Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Senior Center Library at 6:30 p.m.

Members in attendance: Ivan Sadler, Chairperson; Nancy Baude; Robert Nenna, Sr.; Nicole Dallas; Margaret Cotnoir; George Potts; Norman Harrison, Jr.; James Diaz-Saavedra

Members Absent: Michael Hudson and Tommie Major, Recreation Director

Others Present: Keith Chapman, Special Assistant to the City Manager and Ellen Kleckner, Coordinator of Youth Services

Public Participation: Willie Quinones, New London Youth Football League and Cindy Barry, Ledge Light Health District

I.Call to Order

Ivan Sadler, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Ivan Sadler presented Heather Brownlee with a gift thanking her for the years she served as the secretary of the Commission and her dedication to the youth of New London. He introduced and welcomed the new secretary, Debra Sommers.

  1. Public Participation was as follows:

Ivan Sadler outlined that any motion to support the use of a facility includes all the requirements for facilities use such as fees, insurances, availability and any other requirements that might pertain.

-Willie Quinones, New London Youth Football League, voiced concerns regarding the football field’s readiness for the upcoming season. Mr. Quinones informed the members that his group had approached Ms. Haggerty at Bennie Dover to use the facility for the cheerleaders and was told there would be a fee charged. In the past, only a permit was necessary. After some discussion, the Secretary was directed to request Tommie Major call and meet with the Superintendent to clarify what procedures the Commission is to follow, so that they can inform organizations in the future and inform Mr. Quinones of his findings. It was suggested if fees are going to be charged, Mr. Quinones could approach the school board with his case. Everyone agreed this was the best way to handle. With regard to the football field, it was suggested that Mr. Quinones call Tommie Major to see what fields are available for games. Nancy Baude informed everyone there was a meeting scheduled for Friday, September 3rd 10:30 a.m. to see if a timeline has been established for completion of the football field. Mr. Quinones has a B league and asked if he could use the football practice field for a game on September 12th. Robert Nenna’s opinion the field is not safe. Request not acted upon.

-Cindy Barry, Ledge Light Health District, presented an initiative to ban smoking in the City’s parks. The presentation included findings of surveys conducted, how Groton and Colchester enforced policy, how maintenance of fields is affected and suggestions how New London may proceed. Members suggested New London could make it part of the permit stating there is a ban on smoking in the parks, signage installed at parks and making it a City ordinance. Ivan Sadler, Chairperson suggested something be sent to the City Manager and City Council with a full packet that this is something the Commission is attempting to do. Nicole Dallas strongly favors an ordinance over a policy because of safety issues. Norman Harrison suggested attaching refund of the

deposit to the cleanliness of the area after it’s use and if the area is not clean after use, the refund is forfeited. Ms. Barry stated there is $1,000 available for signage, which has to be used by September 30th. Need to establish how many signs are needed and what wording other community’s use. Ivan Sadler suggested Ms. Barry make a presentation to the City Council. A motion was made by Robert Nenna to endorse policy to make parks smoke free and seconded by Margaret Cotnoir. All members voted in favor of the motion. Ivan Sadler will draft a letter to the City Manager and City Councilors.

-Margaret Cotnoir, Neighborhood Alliance, requests use of the Congregate Room for meetings starting in January, the second Tuesday of the month; Save Ocean Beach the second Tuesday of the month in the library and the third Thursday of the month in the Congregate Room. Ms. Cotnoir will bring the Secretary a full schedule. She has already cleared with Tommie Major and Elizabeth Witter the use of the Congregate Room for the Democratic Headquarters spaghetti dinner for seniors on October 25th, from 3:00 p.m. to closing. A motion was made by Nicole Dallas to support these requests and seconded by Robert Nenna. All members voted in favor of motion.

