General Policies and Procedures
Instructor: Mrs. Wierzbicki
(or simply Mrs. W)
Classroom: 219
Phone: 262-363-6200 Ext.25219
Free hours: 4th & 7th hours and after school until 3:15 pm
Text: Modern Biology; Postlethwait, J. & Hopson, J.; Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, Inc.; copyright 2006
Text website:
Prerequisites: None
Grade level: 10, 11 or 12
Credit earned: 1
As a former student, I tended to be more interested in classes when I knew the reasons for taking them. Therefore, I feel that I must provide you with at least one good reason why you should take thiscourse. Aside from preparing you for college science, understanding what biology is and how it affects our lives is essential for every person because biology is all around us and within us, from the parasites that can sicken your pets to the child growing within its mother’s womb. Understanding biology, therefore, enables you to be a more knowledgeable and empowered citizen.
Your quarter grade for this class will be determined by:
50% Tests
30% Quizzes
20% Classwork/Labs
Your semester grade will be determined by:
40% each quarter
20% final exam
100-99%A+84-83% C+
98-95%A82-78% C
94-93%A-77-76% C-
92-91%B+75-74% D+
90-87%B73-72% D
86-85%B-71-70% D-
Below 70% is an F
Loose-leaf paper
3-ring binder
(at least2” wide)
Four dividers w/ labeled tabs for binder: notes, homework, quiz/test, lab
Paper-covered textbook
Assignment Notebook
Black or blue ink pen
Pencil with eraser
Red correcting pen
Late assignments (those that are turned in after being requested) will not be accepted in order to prepare you for the deadlines of the real world. The only exceptions are those assignments that have an NQA (no questions asked) attached. Homework will be posted on Planbook (referred to in absence section).
Absence Policy
The past week’s work can be found printed in the correction binder and will be posted daily on Planbook to encourage you to become familiar with student management tools being used by colleges.Check it out:
Pick up any worksheets, etc. from the weekly work crate.
School-related absence(field trips, athletics, etc.):
-Assigned practice is due the same time it was assigned for; therefore, you should correct it ahead of time using the master in the correction binder.
-Assignments should be requested before the absence. –Schedule any make-up tests/labs for outside of class time ASAP.
Excused absence (illness,etc.): -Previous assignments should be corrected upon return to class
-Check Planbook for what was missed and classroom file crate for hard copies
-Schedule makeup tests, quizzes or labs -You have one day for each day missed to make up the work
-Labs will be left setup for a period of no more than one school week. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETING AND SCHEDULING ALL MISSED WORK!!
You are expected to come prepared to listen and learn. Therefore, all bathroom breaks, phone calls, etc. should be taken care of prior to this class. In addition, you will be issued one emergency bathroom pass per quarter so please use it wisely.
Hallway and nurse passes will be given out on an infrequent basis, and if taken advantage of, will be permanently revoked.
Academic Dishonesty
All forms of cheating (copying, cheat sheets, “fudging data,” calculator programs, etc.) will be issued a 50% and a referral to your Associate Principal’s office. In addition, no cell phones may be turned on or within view at any time during class. These items are non-negotiable.
Tardy/Truant Policy
Unexcused Tardy:
You will receive a ten minute detention with me when you are not in your seat when the bell rings and do not have a pass that excuses your tardiness.
Unexcused Absence:
If you are truant, you will receive a zero for all work missed on that day, including major projects and tests.
Classroom Rules
No food, drink, or candy is allowed in the classroom.
Follow directions and safety/lab procedures.
Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Do not leave your seat until dismissed by the teacher.
Come prepared. Read information off of the white board to know what materials to get out while attendance is being taken.
Respect your teacher, your classmates, and yourself.
No replacement worksheets or charts will be given. You will need to make a copy of someone else’s if you lose yours. Make sure you put your name on them.
Realize that you earn A’s, B’s, C’s, etc. and are not given A’s, B’s, C’s, etc.
Positive Recognition
To recognize appropriate behavior, students will receive praise, notes and/or phone calls home.
1st Time: Verbal warning followed by a private meeting between you and me
2nd Time: 30 minute detention after school followed by a parent phone call
3rd Time: Referral to your Associate Principal
Severe Disruption: Sent to Office
Please Note: All detentions will beserved after school the day they are assigned or the following day before or after school.
Biology Strategies for Success:
1. Bring materials to class each day.
2. Take notes during class presentations. Stay attentive during A/V presentations.
3. Cooperate with and respect other students in group activities.
4. Turn in completed lab and class work on time.
5. Make up work promptly after any absence from class.
6. Make graphic organizers of chapters or units.
7. Read your notes and vocabulary terms out loud.
8. Use your binder to keep your materials organized.
9. For other resources for tests and questions, look to your peers.
*10. Ask questions or come in for extra help when you don’t understand something.
*11. Spend some time each day reviewing and self-assessing what you learned that day.
*12. Add details and highlight your notes as soon as possible after class.
*Key tips for survival
Tentative Course Outline
Period Units
Introduction to Biology
Scientific method
Characteristics of Life
Matter vs. Energy
Solutions: h bonding, acids
Ecosystem dynamics
Matter and energy cycles
Structure and function
Inheritance patterns
DNA & protein synthesis
Binomial nomenclature
Anatomy & Physiology
Structure & Function
“Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.”-Francis Bacon
“To see a World in a grain of sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”-William Blake