Section III. Course and Program Outcomes
- Looking Back:10/9/2018
Complete the outline below for each and every previous plan by documenting any progress in achieving measurable Course and Program Outcomes from your most recent Update.
- Previous plan: Discuss Learning Outcomes Dialogue (Marla Prochnow, Lead).
The Accreditation Commission endorses the use of outcomes in class syllabi and the use of dialogue about assessment to improve learning, “The institution offers high-quality instructional programs, student support services, and library and learning support services that facilitate and demonstrate the achievement of stated student learning outcomes.” (Accreditation Commission, Standard II) The Commission further endorses continuous assessment of course expectations and learning by student populations, “Instructional programs are systematically assessed in order to assure currency, improve teaching and learning strategies, and achieve stated student learning outcomes. “ (Accreditation Commission, Standard II) The Social Science Division faculty met for Spring 2012 Convocation and voted to move forward on this plan, 14 favored and 2 opposed.
The Division has full participation in learning assessment and dialogue with the full-time professors. Full-time discipline faculty members generally initiate the processes for outcomes assessment and discussion for their respective Departments. Just over half (59%) of the adjunct instructors participate in assessment with only 29% participating in dialogue regarding the outcomes and improvement in teaching. Each department develops assessment tools and research methodology independently. With smaller departments, it is relatively easy to arrange for a dialogue with adjunct faculty instructors. Larger departments work toward a goal of more participation with adjunct instructors. For example, Psychology is using the procedures developed by the Administration of Justice professors, to report assessment and have recently included all adjunct instructors in assessment e-mail discussions. History has taken some time to develop a workable assessment process through Blackboard and will work more with adjunct to implement it. The Administration of Justice professors meet twice a year with adjunct instructors but find it a challenge to schedule a convenient time to meet. All Departments will consider applying for activity pay for adjunct participation in assessment dialogue to encourage participation. Some full-time faculty members in AJ, HSRV, PHIL, POLS and PSY have met with some adjunct instructors in their disciplines.
Spring 2012 / Full-time Participation / Adjunct ParticipationAssessment / Dialogue / Assessment / Dialogue
Administration of Justice / 2 of 2 / 2 of 2 / 8 of 8 / 5 of 8
(7 of 9 f12)
Anthropology / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / No adjunct / No adjunct
Economics / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / No adjunct / No adjunct
History / 2 of 2 / 2 of 2 / 0 of 8 / 0 of 8
Geography / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / 0 of 1 / 0 of 1
Human Services / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1
Philosophy / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / 2 of 2 / 2 of 2
Political Science / 1 of 1 / 1 of 1 / 1 0f 7 / 1 of 7
Psychology / 4 of 4 / 4 of 4 / 1 of 3 / 1 of 3
Sociology / 2 of 2 / 2 of 2 / 0 of 4 / 0 of 4
TOTAL / 100% / 100% / 20 of 34
59% / 10 of 34
c.List measurable outcome:
All disciplines in the Division (with adjunct)will reach 90% adjunct participation in assessment and 80% adjunct participation for dialogue by Spring 2013.
d.State if achieved (yes or no): No, continued.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
Meeting with adjunct requires some kind of incentive (e.g. activity pay, letter of acknowledgement) to increase participation. In addition, full-time faculty members have questions about the increased workload and time commitment. Finally, some full-time faculty members choose to become familiar and comfortable with the assessment process prior to expanding participation to adjunct.
f.Alternative solutions:
Continue to discuss the effectiveness of outcomes assessment for improving student learning and the importance of involving all, especially adjunct. Identify a full time professor for contact about learning assessment in a discipline and/or in the division.
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no): No, this plan is continuing.
Previous plan: Administration of Justice Program
1)Use of classroom technology by instructors and students.
2)Develop “Espirit de Corps” within the Administration of Justice program.
3)Public and student information campaign.
4) Administration of Justice will increase faculty involvement in discussion of course and program outcomes.
5)Administration of Justice Club
6)Foster and encourage a “we care” attitude about Administration of Justice students
7)Administration of Justice degreedeclared by students.
1)Use of classroom technology by instructors and students:Staff is encouraged to use Blackboard so the Administration of Justice Department will join the Social Science Division plan to improve student learning using technology, especially Blackboard features. During Spring 2012, full and part-time instructors were offered a remote mouse with built in laser pointer with three administration of justice faculty members taking advantage of the offer. More will be purchased by the Division as budget permits and interest increases.
2)Develop “Espirit de Corps” within the Administration of Justice program: Appropriate attitudes are critical for students interested in pursuing a career in the criminal justice field and this is an on-going goal for the department discussed at each fall and spring meeting.
3)Public and student information campaign: Administration of Justice brochures are being used for events on the quad. Brochures are also dispersed to staff, counselors, current students and prospective students. The Administration of Justice bulletin board is regularly maintained and contains information relating to the Administration of Justice program, and the Administration of Justice Club.
