Due on A Day Monday12/11 or B Day Tuesday 12/12

No LATE review guides will be accepted!

Completion of the study guide is required. Questions must be answered on a separate piece of paper. Review guide will be graded for completion.

This guide should be used to help you prepare for the exam. The exam has: multiple choice, usingprimary / secondary sources,reading a map or chart to answer questions, and constructed responses. Know the definition of the terms given on the study guide.

All information to answer these questions can be found in your Interactive Notebook.

Building a Nation –pages 56-71 of Interactive Notebook

1. constitution, Articles of Confederation was the ______construction of US

2. What type of government did Articles of Confederation create? (weak or strong, be able to explain answer)

3. What was the only branch of government under the Articles?

4. amendment, What was amending Articles be hard?

5. Parts of the Land Ordinance of 1785

6. Parts of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

7. Why were the farmers angry during Shays’ Rebellion?

8. What were Americans worried about after Shays’ Rebellion?

9.Describe the Founding Fathers.

10. What was the main aim of the Founding Fathers? (Need to make an inference.)

11. What James Madison’s nickname? Are his writings a primary or secondary source? Explain.

12. Know Great Compromise taken from the ______and ______Plans.

13. What was created by Great Compromise? What does it mean to have a bicameral legislature?

14. What group directly elects the president? Why?

15. What did Federalist support? What are the Federalists Papers? Who are the authors?

16. Why were the Anti-Federalists unhappy with Constitution?

17. What is added to Constitution to get votes from all states Anti-Federalists? What does the document do?

18. What is the main difference between Articles and Constitution? (Need to make an inference.)

The Constitution – pages 72 – end of Interactive Notebook

1. What is the Preamble? Be able to answer questions using Preamble.

2. What are the three branches of government?

3. Why is the main job of the Legislative Branch? What are two houses of Congress?
4. Study the steps of how a bill becomes a law from flow chart. (drop and drag type question)

5. What gives Congress power to make laws for a changing society? Which branch can declare war?

6. What group directly elects the president? Why?

7. How are judges appointed? Which branch approves appointments?

8. What is the highest court in the US? How long do justices serve? Why?

9. What is judicial review?

10. What is checks and balances?

11. Study flow chart on Checks and Balances (on the front of the handout).

12. How are amendments ratified?

13. Be able to match enumerated powers, reserve powers, and concurrent powers (Federalism Venn Diagram)