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“Promoting Resilience”

June 19th & 20th, 2014

Embassy Suites

University of South Florida

3705 Spectrum Boulevard

Tampa, Fl 33612

Call for Proposals

The Promoting Resilience Conference…. is about fostering an understanding that for children and families to succeed with today’s challenges, a strong spirit or ‘resilience’ is required on so many levels. This conference is also based on the premise that early childhood experiences from birth onward have unique power in the development of a child. The conference will features innovative practices from the fields of early learning & education, infant mental health, evidence based practices, maternal & child health, and child welfare. All lines of development must combine to foster the optimal growth and development of young children. Similarly, this conference promotes capacity and opportunities for all practitioners dedicated to the well-being and positive development of all young children.

Conference attendees will include foster care workers, early educators, caregivers, physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, university students and faculty, therapists from many different disciplines, case managers, child advocates, and program administrators.

Submission Guidelines

·  Presentation proposals must be received by January 17th 2014. The Conference Committee will review all applications and notify applicants if selected by March 7th 2014.

·  Speakers may be asked to repeat a workshop or to serve as part of a panel.

·  Speakers should prepare copies of informational materials used in presentations for conference participants.

·  Proposals must include the application (below) and the critical components listed below.

Rules of Participation:

1.  Presenters are responsible for securing their own room reservation and will be required to pay for their room stay, and all other personal expenses related to attendance. Detailed information about the hotel will follow if you are selected to present.

2.  We appreciate your interest in making a presentation, if selected the primary speaker conference fee will be waived. Co-presenters will get a discounted rate of $100, which will entitle co-presenter(s) to full conference participation. No exceptions.

3.  Persons whose presentations are accepted must participate at the time scheduled by the Conference Committee. Any special scheduling requests must be made at the time of acceptance.

Critical Components

1.  Brief Description with session title:

A clear, concise, accurate description of the workshop theme as it will appear in the conference program or for other conference materials (50 words maximum).

2.  Presentation Outline:

A one page detailed description of the workshop content that includes:

·  Specify topic area and what activities you will use to engage participants

·  List a minimum of 3 learning objectives for participants. Please remember to use objective terms such as “describe” “explain” and “identify”. Objectives must be stated in measurable terms. Sample of handout materials including cited references

·  Or attach a copy of your Power Point presentation outlining the educational session.

3.  Bibliography

Please reference literary sources of the information provided in your presentation (e.g., professional journals and periodicals, books, and on-line resources).

4.  Presenter Biography:

Brief speaker description to be used for conference materials (100 words maximum for each speaker).

If your workshop proposal involves a panel presentation, the panel should consist of no more than three persons; however, a fourth individual may be added as a moderator (and should be indicated as such).

5.  Curriculum Vitae/Resume:

Include (3 page maximum) CV for each speaker which summarizes (a) education; (b) current position; (c) certifications; (d) qualifications; (e) relevant publications; and (f) relevant speaking experience for the last 3 years.

6.  Audio/Visual Equipment

Speakers will have access to laptops, LCD Projectors, and screens for presentations. Other audio/visual equipments needs should be indicated below. Presentations should be sent in an electronic format one week prior to the conference to .



Meeting the Needs of Young Children & Families Conference

“Promoting Resilience”

Presentations are requested for 90 minute session workshops that will support the theme of the conference. Workshop proposals may take the form of a lecture or panel discussion. Regardless of session format, presenters should incorporate opportunities for audience participation.Sessions are expected to emphasize best practices in one or more of the following topic areas.

Select one:

□ Maternal and Child Health

□ Early Learning and Education

□ Evidence-based Practices

□ Child Welfare

□ Infant Mental Health

Speaker / Session Information:
Target Audience: / □ Case Managers □ Clinicians □ Administrators □ Caregivers □ Teachers
Audience Training Level: / □ Basic □ Intermediate □ Advanced
Format/Day: / □ Consider as Workshop Session (90 min.)
□ Consider as Panel Presentation (90 min.)
□ I am only available Thursday
□ I am only available Friday
□ I have no preference for which day I present
Primary Presenter Information (Registration fee waived)
·  FIRST person listed will be considered the primary contact person to be notified regarding application status.
·  Email will be the primary means of communication unless you specifically request otherwise.
Name: / Degree: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City, State & Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Are you an ECC Member? □ Yes □ No
Indicate any special needs or requirements (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, etc.):
Additional Presenter Information (Conference registration fee of $100 applicable)
·  FIRST person listed will be considered the primary contact person to be notified regarding application status.
·  Email will be the primary means of communication unless you specifically request otherwise.
Name: / Degree: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City, State & Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Are you an ECC Member? □ Yes □ No
Indicate any special needs or requirements (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, etc.):
Additional Presenter Information (Conference registration fee applicable)
·  FIRST person listed will be considered the primary contact person to be notified regarding application status.
·  Email will be the primary means of communication unless you specifically request otherwise.
Name: / Degree: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City, State & Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Are you an ECC Member? □ Yes □ No
Indicate any special needs or requirements (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, etc.):
Additional Presenter Information (Conference registration fee applicable)
·  FIRST person listed will be considered the primary contact person to be notified regarding application status.
·  Email will be the primary means of communication unless you specifically request otherwise.
Name: / Degree: / Title:
Mailing Address: / City, State & Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Are you an ECC Member? □ Yes □ No
Indicate any special needs or requirements (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, etc.):

Presentation proposals must be received by January 17th, 2014.

Mail: Shabel Hastings, Inclusion Program Manager

Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County Inc.

4210 W. Bay Villa Avenue

Tampa, Fl 33611

Email Questions to:

Applications must be received by January 17th, 2014