Board Meeting
June 23, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Hunt Valley Pool
Attendance:Kurt Lorenz,Mary Mulligan, Robin Lermo, John Chapman, Eric Gray, Bonnie Krysinski, Shannon Kiser, and Doug Gelbach
Absent: Mark Toler, Liz Krein
Other Attendees: Donna McCraith
Treasurer: Liz Krein
- No report this month
Membership: Robin Lermo
- Request from Sylvia Vidal to add granddaughter to membership card approved by email vote.
- Sold 4 permanent memberships since last meeting
- 4 permanent memberships for sale
- 1 overdue payment. Robin has followed up.
- 69 temporary members
- 16 new registrations added to the wait-list
- 148 on the wait-list for permanent membership
- Member Splash will be our new membership/registration system. Active needs to be notified that we will discontinue our contract with them.
- Good turnout at work day.
Operations: Doug Gelbach
- No report this month
Competitive Activities: John Chapman
- Competitive swim and dive season underway
Buildings & Grounds: Mary Mulligan
- Parking lot light repair will require high lift truck and the contractor will not know the extent of the repairs needed until he can get up there to see all the components. Because parking lot lighting is a high priority item, motion was made to make the repairs regardless of cost while the electrician and high lift truck is on site. If the repairs to the lights on the back deck are reasonable, those will also be done while the electrician is on site. Motion was approved by email vote.
- An instructor for water aerobics has been identified. The Board will verify that insurance covers a non-member instructor. Motion was made and seconded to offer water aerobics classes for members 18 and over, pending verification of insurance coverage. Motion was approved.
Security: Eric Gray
- Need to procure a computer for security purposes in addition to membership computer equipment.
- Once Robin confirms the specs needed for membership computer equipment, the Board will put out an email to the membership to ask if any members have computer equipment that they would be willing to donate.
Social: Bonnie Krysinski
- Memorial Day party went well. Several members stepped in to help with the snow cones and hot dogs. Made $200 and spent about $200.
- Ice Cream food truck came for end of school party. Donation to the pool was $41 (10 % of sales). Ice Cream vendor interested in return engagements with the Hunt Valley Swim Club.
- Every special group event/party needs to have a member sponsor connected to the group.
- Still working on movie night and possible food trucks
- Crab and Kegger will be July 23.
Old Business:
New Business:
Received 2 bids for comprehensive capital reserve studies. Board members have received copies of the bids and will look at the materials before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned by Kurt Lorenz.
Next meeting to be held on July 21, 2016 at Hunt Valley Pool at 7:00 PM.