-Keith Chapman, Special Assistant to the City Manager, informed the members the roof in the Martin Center building has been infrared this week for leaks and repairs made. Bates Woods Park bids have been opened, the low bid was $952,200 and work will commence on September 13th through the construction season, then pickup next March through May 20th. Mr. Chapman stated the playscape will be available through the walkway and fields would be available through the high school during construction, everything else will be closed and blocked with fencing allowing no access and no vehicular traffic. Mr. Chapman distributed a handout regarding the scope of work to be done and the schedule. Norman Harrison and Nicole Dallas expressed safety concerns with the playscape being accessible during construction. As suggested by the Commission, Mr. Chapman will not make the playscape accessible. Mr. Chapman informed the Commission the Dog Pound is on a septic system, the system is to be eliminated and the City is trying to work out an agreement with Groton, so the pound can be closed down. If agreement with Groton cannot be made, Waterford and East Lyme will be approached. The pound building may be used for storage or demolished. Mr. Chapman covered other improvements, not covered under the current construction, that may be done once it is established how much money is available above the $952,000, if any. James Diaz-Saavedra questioned if a public announce-ment would be done. Mr. Chapman stated there will be a public announcement and hopefully there will be an article in The Day regarding the project. Nancy Baude suggested that Public Works distribute flyers, for posting in the office, to the apartments across the street from the park. Ivan Sadler suggested a notice from the schools be sent home with the kids, particularly in the Michael and Anthony Road areas. Mr. Chapman informed the Commission the Caulkins Park parking lot project is moving along and extended accolades to Dave DeNoia and his staff on the improved maintenance at the parks.

Robert Nenna questioned Keith Chapman about the hiring of a monitor for the football fields and Ocean Beach Park. Mr. Chapman said they had wanted to, but could not include it in their operating budget because of budget constraints. Margaret Cotnoir sited in the policy book, that security might be needed, as determined by the Police Department, at the group’s expense. Margaret Cotnoir advised that a prior meeting Tommie Thompson mentioned pushing this policy.

Robert Nenna asked for clarification on whether Ocean Beach is a park. Discussion followed on the parameters of the Save Ocean Beach Committee and the private company operating the beach. It was suggested the law director be contacted for clarification on this issue. Mr. Nenna feels if the Committee wants to do something at the beach, they should present it to the Commission before proceeding. Margaret Cotnoir stated reports are provided to the Commission on the activities conducted. Norman Harrison questioned if the Conservancy was the same issue. Ivan Sadler said both the Conservancy and Save Ocean Beach are subcommittees of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Keith Chapman suggested that each January both committees outline the activities planned for the year to be presented to the Commission for discussion and approval. Once approved, the committees would then give monthly or quarterly progress reports. If something new comes along during the year, it could be presented at that time for discussion. There, also, was some discussion why Save Ocean Beach is not under the umbrella of the City for insurance coverage. Also, questioned and discussed was the Commission’s involvement at the Water Front Park. Ivan Sadler proposed a letter go to the Conservancy, would they please discuss sending us a yearly plan of action listing the general activities from January to January or whatever time frame so the Parks and Recreation Commission as the overriding authority for the group knows what is happening and would be able to be informed with periodic updates. Ivan Sadler recommended Nancy Baude and Margaret Cotnoir present the plan to the Save Ocean Beach Committee. If anything should come up that is questionable, the Commission could seek out an opinion from the Law Director. Everyone agreed this is the way to proceed.

-Michael Sousa approached the Commission requesting a waiver to the two-year waiting policy to coach after being arrested. Ivan Sadler stated the Commission doesn’t have the authority to change the policy. After some discussion, it was suggested Mr. Sousa contact the City Manager to see whom the staff member is for the appeal process. There was a suggestion to have the appeal language changed for better clarification and bring to the Law Director.

II.Approval of Minutes

Nicole Dallas made the motion to approve minutes with James Diaz-Saavedra seconding the motion. All members voted in favor of the motion.

