Spring 2002/ Section 6 MIS 115 Miller
Management Information Science Department
College of Business Administration
MIS 115 Business Telecommunications
Section 6 / Brighton Hall Room 104 / Mondays (6:00 – 8:50pm)
Instructor: Dennis Miller
Office: Tahoe Hall, Room 2011 Office Phone: 278-7198
Office Hours: Monday 5:30 – 6:00 pm and 9:00-9:30 pm or by appointment
Web Site: www.csus.edu/indiv/m/millerd
Alternate e-mail
REQUIRED TEXTS: 1) Business Data Communications and Networking.
Jerry Fitzgerald and Allen Dennis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Seventh
Edition, 2002
2) MIS 115 Lab Manual (To be posted on website at a later time)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course introduces students to the world of data communications. The course covers five broad areas: datacom basics, LANs, the Internet, WANs and network security and design. Windows NT will also be used in a laboratory setting in order to give students the opportunity to gain experience in the operation and management of local area network.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to conform to the University’s policy on academic honesty as stated in the Schedule of Classes. Cheating on exams, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in a failing course grade.
ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend class regularly. There will be a sign-up sheet for each session. It is the student’s responsibility to sign the list. The attendance record can be a factor in deciding a student’s course grade good or bad.
CLASS CONDUCT: Students are expected to act courteously and responsibility. Eating in class, excessive talking, rude or argumentative attitudes or otherwise disruptive behaviors can result in a deduction of five (5) semester points from your earned total semester points per incident.
GROUP PROJECTS: See Lab manual for details. The first step will be to form four member groups. Please contact me by e-mail with the group members and group leader’s name once you have done this.
GRADING POLICY: Course grades will be based on the following major components:
Quizzes: 5 (25 points possible, lowest score eliminated) / 100Exams: 1 Midterm and 1 Final (100 points each) / 200
Windows NT Group Project (Lab Manual assignment) / 100
Network Proposal (RFP) / 100
Grades will be assigned as follows:
Grade / Percent / Total PointsA / 91-100 / 455-500
A- / 90-91 / 450-454
B+ / 89-90 / 455-449
B / 81-89 / 405-444
B- / 80-81 / 400-404
C+ / 79-80 / 395-399
C / 71-79 / 355-394
C- / 70-71 / 350-354
D+ / 69-70 / 345-349
D / 60-69 / 300-349
F / <60 / 0-299
QUIZZES: 5 unannounced quizzes will be administered during the course. No make-up quizzes will be allowed. If you miss a quiz, then the scores of the remaining 4 (or whatever are taken) will be counted toward the total base score of 100 points. Quizzes will be closed book and closed notes. They will consist of 5 questions, a mix of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank. Completing textbook reading assignments and attending class regularly will enable each student to achieve acceptable scores on quizzes.
LAB PROJECT: Lab project grading will consist of a hands-on, group evaluation session involving the entire group and instructor in the lab room (Tahoe Building, room 2057). Each student needs to be familiar with the entire lab assignment and ready to provide hands-on demonstration of such knowledge and skill. Grades will be based on thoroughness of responses to requests, and ability to navigate successfully through the request. Each student’s contribution to the groups examination session insures overall success. All members of the group receive the same grade.
RFP: Request for Proposal involves a “research-like” proposal. Study groups will be asked to assume the role of a network vendor who is responding to a company’s request for network build-out project. Success in this assignment involves demonstrating knowledge of networking, network element design and compatibility, and integrating knowledge of the network in manner to meet customer networking needs. An assignment description will be provided at a later time during the semester for completion of this project.
MIS 115 SPRING 2002 LECTURE SCHEDULE1. Jan. 28 / Introductions, course expectations, grading policy
Chapter 1. Introduction to Data Communications
2. Feb. 4 / Chapter 1 (Continued)
Chapter 2 Application Layer
Form Study Groups by Feb. 6th
3. Feb. 11 / Chapter 2 (Continued)
Chapter 3. Physical Layer
4. Feb. 18 / Chapter 3 (Continued)
Chapter 4. Data Link Layer
5. Feb. 25 / Chapter 4 (Continued)
Chapter 5. Network and Transport Layers
6. Mar. 4 / Chapter 5 (Continued)
Chapter 6. Local Area Networks
7. Mar. 11 / MID-TERM EXAM
8. Mar. 18 / Chapter 7. Backbone Networks
10. Apr. 1 / Observed Holiday (NO CLASS)
11. Apr. 8 / Chapter 8. Metropolitan and Wide Area Networks
Draft RFP Due
12. Apr. 15 / Chapter 9. The Internet13. Apr. 22 / Guest Speakers (tentative)
Chapter 10. Network Security
14. Apr. 29 / Chapter 10 (Continued)
Chapter 11 Network Design
15. May 6 / Chapter 11 (Continued)
Chapter 12. Network Management
16. May 13 / Chapter 12 (Continued)
Review for Final Exam
RFP Project DUE.
17. May 20 / FINAL EXAM: 5:15 – 7:15 (Per Final Schedule on Web)
NOTE: Details of Syllabus subject to change. Changes will be discussed.