EGYPTIAN Pharaohs, Queens and Gods
The class is going to create a mural display, like the hieroglyphs that decorated the ancient tombs of the Pharaohs and Queens in ancient Egypt.
Your task is to research one Egyptian god, goddess, Pharaohs or Queen. Some examples include Gods like Ra, Anubis, Aten, Bastet, Thoth, Horus, Isis etc and Pharaohs, Queens or viziers like Tutankhamen, Khufu, Djedefra, Nefertiti, Akhenaten, Ramses II or Cleopatra (VII).
These will be randomly allocated to you using the Smartboard.
Next, you will create an image of this God, Pharaoh or Queen as your contribution to the class mural display. The size of the image: between A4 and A3 – no larger or smaller. This could be hand drawn, a collage of different images, etc. Your poster could have ancient hieroglyphics that spelled the person’s name or were relevant to them or offered them protection in the afterlife.
When you hand in you image, you will present your research findings and show the class your image. Length of your presentation: 2-3 minutes.
Research questions
Consider the following questions for Gods or goddesses:
o What was the god’s name?
o Describe the form that your god took? Was the god associated with an animal or natural feature? Explain why do you think this animal represented this god?
o Explain why you think this God was important to the Egyptians?
o Where and when was this god worshipped?
o Were there any special rituals to celebrate this God? When did this take place?
Consider the following questions for leaders:
o What was this leader’s name?
o When did he/she rule?
o Describe this leader’s actions or achievements?
o Explain why this leader important?
o Explain how the monarch died? Describe how they were the preserved?
o Can you explain any similarities or differences between your leader and the role of modern leaders?
See attached sheet
Due Date:
Some Websites to consider:
C:\DOCUME~1\gmorris\LOCALS~1\Temp\XPgrpwise\7HUM Egypt creative task.doc