III.Director’s Report

  1. Ellen Kleckner, Coordinator of Youth Services, distributed the Director’s Report. The

following items were noted on the report: to make the Commission aware that due to the soccer club being late with their information, we no longer have the $2,000 from last fiscal year to give them; a variety of Youth Sports programs haven’t turned in their volunteer lists. They were notified over five weeks ago to turn in their fall lists. PW Football is the only one in compliance; Tommie Major would like to request the commission pass a recommendation for no maintenance work to be done for each group’s fall sports schedule until the Recreation Office receives each group’s volunteer lists; Michelle Kahorn from Norwich has requested to use Toby May on Saturday, September 25th for a family event from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. She was informed there is no grilling allowed. The listing of August’s programs was distributed.

Nancy Baude questioned why the soccer club is being allowed to practice without having the proper paperwork in. Ivan Sadler has spoken to Tommie Major about this and he will address the issue. Ivan Sadler stated the policy is pretty definitive no paperwork, no completed packages, no money, no practice, no playing. Dave DeNoia has been receiving calls regarding when fields will be ready. Ivan Sadler suggested Dave’s response should be that the Parks and Recreation Department forwards an authorized schedule for the fields. Let Tommie Major know the mission is for everyone to comply and if everyone has not done what they were supposed to do, he is to notify them they cannot practice or play.

Michelle Kahorn’s request to use Toby May on September 25th. A motion was made by Nicole Dallas and seconded by Norman Harrison to approve this request. All members voted in favor of this request.

  1. Public Works – Dave DeNoia reported the swings at Toby May would be in tomorrow

Or Friday. The playscape at Green Harbor is completed, the grass is coming in and a new fence will be installed. He questioned what YAKCAT soccer stands for and the secretary was directed to have Tommie Major give Dave DeNoia a call. James Diaz-Saavedra questioned if the playscapes were under warranty. Dave DeNoia doesn’t know the specifics of the warranty, but knows they are under warranty. Dave DeNoia is contracting out services for maintenance of the playscapes.

IV.Sub-Committee Report

Robert Nenna went to the high school about the Jack Conway stone. There was a brief discussion regarding the location of the stone. A motion made by Nancy Baude and seconded by Norman Harrison to forward to the Board of Education through Tommie Thompson a proposal to move the Conway stone into the lobby of the gym. All members voted in favor of this motion. Mr. Nenna will approach Mr. Thompson to see if he will be willing to take the proposal to the Board.


Margaret Cotnoir reported for Save Ocean Beach. There is a clean-up scheduled September 18th with a rain date of September 19th, October 30th is their annual fundraiser at Ocean Beach and elections were conducted in July. She will provide a list of officers.

VI.Old Business

Norman Harrison questioned what’s happening with the Water Front Park. George Potts has been to two meetings with Barbara Neff regarding a skateboard park and there has been nothing since. Margaret Cotnoir has spoken with Ms. Neff and they are waiting because the pier has to be done. They were going to try to get bonding to be inclusive of everything. Margaret Cotnoir doesn’t know the status of bonding.

Norman Harrison questioned if playscapes are a part of the rent when groups rent park and pavilion facilities. After some discussion, it was concluded the public does have access to playscapes and the pavilions need something to hang the permit.

VI. New Business

Ivan Sadler informed the Commission that Tommie Major is using #1 on the left side and #2 on the right side of Green Harbor Park as markers for pavilion rentals until pavilions are installed. Green Harbor Park users can also use the beach.

George Potts inquired about lights at Toby May and no night games. Discussion followed, Mr. Potts was informed if the lights were turned on after dusk, it would break the Commission’s own rules. George Potts suggested low voltage lights at Bartlett Park for safety. For the next agenda, the Commission will look at the installation of low-level lighting at parks.

Nancy Baude brought forward concerns Tommie Thompson has with the playscape surface cracking at Caulkins Park. Dave DeNoia will check.

Robert Nenna gave an overview of Jeff Larson’s report on the high school football field pertaining to the drains needing to be redone and fencing installed.

Margaret Cotnoir reported that the Coast Guard was the only one to bid on Riverside Park with a bid of $24 million.


Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. with Norman Harrison making the motion with George Potts seconding this motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Sommers, Secretary

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