Course Details

Course 92.131 Calculus I Summer, 2014

Textbook Haas, Joel, Weir, Maurice, Thomas, George, Jr., University Calculus, Third Custom Edition for University of Massachusetts Lowell, Pearson, 2009 ISBN 978-1-256-29019-3

Instructor Peter Weston – Email: – Tel.: 978.656.8857 (land) 617.895.7305 (cell)



Students are expected to attend all classes. If a class is missed, students are expected to communicate the reason for their absence as soon as possible to the instructor via email. Two points will be awarded for each class attended, one point for each acknowledged absence, and no points for an unacknowledged absence. There is no distinction between an excused and an unexcused absence.


The Math Department requires that we cover chapters 1 - 4. There are 28 sections in these four chapters and approximately 27 class meetings. So, the pace of the course will be roughly one section per class.


There will be a homework assignment given at the end of each class which is due at the beginning of the following class. Homework will be graded on a scale of 0 to 10 for completeness and timeliness, but not for correctness. After a one class grace period, one point off for each class late. Absolute deadline for chapter homework is the day of the exam. Please adhere to the following guidelines. One point off for each violation.

Use pencils and not pens.

Use 8.5” by 11.0” paper. Homework submitted on wrong size paper will be returned ungraded.

Be sure the paper has a straight edge.

Write your name and the assignment number at the top of the first paper.

Staple all papers together with one staple in the upper left hand corner.

However, if two or more assignments are submitted at the same time, staple each assignment separately.

In Class Evaluations

There will be four exams, one for each of the chapters. The final exam is a comprehensive exam. Calculators are NOT allowed during an exam.


Attendance 10% Blatant disregard of the attendance policy will result in the loss of all 10 points!

Assignments 20%

Evaluations In class exams 50%

Final Exam 20%

Letter Grade

A+ 98-100 B+ 86-89 C+ 74-77 D+ 62-65 F < 58

A 94-97 B 82-85 C 70-73 D 58-61

A- 90-93 B- 78-81 C- 66-69