Release Notes Recorder 6 –6.28
This release incorporates changes made in the 6.27 release candidate plus some additional changes needed to allow R6 to work with SQL Server 2016. This will probably be the las JNCC version of R6, however, resources will be available for a few months to fix any major issues.
Mantis 476/479/641/644 - Allows the import of a second determiner. This would normally be used for verification and would allow records to be subject to verification before import. In order to avoid confusion with terms validation, validator, verification and verifier which are used in R6 and other system with specific meanings the import of the second determiner uses column headings of ‘Review’ and ‘Reviewer’. All determination fields are supported, but at the least the ‘Reviewer’ must be specified. A column is also provided so that the ‘Review’ can be made the preferred determination if this is required. The second determination can optionally be used as part of a ‘Review’ system, details of which are included in a separate document.
Mantis 651 - Allows the biotype_List_Item_Keyto be included in the biotope column in place of the biotope name when doingan import.
Mantis 652– Filter on Taxon Dictionary – bug fix.
Mantis 653 – Redundant flag incorrectly set. Fixing this also requires upgrading to the latest dictionary.
Mantis 654 – Mapping System. Providesamethod of securing map data which can also be used for transferring mapping from one system to another when R6 is moved to a new machine. Securing map data means that it will be possible to recover from problems with the mapping system. This modificationalso checks that workstations on a networked system all point to the same Object sheet folder. Where this is not the case there will have ben major problems with mapping.
Mantis 654/656 - Allows reporting on a combination Location/location Name.
Mantis 655 – Allows users a method of changing some of the entries in the Setting table. Note that these settings should only be change by someone who fully understands the implication of making the change. A method is provided for restoring the defaults.
Mantis 662 – Fixes a major issues which stopped various functiosn working with SQL Server 2016, including Merging of names.
Two additional documents are enclosed. One explaining the use of the new mapping security features and the other which explains how the determinations within R6 can be used to track the reviewing of records without the need to make the ‘reviewer’ the preferred determination.