Domestic Abuse
Floating Support Referral Form
The Central Access Point providesa single point of contact for all people to access Housing Related Support services within Bury.
Housing related floating support services assist people to develop the skills they need to live in their own home (or homes could be an owner occupier). Floating support may be given to a range of clients with varying support needs. The services do not provide care services.
The application form should be completed by referral agents and support agencies on behalf of the service user.
The Central Access Point will conduct an initial assessment of housing related support needs and eligibility and inform potential users and referring agencies of the availability of services and eligibility criteria.
The information on this application form will be treated as strictly private and confidential by the Central Access Point. It is important that the Risk Assessment is completed by the referring agent. Applicants must be fully aware that there is a consent form at the end of this referral form which allows the Central Access Point to contact any of the stated external agencies, if information is required about the service user.
Central Access Point
Environment and Development Services
Town Hall
Knowsley Street
Phone number- 0161 253 5940
Fax number- 0161 253 5567
Section A.Applicant Details
NameGender / Male / Female
Current address
NI Number
Date of Birth
Telephone number
First Chosen language / Interpreter required
Section B. Referring Agency details
DateReferring Agency
Contact person
Contact number and email
Section C.Housing Related Support Need
What Housing Issues do you think the service user needs support with? Please tick
Support required / A lot / Some / NoneHelp with running a tenancy/own home
Help with registering with utilities
Developing skills to complete forms
Developing skills to access/apply for welfare benefits
Accessing furniture / applying for community care grants etc.
Dealing with rent arrears / housing benefit / council tax
Developing budgeting and shopping skills
Social and communication skills
Developing cooking skills
Advice in relation to Cleaning
Advice in relation to Personal hygiene
Literacy and/or numeracy
Accessing employment, education / training
Accessing leisure and local activities
Section C: Domestic abuse
Please provide brief details about the types of domestic abuse experienced e.g. physical, emotional, sexual, financial etc.Has the abusive person ever been charged or prosecuted for the abuse either now or in the past□
If yes please describe briefly below
Is the client responsible for any dependent children? □
If yes please provide details
Do dependent children live with the client? □
If the service user has dependent children are they on any form of Child Protection order □
If yes please provide details
Other Support Needs
Is the client responsible for any dependent children? □If yes please provide details
Do dependent children live with the client? □
Does the service user have a drug misuse problem now or in the past? □
If yes please provide details including current treatment.
Does the service user have an alcohol misuse problem now or in the past? □
If yes please provide details including current treatment
Does the service user need support in relation to mental health? □
If yes please provide details
Has the client ever had suicidal thoughts or self harmed? □
If yes please provide details
Please state fully any previous convictions service users may have:
Has the client ever had any Prison sentences/court orders due to convictions? □
If yes please provide details
Does the client have any physical health problems? □
If yes please provide details
Is the service user currently taking any medication? □
If yes please provide details
Does the client exhibit any learning difficulties? □
If yes please provide details
Please give details of any agencies and workers currently supporting service user.
Name / Agency/service / Contact noSection D.Accommodation History
Is the service user currently?
Council tenant□ / Living with friends /relatives □and moving to a new home
Please give date of move………….
Housing assoc□ / Hostel / Supported accom. □
and planning to move on
Please give date of move …………
Private rented□ / Sleeping rough□
Owner Occupier□ / Foster Care / Children’s home□
B&B□ / Probation / Bail hostel□
Hospital□ / Residential Care home□
Prison□ / Other ...□
Is there a Housing Related Support Scheme the applicant has had previous support from? Please tick
Housing Related Support Scheme / Please tickPlaces for People
Bury MBC
Bury Womens Aid
The Richmond Fellowship
The Tap
The Bond Board
Creative Support
Stepping Stones
Manchester Methodists
Bury Housing Concern
Section E. Risk Assessment
Please tick if any of the risks apply to service user. Floating support schemes may need to enquire further about risk factors.
Verbal aggressionPhysical violence
Weapon carrying
Self harm
Self neglect
Suicidal thoughts
Drug Substance misuse
Alcohol misuse
Medication / medication non compliance
Vulnerable to abuse by others
Inappropriate sexual behaviour
Damage to property
Abuse of Professional Support Services
Other (specify)
Signature of person making referral......
Section F. Monitoring Information
Service user initials
Ethnic Origin (as defined by the applicant)- Please Tick
WhiteWhite Irish
White Other
Mixed: White & Black Caribbean
Mixed: White & Black African
Mixed: White & Asian
Mixed: Other
Asian/Asian British: Indian
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani
Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi
Asian/Asian British: Other
Black/Black British: Caribbean
Black/Black British: African
Black/Black British: Other
Chinese/Other Ethnic Group: Chinese
Chinese/Other Ethnic Group: Other
Prefer not to say
Please indicate sexual orientation of the client (as defined by the applicant) Please tick
Persons of the same sex (Lesbian/GayPersons of the opposite sex (Hetrosexual)
Persons of the same sex and opposite sex
Prefer not to say
Does the client consider themselves as having a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995? In the Act, a disability is if it is a physical or mental problem which has a major long term effect on ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Yes □No □
For monitoring purposes each referral has a Referral Reference No.
To generate this number please use the service users initials, D.O.B, their gender and the corresponding number from their ethnic background (above). Example: JT220973M1
Referral Reference No.
Section G: Consent Form
- I consent to the Central Access Point holding and retaining information about me that is relevant to my application.
- To Whom It May Concern I authorize the Central Access Point to act on my behalf. I consent to them making contact with third parties and I understand that information about me held by the Central Access Point maybe disclosed to third parties as appropriate to this matter
- I would ask you to co-operate with the Central Access Point and I authorize you to give them any relevant they may request
Housing Benefit and Council tax Benefit Agency
Mental Health Agencies
Drugs and Alcohol Agencies
Providers of Floating Support
Emergency Contact
DWP/Inland Revenue
Please sign below to confirm your agreement with the above
Applicant Signature: