Assignment #4: -Isms Chart #1: Political Spectrum Summary: 1815-1848

Conservative / Liberal / Socialist/Utopian Socialist / Marxist/Communist




Where would you put the following? Some may fit in more than one category

Aristocrats in position of leadership, industrial based capitalism, universal manhood suffrage, limited manhood suffrage, government intervention to plan the economy, laissez faire economics, traditional class structure based on birth and privilege, opposition to organized religion, limited constitutional monarchy, religious toleration, classless society, anti-capitalism, belief in equality of individuals with privilege of wealth, commercial based agriculture, constitutional republic, traditional established church, worker run economy by committee, opposition to labor unions, free trade, Mercantilism

Isms Chart #2: New Ideologies of the 19th Century

Ideology/Group / What Did They Believe? What Type of Change Were They Advocating For? / What Did They Oppose? / Key Individuals or Members of This Group