Warm-ups Weeks 33 & 34
Monday, May 01, 2017
Happy May! We are in the final countdown to the end of school! Many of you have excelled this school year and are on target to get all of your credits for the year. Others of you missed the mark and have lost one or more credits. Looking back at your performance for the year, when did you get off track? Was it early on in the first semester? Or did you do well, first semester and then tank it in the second semester? (those two questions you can keep the answer to yourself) If you are off track, have you reflected to try to determine what you will do differently next year to prevent yourself from getting off track? If you are on track, what advice would you give to your classmates for next year?
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 2/3, 2017
No warm-ups… EOC Testing
Thursday, May 4, 2017
No warm-up
Friday, May 5th, 2017
Are you addicted to your smartphone? Take the quiz at the link below, then answer the following questions… Do you agree with the survey results? If you are addicted to your smart phone, how do you think it affects your life? Is it a positive or negative effect? Is there anything you can do to change it or lessen the effect?
Week 34
Monday, May 8, 2017
No warm-up … Mrs. Jackson absent
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
I love a good animated movie! I think my favorite is the Ice Age movies… I love all the hidden jokes that the little kids don’t understand. What about you? Do you like animated movies? If so, what is your favorite and why?
Wed/Thursday, May 10/11, 2017
There is a saying in the computer world, “Garbage in, garbage out.” It means that if you put in incorrect data or instructions, then what you get out of the computer will be incorrect as well. I think that the saying “Garbage in, garbage out” is true in other cases as well. I know it is true of the human body… if you feed it “garbage” (food lacking in nutrition) your body will not function as well and the result will be added weight gain, illnesses and pain. The saying is also true for your mind. What you feed your mind will result in changes in your actions and attitudes. Are you careful with what you feed your mind and body? Have you ever stopped to consider the results of what you “feed” yourself? Look around at society as a whole… can you see the evidence of “garbage in, garbage out”?
Friday, May 12, 2017
We are quickly coming to a close of the school year and our attention will be turning to our summer plans. Some of you will take on summer jobs, others may be content to just gel out over summer, but there may be others who want to explore experiences that are more educational in nature. A parent recently told me about Wonderworks. It is a program offered by the University of Houston that has workshops for high school students in the fields of Theater, Film Making, Creative Writing, Art Appreciation, and Architecture. One of the things I found really cool, is that if you get Free or Reduced Lunch, these workshops are free of charge! The application has been extended through June 2nd if you are interested. You will need to provide your own transportation to and from the campus (It’s in Downtown Houston I believe) but there is always the Metro Bus if your parents are ok with you catching the bus. I am attaching the link for more information. For today’s question, just tell me about your summer plans… do you have anything planned yet?