Minutes of Salford 14-19 Strategic Partnership
Thursday 26 May 2011
10 AM Block B Room 3 Crompton House
Thaila Bell Taylor (TBT)SalfordCityCollege
Cathy Starbuck (CS)
Steve Garner (SG)
Councillor Potter (Chair)
Steve Myers (SM)SalfordUniversity
Annette Hughes (AH) Connexions
Dawn Branigan (DB) YMCA Training
Angela Arthur (AA)
John Whitby (JW) STEGTA
Jack Loughlin (JL) (For Item 6)
Angela Carroll (AC)
Gabrielle Lagan (GL)SalfordCityCollege
Jackie Moores (JM)SalfordCityCollege
Emily Edwards (EE)
Chris Marsh (CM)
Martin Hanbury (MH)ChatsworthHigh School
John Ferguson (JF) Irlam and CadisheadHigh School
1.Minutes of Last Meeting:
Align resources to analyse data between Directorates, this is an ongoing issue.
Data – JW stressed the importance and accuracy of the data. CS stated that due to internal restructure at the Council the responsibility for data analysis will be addressed.
2.Increasing Participation in Learning and reducing NEET:
AH gave a presentation on Salford participation in learning and NEET in 2010.
The emphasis now is more about participation not just NEET. The data analysed NEET, EET, unknowns and cross border movement and those unavailable, cohort, pre 16 issues and ward data. National figureslook at where learners are educated not where resident. Significant progress has been made in NEET reduction and participation.
Other group members strongly emphasisedalso taking into account the recession, EMA ceasing, the slow down on apprenticeships and programme led changes, apprenticeship loans,Wolf review, student fees and the VCS impact.
Salford is a net importer of Post 16 learners from other LA areas. 16-18 learning is at NW average but there are wards where there are significant problems. The unknown learner measurement must not be over 4%. Future data will cover destinations and participation of 17 yrs one year or more.
AH also distributed a booklet on 2010 young people destinations and a report on the RPA trial.
3. ESF Funding:
SG presented a paper on the recent ESF funding award. The funding will target NEET reduction pre16 and post 16. 31organisations submitted an expression of interest. Salford was awarded £814k. Salford City Council will be writing soon to providers regarding their involvement. These decisions have been made by an independent panel.
Some of the funding will be awarded to the Jewish community. LangdonCollege and Binoh are to work together. Schools will buy in services from providers for which they will be given funding.
SG spoke about evidence requirements and outputs.
CS highlighted an amendment to 2nd bullet point on page 3.
The partnership agreed the methods for allocations of funding proposed by the subgroup.
4.Skills Spotlight:
SG briefed the group on the recent meeting. The paper covered the skills activity in geographical areas e.g. Little Hulton and Broughton.
The main points reviewed;
- data
- what are the main issues and assumptions of Salford
- low skills
- lack of progression
- lack of provisions and employability skills
- awareness of provision
- outdated skills
- the lack of employability skills
- aspirations, prejudice, travel and crèche costs
- gaps in provision
- types of funding
- consultation with schools, connexions, advisors and employers
- the Child Poverty Strategy
- media city and the BBC
- 17+ issue and pre-apprenticeship needs
JW highlighted using joined up funding/thinking and being more creative in the use of funds. The group focused on how to move from level 2 to level 3 especially in certain industries e.g. care, early years and engineering. Oldham and Trafford have models programmes to target employers with significant funding. Communication has to be put in place to support employers and education to understand one another.
What is classed as low level qualifications in Salford? The Skills Funding Agency state it is level 3. AH emphasised that qualifications were viewed as essential and not the soft skills element which employers value more.
5. Skills 16-19 Priorities group:
SG advised that the subgroup havereorganised the priorities and other points will be reviewed to be more relevant to Salford.
DB has written to providers for comments and feedback in relation to foundation learning. The subgroup will meet again to complete the priorities.
6. Common Application Process:
JL presented a briefing on C.A.P. Salford LA and Bolton LA are working together on the on line application process. Salford is a pilot project but CAP is a live system in Bolton. There is an evaluation of the pilots being carried out. Salford is pioneering the system as it does have the capacity.
87% of Salford participants activated an account whilst in Bolton it was 75% Oakwood, Buile Hill and Oasis had nearly 100% applications. The Salford pilot involved 700 learners with 40 destinations.
TBT highlighted the issue of LLDD learners in Oakwood and CAP and the need to tighten the process, supplemented with appropriate guidance for this vulnerable group. JL said discussions on this issue have been taken into account. However, the numbers of learners involved is relatively low. JL is meeting the deputy heads about CAP.
Other LAs are waiting to see the outcome of CAP pilot before proceeding with the system themselves. AH commented about the effect of budget cuts in Connexions and the support it can give to CAP in terms of resources.
The recommendations from the CAP paper were agreed by the partnership. These included:-
- The Partnership support and promote CPA as the first choice system for applications to post-16 learning and training in Salford
- All Salford High Schools make the CAP available to their Year 11 learners by the beginning of 2011/12 academic year
7.Roles of LA and schools in Careers Guidance:
CS discussed the DfE paper on careers guidance. Schools can make arrangements for career guidance that fits the needs of students. LA still have a statutory duty for young people’s participation in education and training. The early intervention grant to LA will also support transitional arrangements. There will be a new national careers service in 2012. In September 2012 schools can have impartial and independent advice from any provider. The government will also develop new destination measures to hold schools into account.
8. Feedback from AGMA subgroups and 14-19 group:
SG gave feedback on the 14-19 group. John Korzeniewski is optimistic about CAP proceeding across GM. Simon Pierce did a GM wide strategic analysis presentation. He highlighted the cohort numbers, FE participation and school participation rates. Terms of Reference of the subgroups and the business cycle were also covered. Data packs will be released for each LA to download. This will be discussed at the next 14-19 SSPG.
CS covered other points from the AGMA subgroup meetings minutes.
SM stated SalfordUniversity is leading in the NW support project for care leavers.
10.Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday 23 June 2011 Room 2 Fl 2 West Unity House.10-12 PM