Appendix 3: Summary of results for the 28 dogs included in the study

N° / Breed / Age / Sex / Model / R.I.A. / R.W.A. / Clinical examination / Risk level / Circumstances of any biting episode
1 / MP / 5 / M / C / Barking
Lunging / Barking
Lunging / Difficult examination.
Nothing to report / H / No bite
2 / MP / 2 / M / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Scrawny / L / No bite
3 / MP / 6 / M / C / Barked some, then made contact / Barking / Nothing to report / L / No bite
4 / MP / 5 / F / C / Unconcerned / Unconcerned / Nothing to report / L / No bite
5 / MP / 8 / M / C / Friendly / Unconcerned / Nothing to report / L / No bite
6 / MP / 10 / M / Mi / Unconcerned / Unconcerned / Knee osteoarthritis / L / No bite
7 / MP / 3 / M / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite
8 / UB / 9 / F / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite
9 / MP / 5 / M / C / Lunging
Barking / Lunging.
Bite attempt / Difficult examination.
Nothing to report / H / Torn jacket.
No injury.
10 / MP / 4 / M / C / Barking
Remained at a distance / Barking.
Remained at a distance / Difficult examination.
Nothing to report / H / No bite
11 / MP / 8 / F / Mi / Friendly / Unconcerned / Gestation / L / Bite to the thigh (noskin wound) of the shepherd while caringfor a sheep.
12 / MP / 3 / M / C / Barked some, then made contact / Somebarking.
Remained at a distance / Nothing to report / L / No bite
13 / MP / 7 / M / C / Barked, then made contact / Barked,then made contact / Nothing to report / L / No bite
14 / MP / 6 / M / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite
15 / MP / 5 / F / C / Fleeing / Fleeing / Not possible
without sedation / H / A single known bite.
Dog fearful of humans.
Deep wound on the forearm.
16 / MP / 5 / M / C / LungingBarking / Lunging
Barking / Back pain / H / Torn trousers.
No injury.
17 / MP / 8 / F / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Overweight / L / No bite
18 / MP / 2 / M / C / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite
19 / MP / 4 / M / C / Friendly / Some barking / Nothing to report / L / No bite
20 / MP / 7 / M / C / Barking.
Remained at a distance / Barking.
Remained at a distance / Not possible
without sedation / H / A single known bite.
Had to be separated from a fight with another dog.
Multiple bites.
21 / MP / 3 / M / C / Barking / Barking / Difficult examination. Nothing to report / H / A single known bite.
Handling of a sheep by a stranger.
Deep wound on the forearm.
22 / MP / 6 / SF / Mi / Friendly / Remained at a distance / Evidence of flea bites / L / No skin perforation.
A single known bite.
Bruised the arm of a hiker who had waved a stick
23 / MP / 3 / M / Mi / Barked some, then made contact / Unconcerned / Nothing to report / L / No bite
24 / MP / 2 / M / Mi / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite
25 / MP / 6 / M / C / Growling
Bite attempt / Growling
Bite attempt / Not possible
without sedation / H / Several biting episodes.
Aggressive toward allquickly moving strangers (hiker, mountain biker).
26 / MP / 3 / M / Mi / Barked, then made contact / Barked, then made contact / Nothing to report / L / No bite
27 / MP / 5 / F / Mi / Unconcerned / Unconcerned / Nothing to report / L / No bite
28 / MP / 2 / F / C / Friendly / Friendly / Nothing to report / L / No bite

Meaning of the abbreviations used in the table

MP: Pyreneanmountain dog UB: Unknown breed. M: Male. F: Female. SF: Sterilized female. Mi: Mixedmodel. C: Classical model. R.I.A.: Reaction to the investigator’s approach. R.W.A.: Reaction to a walker’s approach. H: High risk of human directed aggression. L: Low risk of human directed aggression.