4)The Administration of Justice Program has made considerable progress in the development and use of outcomes assessment. Student learning outcomes have been developed for each course of study associated with the Administration of Justice program. In the past couple of years, there has been a marked increase in the number of Student Learning Outcomes that were assessed. Because of the assessment, Program faculty members have made modifications to the outcomes for several courses. Program professors discuss Student Learning Outcomes at the regularly scheduled Administration of Justice meeting, and provided each adjunct instructor with an additional copy of those learning outcomes associated with their particular course(s) of instruction. The mechanics of reporting has been streamlined with a form for each faculty member to complete at the end of each semester (See Appendix Section III. C. 1 and III. C. 2.) Almost half of the adjunct faculty instructors (6 of 14) participated in the assessment dialogue and we would like to increase the participation to 75%. It may be that arranging for activity pay would provide some compensation for adjunct instructor involvement, however, many of the instructors work various shifts throughout a 24 hour day and 7 day week so schedules make it difficult. We might complement face-to-face dialogue with e-mail dialogue to increase participation. A comprehensive review of the learning outcomes is conducted in conjunction with the Administration of Justice Advisory committee made up of Law Enforcement and Correction professionals and four discipline specific students. The Advisory committee meets once a year to solicit feedback about the Administration of Justice program and to receive recommendations.
5)Administration of Justice Club: The Club continues to be active in community and campus wide activities
6)Foster and encourage a “we care” attitude about our Administration of Justice students: The importance of a “we care” attitude is discussed at the Fall and Spring faculty meeting with both full and part-time instructors.
7)Administration of Justice degree declared by students:While we have routinely visited classrooms each semester to make certain that students had declared their majors, the system for declaring majors has changed. In the future students will be told to visit a counselor for a computerized record-keeping system. We are concerned that, once again, the declaration of major will be delayed.
- List measurable outcome:
1)Increased use of classroom technology by instructors and students.
2)Faculty guidelines used to develop “Espirit de Corps” within the Administration of Justice program.
3)Public and student information campaign conducted in a variety of ways.
4)Process established for common course outcomes assessment with engagement of 75% adjunct faculty in each step for all courses.
5)Administration of Justice Club meets and is active on-campus.
6)Faculty members discuss techniques to implement a “we care” attitude about our Administration of Justice students.
7)Increase in the Administration of Justice degree declared by students.
d.State if achieved (yes or no): 1) yes, 2) yes, 3) yes, 4) No, 5) yes, 6) yes, and 7) yes.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
4) The Administration of Justice has a certificate and two degrees (A.S. in Corrections an A.S. in Enforcement.) All three require assessment at the program and course level which is a burden to the two full-time faculty members. Related tasks include coordinating class assignments, outcomes assessment and assessment dialogue with 10 adjunct faculty members for 19 courses and the three certificate/degrees. Collecting and recording assessment outcomes, assessment plans, analysis and dialogue results, add to the burden for two full-time faculty members who also teach a full load, participate on campus committees and with campus clubs. Finally, administrative time is required to continue adjusting the Administration of Justice degree/certificate offerings as the degrees change (e.g. the new TMC degree and vocational degree to match the TMC).
f.Alternative solutions (what changes are going to be made to achieve your stated outcome?):
4) None at this time.
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no):
4) No.
a.Previous plan: Anthropology
1)Anthropology Positions
2)Course Assessment
- Progress:
1)Anthropology PositionsWhile an adjunct anthropology instructor was considered for teaching in Fall 2012, he said he was already committed to teaching in another community college. Two other adjunct instructors approached the department to teach anthropology but their expertise was in physical anthropology and the science division could not increase classes and chose not to rearrange the distribution so the additional classes could be offered. The one cultural anthropologist adjunct may not be able to continue for personal reasons. The Department will continue contact with these adjunct instructors and let Human Resources know of the continued need for cultural anthropologists.
2)Course Assessments:Faculty members continue to assess courses according to campus-wide guidelines for one outcome a year for each course. With only one person in the department, conversations are conducted with other Social Science faculty members.
c.List measurable outcome:
1) Increase anthropology faculty numbers.
2) Conduct course assessments.
d.State if achieved (yes or no): 1) no, 2) yes.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
1) lack of availability of qualified adjunct in cultural anthropology.
f.Alternative solutions (what changes are going to be made to achieve your stated outcome?):
1) Continue to be open to applicants.
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no): Yes. The Department will join the Division-wide planning goals.
a.Previous plan: Economics
1)Improve academic standards and consistency
2)Improve student outcome assessment:
- Progress:
1) Improve academic standards and consistency: The economics program is represented by a single faculty member so all assessments are consistent. In addition, LDTP descriptors are in all syllabi.
2)Improve student outcome assessment:
a) Course level outcomes for new curriculum, ECON 25, were developed and approved the BOT in January 2009. This new course has been included in the divisions offering of classes for the first time in the Fall 2010 semester.
b)A series of writing rubrics were used by faculty from philosophy history and English departments, as well as, Writing Center staff. The rubrics were thus tested for reliability by having multiple readers scoring a sample of student papers in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. Results supported the reliability of the rubrics as all three readers scored the sampled papers nearly identically.
c)Beginning in Fall 2011 students in ECON 40 (as well as students in ECON 50) were assessed using the “Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy” questionnaire. Response data will be compared and analyzed between classes to explore the effects of instruction on student’s attitudes as they move through the course sequence.
