Rockhampton Netball Association Inc.
2018 Netball Season
Administrative Position Nomination Form
I, (print name clearly) ______,
am nominating for the position/s of (Please tick the position/s you are nominating for):
A Grade Convenor / Office Convenor (Tuesday)Coaching Convenor / Office Convenor (Wednesday)
Complaints Officer / Publicity Officer
Complaints Panel Member (3 positions) / Sponsorship, Marketing & Grants
Constitution & Bylaws Officer / Registrar
Fixture Convenor / Registrar on Fixture Night (Monday)
Fixture Night Cashier (Monday) / Registrar on Fixture Night (Tuesday)
Fixture Night Cashier (Tuesday) / Registrar on Fixture Night (Wednesday)
Fixture Night Cashier (Wednesday ) / Representative Convenor
Grading Convenor / Representative Netball Selectors
Judicial Chair Person / Umpire Development Officer
Judicial Panel Member ( 7 positions) / Umpire Convenor
NetsetGO Coordinator / Nightly Umpire Manager (Monday)
Office Convenor (Monday) / Nightly Umpire Manager (Tuesday)
Nightly Umpire Manager (Wednesday)
MEMBERS OF SUB-COMMITTEES(Please circle position/s you are nominating for)
Grounds & FacilitiesCarnivalSocial / Mixed NetballDevelopment League
Nominee’s address:______
Contact phone number:______
Email Address: ______
Blue Card Details:______Expiry Date:______
Important Information:
Nominees Must Be:
–18 years or older
–Not be convicted of an indictable offence (In last ten years)
–A current financial member of the Rockhampton Netball Association Inc.
–A current Blue Card holder (Working with Children Check issued by the Queensland Blue Card System).
Nominees may be considered ineligible to hold any official position with Rockhampton Netball
Association if they have a prior history of breaching the :-
Rockhampton Netball AssociationConstitution (as amended from time to time),
Rockhampton Netball Association Policies and or Procedures,
Rockhampton Netball Association By-laws or ruling
If required, information regarding any official breach, as determined by the RNA judicial process, of the nominee may be disclosed to the voting membership when considering this nomination.
By signing this form, you are acknowledging acceptance of your nomination and your understanding of the Important Information supplied contained within this nomination form.
NOMINEE Signature: ______
Addition Information you wish to disclose for consideration in relation to this nomination (please attached additionpages if insufficient space provided):
Date Received
Receiving Officer
Nominees Name: ______Page 1 of 2