Email: hone: 571-252-2200
Office: Room 509off—8th blockClass: Room 604
Welcome to Stone Bridge High School and to English 9! I am very excited to be teaching you this year and am glad to be part of your first year of many eventful years in high school.
This Year’s Goals
*Think, read, and write critically
*Practice effective study habits, note-taking, research, and organizational skills
*Become effective communicators
*3-ring binder (1 ½ in. only for English)*#2 pencil
*lined notebook paper*book cover (paper bag is o.k.)
*blue or black pen*sticky notes
*5 dividers*2 highlighters (different colors)
*2 pens of another color
**Every class each student is required to have his/her agenda. You should also always
have an SSR book. I will let you know when to bring the textbook.
We will practice the following procedures this year to best establish an organized and productive classroom:
Arriving to class:
*In your seat when the bell rings = on time! You must be doing your bellringer posted
on the board when that bell rings. I expect you are quiet and working without my
*Not in your seat when the bell rings = unexcused tardy
*Arriving late with a pass = excused tardy (meaning you’re ok; just come in quietly and
get started on what we’re doing without disrupting.)
*1 unex. tardy per semester=a warning *2 unex. tardies=lunch detention/call home
Bathroom, etc:
*Stone Bridge policy: Students may not leave the classroom during the first or last 20
minutes of class.
*Only ask to use the restroom if you have completed your task.
*You may only use the restroom if you have your agenda for me to sign.
Turning in Assignments:
*Assignments will be finished before class begins (that means 100% completed AND printed out, stapled, etc.)
*You can earnhomework passesthroughout the year. If you choose to use one, HW
must be turned in the following class for full credit.
Absences/Make up Work
Being proactive about make-up work helps to limit the negative effects of missed class time. Remember, it is THE STUDENT’S job to be in charge of making up missed work; it is your job to schedule what is needed.
*My class webpage- click on “Staff” and find “Jen Oblas.”
Next, click on the “daily agenda/homework” page. Print whatever you need and be
prepared for the next class. It is your responsibility to frequently check this page.
*Go to my desk in 509 to get handouts that could not be linked. They will be on my
desk with your name on them.
*Absences are sometimes unavoidable, but students are urged to be in class as we
move quickly and most information requires detailed explanation in class.
*If you know you will miss school, see me before you leave to get whatever
assignments you will miss.
*Assignments missed due to sporting events, field trips,or vacations are still due by the
regular due date.
*If you are in school at all on a day an assignment is due, it is your job to turn
that assignment in to me.
*Come before class begins to get a copy of whatever was distributed when you were
out. Ideally, schedule to meet with me before school or during your study hall. You
are encouraged to email me for an appointment.
*Turn in any assignments that were due the day you were missing. They are due one
class after you return. Write ABSENT and the date you are turning it in on top of the
assignment. They are LATE if you turn them in after one class.
*Every student is required to engage in class discussions and will be called on
frequently to contribute to class.
*There is no “free time” in class. When you finish an assignment, you are expected to
read your SSR book.
*We will have 10-20 minutes of SSR time almost every class. Have your book and read
silently. If you finish the book you are reading, bring a new one to class. You are also
expected to read at least 20 minutes every 2 days at home.
Research completed by The Center for the Study of Reading at the University of
Illinois shows that independent reading: 1. Enhances students’ reading
comprehension, 2. Provides students with a wide range of background knowledge, 3.
Accounts for one-third or more of vocabulary growth, and 4. Promotes reading as a
life-long activity.
Grades are calculated based on a point scale. To calculate your quarter grade, add the points you have earned and divide by the possible number of points. You will also receive periodic printed grade reports and you can check your grades on Clarity, which will be updated every Wednesday. Extra credit may occasionally be offered. Test correction or paper rewrite opportunities may be available.
