Barbizon Model and Talent Management PARENT/GUEST
415 Bosler Avenue
Lemoyne, PA 17043
“Passport To Discovery” Cruise Guest Application
October 1-6, 2016
Applicant (First, Middle, Last) Name of Contestant
Address Applicant Gender and D.O.B. (MM-DD-YY)
City State Zip Cell Number
In consideration for Barbizon Model and Talent Management accepting Applicant to join Barbizon as a parent/guest at the Passport To Discovery competition departing from the Port of Tampa to the Western Caribbean on the Carnival Funship October 1st through the 6th, 2016 (the “Competition”).
1. Passport to Discovery Package: Total contract price of $1,895.00 due and payable from Applicant as follows”
A. Deposit of $495.00 due at the time of Applicant’s personal interview with Scout.
B. Seven(7) payments of $175.00 and final balance payment (8) due payable from Applicant as follows:
1. 12/15/15 2. 1/15/16 3. 2/15/16 4. 3/15/16 5. 4/15/16 6. 5/15/16 7. 6/15/16 8. 7/15/16
Upgrades, if any, are in addition to Contract Price. The package is based on triple occupancy interior cabin. A contestant traveling with one parent/guest of the opposite sex will be required to upgrade to a double occupancy room. The competition offers an upgraded package for double occupancy cabins at a rate of $750 and/or ocean view cabin upgrade for $350 based on availability or a balcony cabin upgrade for $2,000 per cabin.
2. Passport To Discovery Competition Package Includes:
· Roundtrip bus transfer from Tampa airport to Port of Tampa
· Cabin accommodations on the cruise for five (5) nights including all taxes and gratuities.
· All meals onboard the ship, including casual and elegant dining.
· Daytime activities, nighttime entertainment, youth programs, and fitness center on board the ship.
· Applicant’s registration fees for the competition.
· Competition schedule booklet, Passport To Discovery badge, and Passport To Discovery T-shirt.
3. Applicant and Applicant’s guests shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Passport To Discovery cruise and Barbizon Model and Talent Management.
4. Checks/Credit Card Payments: If payment is made by check or credit card, Applicant/Applicant’s Parent or Guardian expressly authorizes Barbizon Model and Talent Management if the check or credit card is dishonored, returned or invalid for any reason, to electronically debit the account for the amount of the face value of the check or credit card, plus $40 processing fee. Barbizon Model and Talent Management shall not be responsible for any NSF charges incurred.
5. Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be made in writing to Barbizon Model and Talent Management- Passport To Discovery Competition, 415 Bosler Ave. Lemoyne, PA 17043 via certified mail return receipt requested. If cancellation is received after three (3) business days from the date of applicant’s payment of the deposit, but before March 15, 2016, all payment deadlines on or before the cancellation date, as stated in Payment Due Dates, are due, including the registration fee. If cancellation is received after March 15, 2016, 100% of the total package price is due in a timely manner following the cancellation. Additionally, if monies are not paid in full by payment deadlines as stated in Payment Due Dates, Barbizon Model & Talent Management retains the right to deny the contestant any further participation in PTD related events.
6. Barbizon Model and Talent Management permits withdrawal of payments for the Competition Package directly from the checking account or credit card of Applicant/Applicant’s Parent or Guardian on the dates listed above. There is a $50.00 fee to change the established payment date of type (for automatic payment options). Note, banking institutions generally require at least seven (7) business days notice prior to a scheduled payment date to make a change.
7. Applicant shall not hold Barbizon Model and Talent Management responsible for any loss, injury, or damages to Applicant due to acts of God, war or terrorism; travel delays; labor strikes of work stoppages; human, technical, mechanical, or electronic malfunction that may (a) impact or cause cancellation of the Competition or (b) cause bodily injury to Applicant or loss or damage to Applicant’s property during travel to or from the Competition or during the Competition.
Parent or Guardian (please print) T-Shirt Size
Parent or Guest Signature Date
Applicant’s Email Address
Barbizon Representative Date