Proposal No. 962-4595Page 1


REQUEST FOR ProposalProposal Number 962-4595962-4595

Auction, On-Line - Tax Defaulted PropertiesAuction, On-Line - Tax Defaulted Properties


The County of Fresno has issued Request for Proposal Number 962-4595, which solicitsproposals forAuction, On-Line - Tax Defaulted Properties. This bid closes on July 22, 2008, at 2:00 P.M.

A copy of the RFP document is available at Purchasing or may be downloaded from the Fresno County Web site

Follow all instructions when downloading to ensure that your company is added to the official list of potential bidders. Only vendors on that list will be advised of future notices pertaining to the RFP, including addendums.

Please contact Ken Vozza, Senior Buyer, of the Purchasing Staff at (559)4567110 or FAX (559)4567831 with any questions.




The County of Fresno is seeking qualified vendors to provide proposals for internet auction advertising services. The purpose of this request for proposal is to secure bids from qualified vendors to develop and maintain an auction website for advertising and hosting FresnoCounty’s tax-defaulted properties auctions.

The County will be selling an undetermined number of tax-defaulted properties each year. We request vendors to propose the most effective and efficient manner in which the County may advertise and dispose of these properties on the internet. Vendors are encouraged to be creative and to offer options that may be of interest to the County. Pricing, service, and support will be ranked in the review of proposals.

The California State Revenue and Taxation code allows the CountyTax Collector to advertise tax-defaulted properties for auction, as the need arises.

In most cases, the County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector is not allowed, by law, to sell properties by any means other than a public auction. FresnoCounty does not sell tax lien certificates for tax-defaulted properties nor do they wish to maintain a list of contacts for tax sales.

Under California Law, the auction proceeds are applied to satisfy defaulted tax liens and certain costs of conducting the auction including advertising. Any excess proceeds from auction properties can be claimed by the parties of interest within a one year period.

All properties are sold AS IS. The County of Fresno makes no guarantee, expressed or implied, relative to the title, location, or condition of the properties for sale. All property taxes currently due will be paid from the proceeds of the sale. Prospective purchasers are advised that some bonds or other assessments, which are levied by agencies or offices other than the County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector, may still be outstanding after the tax sale. In addition, the IRS has the option of redeeming, up until 120 days after the sale, any property on which there is an IRS lien recorded. The successful bidder may take possession of the property after the tax deed to purchaser has been recorded. Most title companies will not insure title on properties sold at public auction for at least one year after the tax deed has been recorded. Legal action to challenge a tax sale must be commenced within one year of the tax deed recording date.