- List measurable outcome:
1)Improve academic standards and consistency among Economics faculty members.
2)Improve Student outcome assessment.
d.State if achieved (yes or no): 1) Yes. 2) Yes. The Department will continue by joining the Social Science Division-wide plan for improving student learning outcome assessments.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
f.Alternative solutions (what changes are going to be made to achieve your stated outcome?):
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no): Yes. The Department will join the Division-wide planned goals.
- Previous plan: Geography
1)Improve retention and success rates for students.
2)Sponsor travel opportunities for students, faculty members and community.
3)Learning assessment
1)Improve retention and success rates:The Geography Department is working with the College Tutorial Center to maintain help forat-risk students.Currently there are two tutors. We have managed to find excellent former students to conduct study and review sessions. We attempt to identify struggling students and encourage them to take advantage of the services provided by the Tutorial Center.
2)Sponsor travel opportunities for students, faculty members and community: Dave Howell is planning a COS Foundation Geography Community Service Trip to the Death Valley is scheduled for Fall 2012. The Geography Department is also available for trips and speaking engagements to meet the needs of the college and the community.
3)Learning assessment: Learning assessment is based upon the ability to read maps and identify locations. The Department last conducted an assessment in Spring 2012. Student learning met expectations.
- List measurable outcome:
1)Improve retention and success.
2)Sponsor travel opportunities
3)Evaluate student learning.
- State if achieved (yes or no):
3)Yes. The Geography Department will work with the Social Science Division to meet assessment plans.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
f.Alternative solutions (what changes are going to be made to achieve your stated outcome?):
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no): Yes. The Department will join the Division-wide planned goals.
a.Previous plan: History
1)Use of Blackboard
2)Student contact
- Progress:
1)Use of Blackboard: All full-time history faculty members currently use Blackboard.
2)Student Contact: All full-time history faculty contact students who miss class in at least one of the following ways: email, phone, or personal contact. All full-time history faculty members encourage students to visit during office hours, post office hours on Banner, and include them in their syllabi. We are open and accessible. Our faculty members are more open and accessible because of our universal adoption of COS email and Blackboard.
c.List measurable outcome:
1) Increase of percentage of faculty using Blackboard
2) Maintain contact with students via electronic communication.
d.State if achieved (yes or no): Yes. The History Department will join the Social Science Division plans for continued improvement of student learning.
If yes, move to the next plan.
If no, complete the outline below.
e.Barriers/obstacles (if outcome not met, explain why):
f.Alternative solutions (what changes are going to be made to achieve your stated outcome?):
g.The plan is discontinued (state yes or no): Yes, the Department will join Division-wide effort to increase use of Blackboard.
a.Previous plan: Human Services Program
1)Update course offerings
2)Cooperate with state CAAR and CADAC certification
3)Communicate with CSUF
4)Promote peer and student mentoring
5)Improve Student learning outcome measurements:
- Progress:
1)Update course offeringsHuman Services has been updated to include two new courses and additional choices for the students in the area of support courses. The changes were approved by the college and submitted to the state. Human Services 228 and 229 were combined to create a three unit class focused on Drug and Alcohol treatment and intervention. Human Services 228 and 229 were no longer offered beginning Fall 2011. Human Services 101 Group Design and leadership was added to the course requirements as a four unit lab/lecture class
2)Cooperate with state CAAR and CADAC certification: The Human Services Department successfully completed a comprehensive change in the AA/AS degree, not for transfer. Two courses were combined, a new Human Services lab course was added and the list of support courses was increased to give students more flexibility. The next step is to add a HSRV 121 Interviewing course prerequisite for HSRV 101, Group Design and Leadership. With this change, interviewing skills, legal issues and ethical issues will only need to be covered in the prerequisite course. An additional elective class will be added to focus on family violence including elder abuse, child abuse, dependent adult abuse, and sexual abuse with respect to intervention including crisis counseling and assessment, as well as, community resources. Changes to the Human Services Program are undertaken in conjunction with the Human Services Advisory Committee which meets periodically and includes community professionals. These changes will put COS in a position to discuss coursework and, possibly internships, for Drug and Alcohol Counselor certificate in conjunction California Addiction Recovery Resources (CARR) or the national organization of Certified Alcohol Drug Addiction Counselors (CADAC.) (See Section II, Appendix F) COS could assist these students in achieving employment in the field of addiction counseling.
3)Communicate with CSUF:Improve and continue communication with CSUF department of social work to assure our students have accurate information about transfer and the changes in the CSUF social work program. Continue regular communication with CSUF social work department chair and undergraduate coordinator. Student and faculty field trip to CSUF Social work department the spring semester each year. We completed one field trip (Fall 2010). Student felt the trip was a success and it may motivate students to further their education.