March 11, 2014 | 3:00-4:30p.m., |
Location: 9C-5

VOTING: Ujala Batool, Claudia Walukouw, Art Torres, Nora Azzawi, Adrian Del Villar


NON-VOTING: Jocelyn Ang

GUESTS:May Ochoa, Dunia Valladares, Andreanna Luu,

Destina Valladares, Arianna Rivera, Dennis Balmaceda, Paola Mendoza,

Erik Ruiz, Jordan Andia, Dielle Kuffel, Cassandra Marcelo, Raveens

Mahh, Ayo Osilala, Fernando Aguayo, Melissa Villa, Esteban Escobedo,

Tianyan Wang, Vicky Wang, Christopher Nguyen, Mohammad Quereshi,

Marie Kim, Tanner Naas, Elizabeth Bravo


The meeting was called to order at 3:01p.m. by Adrian Del Villar


Motion to approve the minutes 3/4/14: M/S Jocelyn Ang/Ujala Batool. Vote: 5/0/0. Minutes are approved.




Gary Gidcumb from Facilities was present today and gave a short presentation about plans and design for the new parking structure. Construction is planned to start

June 2015, with likely completion Fall 2017. A question and answer period followed.


A. Transfer of Funds – Motion to approve the transfer of $623.42 from Supplies for the Horse Show Team, to Conference & Travel, to help fund travel costs for semi-finals in North Carolina. M/S Jocelyn Ang/Ujala Batool. Vote; 5/0/0. Approved.


Advisor Report – Maryann Tolano-Leveque needs to meet with current senators after today’s meeting. If you are applying for Senate, you may attend this Saturday’s “Color Code” training, which is a personality test. It is this Saturday from 10am-2pm. As a reminder, Senate and E Board offices have a “no friends” policy. These offices are for business only. Applying senators may use them until the 5th week of the semester. A.S. Movie Day is tomorrow, volunteers are needed from 3pm-5:30pm. Set up will be 2-3pm. The Leadership “It” was given to Andreanna Luu by Nora Azzawi. Maryann covered the book incentive program today with the senators.

AS President–Amayrani Ochoa thanked all for helping with Puttin on the Hits and Seniors Day, she received good feedback from both events. The new faculty orientation is this Friday at 2pm, she would like some volunteers from A.S. to help speak on its’ behalf and promote. Last week we passed the resolution about the water bottle attachments, it will be presented at the March 19 board meeting. New senators can come to this meeting. Ms. Ochoa is looking into presenting a resolution to pass with the bookstore commission to commit professors to using books for 4 semesters. The drive-thru book buy back is a large success, and next semester they will have more locations, volunteers are needed. President’s Advisory Council is discussing student housing and the possibility of dorms on campus. A taskforce is being formed for this.

Student Trustee –No report

ICC – Andreanna Luu reported that Puttin on the Hits was a great experience. Join-A-Club is next week. She reminded all to apply for scholarships. The culture fair is approaching, and also the Mt. SAC relays, where volunteers are needed.

Last day to turn in club activation forms is March 27.

Activities Committee – Dunia Valladares announced that tomorrow is movie day, and the Oscar-award film “20 Feet From Stardom” featuring Mt. SAC’s own professor Claudia Lannear, will be shown. Join A Club is next week. She reminded all applicants that they must complete 3 hours of A.S. related volunteer work.

X.BOARD COMMUNICATION –Nora Azzawi reminded all about this Friday’s meeting for the Faculty Sustainability Committee. Ujala Batool announced that there will be a speaker on campus next Tuesday at 9:45am. Jocelyn Ang wants to move forward with the “Ask a Mountie” program, and is seeking support. This could count for A.S. Officer hours. A bill will need to be written to go forth. Adrian Del Villar met with Erica Ledesma, director of the WIN program. They will be having another meeting to discuss issues such as space, not enough books. etc.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm.

Leslie J Hennings, A.S. Secretary

Senate Meeting Minutes

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