2014 -2015
Parent Quick Reference Sheet
Student Handbook
Table of Contents
1……Parent Information
2……Calendar 2-3…Attendance 4……Bullying & Harassment
5……Cafeteria 5……Classroom Rules 5……Clinic
6……Crime 6……Dances 6……Discipline 6-7…Dress Code 7……Drop Off / Pick Up 7……Field Trips 7……Food and Drink 8……Grades 8……Homework
8……Internet Access 9……Leaving the School Grounds 9……Lost and Found
9……Make-up Work 9……Medication
9……Parent/Teacher Conferences 10….Parent Contact 10….Physical School/Athletic
10….Pledge of Allegiance and Daily Announcements
10….Student Check In/Out
10….Suspension 10….Student Planner and Passes
11….Technology and Wireless Devices
11….Telephone and Beepers 11….Textbooks 11….Transportation Changes
12….Acknowledgement of Emerald Coast Middle School Student Handbook
This parent information sheet is for quick reference. Please review your student’s handbook for more information.
Emerald Coast Middle School adheres to the Walton County School District's Code of Conduct and Student Progression Plan. Documents can be accessed on the school website under Student and Parent Information.
First Bell rings: 8:25 a.m. School day: 8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Tardy Check In: To ensure safety, all students who arrive on campus after 8:30 a.m. must have a parent/guardian walk them to the office and sign them in.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m - 3:30 p.m. Student Supervision: 8:00 a.m – 3:30 p.m.
Drop off Time: 8:00 a.m. Pick up Time: 3:15 p.m.
5th & 6th Grade will drop off and pick up at the front entrance of the building. Students will report to the cafeteria for supervision.
7th 8th Grade will drop off and pick up at the front entrance of the gymnasium. Students who eat breakfast at school report to the cafeteria and then proceed to the gym.
Early Release Day: 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. See the 2014-2015 District Calendar for dates.
District web site: www.walton.k12.fl.u.us
ECMS school web site: www.walton.k12.fl.us/schools/ecm
FOCUS: Parent Portal: Parent Portal is used to view your student’s grades online. If you would like to sign up for the Parent Portal, please stop by the front office and bring your ID. You will need a valid email account, student’s DOB and student ID number.
Remind101: Text Message notification from Mr. Infinger.
To receive text notification: Text @mrinfing to 850-307-5465
To receive email notification: (you can leave the subject blank)
TRANSPORTATION/BUS INFORMATION: Please contact the Transportation Department at:
850-892-1100 extensions 1642 or 1647.
Bus Bulletin Notification via email regarding late buses and/or substitute driver information, sign up at: http://www.busbulletin.com
Address: Emerald Coast Middle
4019 U.S. Hwy 98 East
Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459
Phone Contact: (850) 622-5026 Fax: (850) 622-5027
Dress Code: Please refer to the dress code in the student handbook
Uniform Information: Apparel Expressions *See Dress Code for more detailed
850-314-0100 uniform information.
Sports Physical: Note: A physical is good for one year from the date of the doctor’s exam. Students must have a current physical on file in the front office before he/she can try out or play a sport.