Both formative and summative assessments will be given. Formative assessments may or may not be graded for credit. If they are graded for credit, they will be labeled as (fc) in Clarity. If they are not given credit, but are evaluated to measure a student’s progress, they will be indicated with a (f) in Clarity and assigned a number 1-4 on the learning progression scale. 1=beginning, 2=intermediate,3= proficient, 4=advanced proficient
The English department will:
- Use various methods of assessment and evaluation (including but not limited to tests, quizzes, essays, book reports, projects, proof of reading, homework, and class activities, both formative and summative) to determine grades
- Post major assessments (tests, papers, project dates) at least one week in advance on Clarity.
- Post grades regularly. Please see the narratives for information about expected return dates)
- Show missing and completed work within Clarity as such: Z = zero (did not have on due date, will change to a numerical grade when completed), “in” work was turned in on due date, but it has not yet been assessed and recorded.
- Accept late assignments with grade reduction.
- Assign homework because we believe homework is an integral assessment tool to give students a frame of reference, and it assists in the scaffolding of the learning targets. Homework is necessary practice, reading, or preparation for the next class meeting and builds on the standards of the course.
Major Assignments (papers, projects, etc)—9th grade policy
Major assignments turned in late will lose 10% of the assignment’s earned points per class day late. For example, a paper that earns 81/100 points on the rubric, but is one class late, would receive 73/100 in the grade book. After 4 classes, an assignment will receive 50% of the earned points.
Homework Assignments—9th grade policy
Homework is usually assigned as practice or preparation for a class, so may not be accepted after the class it was due. When late homework is accepted, it will be worth 60% of the total value. For example, a late homework assignment that was worth 10 points will only receive 6 points.
All missing assignments and late work must be turned in one week before the end of the quarter to receive credit.
Typically, my assignments are worth the following points:
*Homework—usually 10 points
*Quizzes—usually 10-50 points
*Short Writing Assignments—usually 10-50 points
*Major Essays/Projects—usually 50-100 points (you will receive a rubric)
In order to get the .5 weight for the honors class, each LCPS student is required to do a writing portfolio throughout the year. This portfolio will count as 50% of the second semester exam. The portfolio will have 2 components, a writing reflection portfolio section and a big question portfolio section. Students will work towards these throughout the school year.
Cheating is NOT tolerated at SBHS. Cheating includes copying work (including HW) from any person or source, including the internet, doing another’s work for him/her, having someone else do your work, plagiarism, sharing information about quizzes/tests, looking at notes or someone’s test during a quiz/test, and talking during a quiz/test. Plagiarism is defined as using 4 or more words from a source without properly quoting or citing that source. Working on HW with someone else, not contributing to group efforts, and allowing someone to copy off of you are also considered cheating. Please review the school’s honor code for further info.
Parents--Please contact me via email or phone with any questions. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, please check the parent portal of Clarity first. If you still have a question, feel free to send me an email. I will be happy to have a conference at your request if you call me to schedule one. If you would like to meet with all of your child’s teachers, please call the guidance department. I will be sending periodic class update emails with important reminders and upcoming major assignments.
*Distract or disrupt this class.
*Interrupt me or a classmate.
*Have cell phones, hats, head phones, or any other material not needed for this class. I
will take them and return them at the end of the day. Cell phones will need to be
picked up in the office by your parents.
*Eat or drink (except water) in class.
*Bring necessary materials to class (this includes your homework).
*Practice punctuality.
*Respect me, your classmates, your classroom, and yourself.
*Use manners! How you say something can mean more than what you say.
*Follow the school’s dress code.
*Practice accountability. You are in control of your actions. Don’t let others negatively
affect your behavior, mood, or ability to learn.
*Engage in interactive classroom discussions.
*Provide original ideas and support them. Allow your peers to do the same.
*Ask when you have questions.
Signed Syllabus AgreementHW-late HW pass
1) Student Name: ______
I have read this syllabus thoroughly and asked any needed question to ensure I understand all that is expected and required this year in
Mrs. Oblas’ English class. I plan to adhere to these expectations so that I have a productive and enlightening year.
2) Student Signature: ______
3) Parent Signature: ______
4) Parent Email: ______
(I will send periodic groups emails with major assignment reminders and other updates)
Let’s Have a Great Year!!
I hope to see you!