How to obtain the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for a point on your property

A number of free websites and GPS devices (including some smart phones) can be used to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point on your property. The following instructions use the free mapping service provided by Google, and are provided to assist those having difficulty in obtaining coordinates from other sources.

1. Go to

2. Locate your property and zoom in as close as possible to enable you to accurately select a point on your property.

3. With your mouse, position the cursor on a point you wish to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates of and Right Click. A drop down box will appear.

4. Scroll/Move down the drop down box and Left Click on “What’s here?”

5. The Latitude and Longitude coordinates will be shown in the search bar at the top of the page, and are also visible by positioning your cursor over the green arrow. The first number is the latitude and the second number is the longitude. Enter these coordinates into the Australian Rainfall Deficiency Analyser to obtain the Rainfall Deficiency Report.

For example: -27.464794, 153.009467 as shown on Google Maps should be Latitude -27.464794 and longitude 153.009467. (Note: The latitude coordinate should be a negative value.)

Should you wish to find another point on the same property, please repeat steps 3, 4, and 5. Should your Farm Business operate on more than one property repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.