Does Your Child Love To Run?
Calling All Runners to Join
Soaring Eagles Running Club!
What: The Soaring Eagles Running Club is a FREE weekly after-school running club sponsored by the Grandview Hills Elementary School PTA. Does your child love to run and be outdoors? Have them join us at the Soaring Eagles Running Club!
When: We’ll meet every Thursday right after school, starting on October 4th. Students will go directly to the field at dismissal. Parents MUST pick up their children no later than 3:15 on the playground.
How Does It Work? The children will run or walk as many laps on the playground as time allows, from 1/4-mile up to 3 miles. Once they have finished their run, we will tally their total mileage for the day. Volunteers keep track of the miles run by each child. Achievement awards are given at the end of the school year.
Who Can Join? We welcome GVHE students of all ages and abilities!
Why: Running (and physical activity) helps build a healthy heart and fosters great self-esteem! Last year we hosted this program and approximately 1/3 of the students participated! Plus, all miles run at Soaring Eagles can be counted towards Marathon Kids!
For more information, feel free to contact us at:
Rebecca McMahonJulie Vogt /
Student’s Name:
Parent’s Name:
Email address:
Phone number where you can be reached during Thursday afternoons:
Any illness/condition we should be aware of:
Yes, I would love to volunteer and help out with Soaring Eagles Running Club!
Check-In from 2:45 – 3:00pm on the basketball court.
Patrolling the running track on the play fields.
Check-Out from 3:15 – 3:20 pm on the basketball court.
/ We plan on attending Soaring Eagles Running Club regularly. Please have the school records show that our child will come every Thursday. On the Thursdays we can’t make it, we will send a note to the office not to expect our child. / My child normally goes home by: (Circle One) Bus #_____, Biker, Car Rider, After school Care
/ I will be at school to pick up my child at 3:15.
/ My child will carpool home with
Please read and sign the Soaring Eagles Code of Conduct and Waiver on the back
* If you are sending this form within 3 days of your child’s first day of Soaring Eagles Running Club, it will take a few days to process your child as a “regular” member of the Soaring Eagles Running Club, so please also send a note to the office the first time your child attends Running Club.
For Administrative purposes-Please return the completed forms to your child’s teacher no later than Friday, Sept. 21st. Forms will be turned in to PTA box, C/O Rebecca McMahon.