Note: You may remove this page from your student’s handbook for a reference sheet J
2014-2015 School Calendar
(Approved by WCSB – April 1, 2014)
August 11, 2014 Teachers return – Teacher Work Day
August 12, 2014 Professional Development Day for Teachers
August 13-15, 2014 Teacher Work Days
August 14, 2014 Para-Pros, Clinic, and Bilingual Aides return
August 18, 2014 Classes begin for students
September 1, 2014 Labor Day (all personnel out)
October 16, 2014 Early Release Day for Students 12:15 /Professional Development for Staff
End of 1st nine weeks (43 days)
October 17, 2014 Teacher Work Day (students out)
November 11, 2014 Veterans’ Day (all personnel out)
November 24-28, 2014 Thanksgiving Holidays (all personnel out)
December 19, 2014 Early Release Day for Students 12:15 /Professional Development for Staff
December 22, 2014-January 2, 2015 Christmas & New Year’s Holidays (all personnel out)
January 5, 2015 Staff and Students return
January 14, 2015 End of the 2nd nine weeks (47 days)
End of the 1st semester (90 days)
January 15, 2015 Professional Development Day for Teachers (students out)
January 16, 2015 Teacher Work Day (students out)
January 19, 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (all personnel out)
February 13, 2015 Early Release Day for students 12:15 /Professional Development for Staff
February 16, 2015 Presidents’ Day (all personnel out)
March 19, 2015 Early Release Day for students 12:15 /Professional Development for Staff End of third nine weeks (42 days)
March 20, 2015 Teacher Work Day (students out)
March 23-27, 2015 Spring Break (all personnel out)
May 25, 2015 Memorial Day (all personnel out)
June 4, 2015 Last Day for students
End of fourth nine weeks (48 days)
End of second semester (90 days)
June 5, 2015 Teacher Work Day
Graduation Dates
May 22, 2015 South Walton High School (7PM)
May 29, 2015 Walton High School (7PM)
May 30, 2015 Paxton High School (2PM)
May 30, 2015 Freeport High School (7PM)
Teacher Work Day(s): August 11 and 13-15, 2014, October 17, 2014, January 16, 2015, March 20, 2015, and June 5, 2015 are planning days for teachers to work in their classrooms.
Early Release Day(s): October 16, 2014, December 19, 2014, February 13, 2015, and March 19, 2015 are designated for professional development.
Professional Development Day(s): August 12, 2014 and January 15, 2015 are designated for professional development for staff. Attention Administrators:
All schedules, class rosters and other materials needed for the classroom
are to be ready on August 11, 2014 to hand out to teachers.
General Guidelines
· Students will have three (3) days, including the day they return, to bring in verification for an excused absence.
· Students are expected to make up all work missed during an absence.
· A parent note will excuse an absence through the tenth absence per year.
· After the tenth absence, a doctor or official agency note will excuse an absence.
· When a Doctor’s note is required following a student absence, the note must be submitted to the school within (5) days after the student returns. The school will not accept Doctor’s notes after the five (5) days have passed.
· Parents are advised when the District notifies the school of a student’s excessive absences. For more information on Attendance and Truancy, visit the Walton County School District Code of Conduct. An absence from class is defined as missing over 50% of the class time.
Readmittance from an Absence
· Prior to the school day students will present an excuse note to the front office for determining if the absence is excused or unexcused.
· The blue re-admittance form will be presented to each teacher by the student at the beginning of each period.
· The teacher will provide any missed work on the blue re-admittance form.
· The yellow re-admittance form is for unexcused absences, in which a student does not have a note explaining the absence.
· The yellow form will be presented to each teacher by the student at the beginning of each period. The student will be allowed to receive credit for makeup work if an unexcused absence is turned into excused absence by bringing in a note within 3 days.
Examples of Excused Absences
· Death in the family or any other bona fide family emergency.
· Illness or injury requiring medical or dental attention (physician’s statement required).
· Appointment for medical, dental care, or with official agencies (physician’s statement or statement from official agency required).
· Illness or injury not requiring medical attention will require a parent note explaining the absence.
· Religious holidays: Students are permitted to be absent in observance of established religious holidays, but they must be counted absent on all school records. Absences of a religious nature, preceded by prior parent notice, will not require written notification on the student’s return to school. Religious holidays considered excused absences include: Good Friday, Yom Kippur, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Hanukkah. In addition to these recognized holidays, parents may request in writing five days prior to the absence, that their child be excused for other religious holidays.
· Medical and legal documentation of permanent and total disability placed on file with the District, as defined by the U. S. Social Security Act, are excused from school and eligible to be made up.
· Head lice (pediculosis) or nits up to three (3) days per incident.
· School sponsored trips and approved extra-curricular activities.
· An excused absence for special circumstances must be in writing and presented to the Principal or Assistant Principal for approval, PRIOR to the student’s absence.
Examples of Unexcused Absences
· Unverified absence (absences other than those defined above)
· Truancy
· Suspension
· Expulsion
Please refer to 2014-15 Student Code of Conduct.
Tardy Policy
· To ensure safety, all students who arrive on campus after 8:30 A.M. must have a parent/guardian walk them to the office and sign them in.
