes is not a common occurrence. The highest level of interaction observed was marginal conflict, i.e. unplanned interaction where cyclists or pedestrians slowed down or changed direction, but where movement was calm and controlled.
It has long been recognised by KCC that this path is the missing link for cyclists who have used the shared facilities from Cliffsend to Sandwich, which currently terminate at the former Pfizer entrance on Monks Way. It is noted that families using the shared footway/cycleway facilities often continue their journey into Sandwich using the existing footway between Monks Way and Willowbank, since the Ramsgate Road is not a safe environment for young, elderly or vulnerable people on bicycles. The width of the existing footway is insufficient to accommodate shared use and the proposed alterations will accommodate what is already common practise but will enable a safe environment for all users.
To address speeding vehicles it is proposed to provide a “Gateway” feature north of the Salvage Yard which will comprise of the Sandwich Crest mounted on timber posts and the “Welcome to Sandwich” nameplate supporting the start of a 30mph speed limit. The carriageway will narrow at this pinch point from 6m to 5m and two further pinch points are proposed as indicated on the attached drawing. The middle pinch point will also aid better access to the bus stop on the east side of the carriageway. Access is maintained for larger vehicles to the Sandwich Industrial Estate.
The recent Flood Defence works to the Quayside resulted in a loss of 17 car parking spaces. It is recognised that Ramsgate Road has been used by drivers as a place to park for some time but this has resulted in the grass verge being driven over and parked upon, leaving it deeply rutted and unsightly. The proposed works will provide a lay-by to formalise the parking taking place and Dover District Council has confirmed that this parking can be controlled by a Traffic Regulation Order to prevent all day parking. These works would also enable drivers from the Stonar Estate a safer exit onto the Ramsgate road with formalised parking no longer obscuring visibility and reduced speeds allowing for easier integration into the Ramsgate Road traffic streams.
Thefunding is ring-fenced to support this particular scheme and there is a requirement thatthe scheme is delivered by 31st March 2015.
What is the purpose of this consultation?
This scheme has already had approval from the Dover Joint Transport Board Committee subject to no objections being received from this public consultation. This information is being provided to raise awareness of the proposal. KCC would like to hear from you should you wish to support the proposals or if you have any related concerns or points that are appropriate to be considered as part of the scheme progression. If you have any comments please email quoting Ramsgate Road in the email title or call 03000 418181 by Friday 15thAugust to register your views. The attached plan can also be viewed online by using the following web address:
What will happen next?
Subject to the results of this consultation exercise, the scheme will be progressed to its detailed design stage, taking into consideration the feedback received.
Yours faithfully,
Sally Benge
Strategic Transport & Development Planner
KCC Highways and Transportation