Course Title: Introduction to Culinary Arts
Instructor: Brady Tillman, Jr
Phone: 706-675-3656
Cell: 678-849-9895
Course Description:
Introductory of Culinary Arts is the first course of a series of three courses leading to a career pathway into the culinary industry. Topics include the theories and methods of cooking, culinary vocabulary, and the development of safe and sanitary kitchen practices. Production items will include vegetable and starch preparation, soups, stocks & sauces and meat & protein products.
Required Text and Material:
Students will be using: Culinary Essentials, Johnson & Wales University Glencoe; along with
The Culinary Professional & On-Cooking, recipe cards and the internet.
Course Objectives:
Ø Demonstrate the basic operation of a food production facility including competency in the policies and procedures of Heard County High School food production lab
Ø Describe and list the cleaning assignments for the production lab
Ø Have practiced basic knife skills, hand tool and equipment operation, with emphasis on proper safety techniques.
Ø Execute the dice, batonnet, julienne, mince and bias cuts on a variety of vegetables
Ø Identify and use utensils, pots and pans and demonstrate safe practices using stoves, mixers, ovens, etc.
Ø Demonstrate sanitary food handling techniques, safe work practices, and proper equipment and facility use and maintenance
Ø Identify and use herbs, spices, oils and vinegar, condiments, marinades and rubs
Ø Execute and season a number of foundation dishes including stocks, cream soups, puree soups, starches, vegetables, and grains
Ø Food production utilizing the repertoire of cooking methods
Ø Utilize standard weights and measures, and demonstrate proper scaling and measurement techniques
Ø Work in a team environment, under the direction of a teaching Chef, and demonstrate the ability to take direction and constructive criticism in order to improve as a culinarian
Ø Prepare a variety of eggs, crepes, and breakfast meats
Ø Demonstrate the procedure for writing, reading and executing a standardized recipe
Required Materials:
The student will require the following items:
1. Composition notebook, pens, color pencils/makers
Course Unit
Unit 1-Professionalism/ History/ Food & Knife Safety Unit 2- Sanitation/ Tools & Equipment
Unit 3- Culinary Math Unit 4 - Herbs & Spices/Standardize Recipes Unit 6 - Career Planning
Categories / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine WeeksLab& Sanitation / 30% / 30%
Journals/ HM Work / 30% / 30%
Project / 20% / 20%
Exam / Quiz / 20% / 20%
TOTAL 100% 100%
Percent of Grade for TermFirst Nine Weeks / 50%
Second Nine Weeks / 50%
TOTAL / 100%
Quizzes will be assigned as hands on demonstration or as written quizzes relating to current units of study.
Grades are calculated on the total points a students earns. Grades will be based on participation in class, test, homework, projects, presentations and reading logs.
A 90-100 B 89-90 C 79-70 F 60 or below
Make up work:
Makeup work is given to students that have excused absents. These students have three days to complete the assignment. If assignments are not completed in the time frame; student will receive an “F” / “Zero” on that assignment. It is Students Responsibility to see instructor before, during or after school to receive missed assignments. No excuses will be accepted
Daily Work Ethic Grade Deductions From Final Grade
Disruptive Behavior 5 pts.
Excessive Talking 5 pts.
Food/Drink 5 pts.
Out of Seat 5 pts.
Tardy w/o Note 5 pts.
Sleeping 10 pts.
Head Down 5 pts.
Missing Class Materials 5 pts.
Note Passing 5 pts.
Parent, Student and Teacher Agreement
Please review and sign accepting agreement:
Classroom Rules:
1. Be on Time with Supplies for class: Pen/Pencil, Paper, Folder, Uniform; Follow Direction 1st time Given; Raise hand & wait to be recognized before Speaking; be dressed in pressed Clean Uniform and seated in Assigned Seat; Be Respectful Always
2. Work Quietly (no TALKING) on bell ringer assignment before the Tardy Bell
3. No portable electronics of any kind! For example: Cell Phones, Cameras, Recorders, IPODS, IPADS, Other Tablets. Games, Earphones. First time offenders Items will be taken up by instructor and not returned until the next day; second offenders items will be reported & sent to front office and handled according to handbook policy. Your initials indicate you understand this policy and rule.
Parent Initials: ______Student Initials: ______.
4. ****No Touching, PDA, Sleeping, Yelling, Name Calling, Teasing, Profanity, Horse Playing, or Playing with equipment : Knives, Pots/Pans, Side Towels
5. No Non-topics reading or conversation not associated with Culinary Arts and or its materials; No Outside Food & Beverages; Do NOT open Refrigerators, Stoves, or Pots; Do Not Remove items out of the Refrigerators Without Permission. DO NOT TOUCH ITEMS ON TEACHER’S DESK! DO NOT SIT AT TEACHER’S DESK or TOUCH TEACHER’S COMPUTER.
6. DO NOT TOUCH smart board or Dry eraser board unless instructed to do so my instructor.
1. Automatic ISS for using computers to accesses any form of social networking sites or games!
2. Name – Warning
3. Call Parent or Caregiver
4. One Day BSD****
5. Teacher & Parent Conference
6. Three Days BSD (It is your responsibility to turn in, get & complete missing work)
Severe Disruptions will be sent to the assistant principle immediately!
Kitchen Expectations:
Respect and follow Sanitation policies
Respect and follow Knife Skills policies for safety and use
Respect and follow Kitchen Safety at all times
Respect and follow Time lines for production
Notify Instructor of all personal Allergies and physical issues that may affect the safety of yourself and your class peers.
Parents and Students: Please sign this letter to indicate that you have read and understand the information presented in this syllabus and that you allow your child to be recorded, photograph, view videos pertaining to how food is process; manufactured/produced and on occasions how animal cruelty occur in the process. Please return to the instructor after signing.
Student full name List foods you are Allergic to & Physical Issue
Student Signature Parent / Primary Care Giver Signature
Best Contact Phone Number for Parent/ Primary Care Giver: ______