· All tardiness to school will be considered unexcused, unless a valid note/reason is presented.
· A student is considered absent if they miss more than 30 minutes of the class otherwise will be considered tardy.
· Blue tardy slips are considered excused and students can make-up class work. Yellow tardy slips are considered unexcused.
· The teacher must change the absence in FOCUS to an excused or unexcused tardy daily.
· Detention is assigned upon the fourth tardy.
It is the policy of the Walton County School District that all of its students and school employees have an educational setting that is safe, secure and free from harassment and bullying. The District will not tolerate bullying and harassment of any type. Bullying and harassment are prohibited during any education program or activity, during any school-related or school-sponsored program or activity, on a school bus or through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system or computer network (cyberbullying).
Bullying means repeated (systematic and chronic) infliction of physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees which includes, but may not be limited to: teasing; social exclusion; threats; intimidation; stalking; physical violence; theft; sexual, religious or racial harassment; public humiliation or destruction of property. Further details regarding this policy may be found in the Walton County Student Code of Conduct or in Chapter 5.301 of the Walton County School Board Policy Manual.
Incidents of bullying and harassment should be reported to the school administration using the form for that purpose provided in the Walton County Student Code of Conduct. If desired, the complainant’s name will be kept confidential. A designated school employee will conduct an investigation, interview the parties involved and assist the Principal in determining if the events violate policy. The school administration will determine the severity of the incident, determine the appropriate response and notify the parties involved of the actions taken.
Student Prices
Lunch $2.45
Lunch reduced .40
Breakfast $1.45
Breakfast reduced .30
Free/reduced breakfast/lunch forms may be obtained from the office. Students who were on free/reduced breakfast/lunch the preceding year will be allowed 10 school days
to obtain and return a new completed breakfast/lunch form. Students will begin paying on the 11th day of school unless the form is returned to school.
Lunches may be purchased by the day, week or month. Students paying for meals by the week, month etc. are encouraged to do so on Mondays (or the first day of the school week). Breakfast and lunch accounts are maintained separately. When paying for a child's lunch and/or breakfast, please stipulate on the check the child's name and the amount to be credited to the breakfast and/or lunch account.
We do not have the funds to allow students to charge lunches, but we are aware that unforeseen events may occur. If a student does not have lunch money, every effort will be made to contact parents. Arrangements such as an alternative lunch will be made on an individual basis if the student’s parents can’t be reached. Parents should take responsibility for monitoring their child’s lunch account.
Questions regarding student lunch/breakfast accounts should be directed to the school lunchroom manager, who can be reached at 622-5026 Ext. 3315
Classroom rules will be posted in each classroom. ECMS uses a school wide reward system based on behaviors exhibited relating to RACE.
Respectful Accountable Cooperative Engaged
Students demonstrating RACE behavior will be rewarded during recognition ceremonies.
Occasionally, a student will return to school after being in the hospital, having surgery or returning to school with cast or crutches. Parents are requested to notify your school nurse if this happens with your student. A physician’s note may be required in some situations.
Please see Medication section on page 9 for more information regarding the procedure for medication for asthma, diabetes or any other health related issues.
Physcial /Athletic Students wishing to play sports at school must have a school sports physical. Forms may be picked up and returned to the front office. A physical is good for one year from the date of the doctor’s exam. Students must have a current physical on file in the
front office before he/she can try out or play a sport. Note: Please keep a copy for your records.
Emerald Coast Middle School has a School Resource Officer on campus and adheres to the Walton County School District Code of Conduct regarding criminal activity.
Students are encouraged to report information that can help prevent or solve crimes to any school staff member. In addition, information about crimes can be reported anonymously to Student Crime Stoppers by calling (850)863-8477, or texting “TIP214 plus your message” to CRIMES (274637). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted at www.emeraldcoastcrimestoppers.com. For more information about Crime Stoppers, refer to the brochure brought home by all students, or pick up a copy in the school office.
SCHOOL POLICIES AND DRESS CODE WILL BE ENFORCED. Students may not leave a dance early without permission from their parent/guardian, and only Emerald Coast Middle School students are allowed at dances. Students must remain inside for the entire activity unless picked up by a parent or guardian.