Monthly Parent Newsletter
June 2013
Office Matters
A huge thank you-
To all the parents and carers who attended our ‘Parents Evening’ a couple of weeks ago, we hope that you found the evening informative and that you enjoyed meeting the staff and sampling the lovely food that is prepared every day by Jen and Charlotte in the Kitchen.
The roof
The work has now been successfully completed and the scaffolding should be coming down over the weekend of the15/16th June. If not I was considering asking ‘Madness’ to play on our ‘Party on the Roof!
Good Luck-
Our Baby Room Leader, Carly, is going on maternity leave from early July, we are sure you will join us in wishing her good luck!
Promotions! –
With Carly going on maternity leave we are delighted to announce that Nichola Medhurst will be covering Carly’s position. Jennie Guntrip is the new Baby Deputy Room Leader. Both ladies bring an immense amount of experience to the Baby Room and are very well known to parents who have or have had children in the Baby Room. Well done ladies!
School Leavers-
Please remember to give your one month written notice in if your child is going to school this year. This can be handed in to the office.
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Transition Sheets-
All parents of the children leaving for school are invited to come into Nursery on 27th June to read and sign their child’s transition sheet. On the Crocodile Room door you will find a time allocation sheet where you can book your allocated time if you have not done so already. The transition sheets will then be sent to your child’s school.
Southern Water-
We have planned an upcoming visit from Southern Water to talk to the children about how to save water.
Car park Safety-
Please do not park in front of the Nursery entrance, we need to think of the parents and children who walk into Nursery and may have smaller children in a pram. We have recently had a concern from a parent regarding driver’s texting on their mobiles while entering and exiting the car park. The car parking lines are being repainted over the weekend of the 14-16th June, weather permitting!
Pre-school Trip to the Rare Breeds Centre-
By now parents who have children leaving to go to ‘Big School’ this September should have received a letter about our trip to the Rare Breeds Centre in mid-July. May we remind parents to return the completed acceptance form along with your £10 contribution by the deadline of the 22nd June.
Fresh air!!
We have recently installed a Biozone Machine into both the Baby and Tweenie rooms. This machine uses five sterilising techniques to destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi, leaving our rooms more hygienic and odour free. As well as neutralising malodours Biozone effectively destroys viruses including flu viruses, E.coli, Salmonella and Streptococcus. Biozone is used in hospitals, doctor’s surgeries waiting rooms, nursing homes etc. but very few Day Nurseries! We are sure you will agree that this is yet another improvement to the quality of childcare we provide at Kidstreet Nursery.
Baby Room
Last month the babies had lots of fun exploring tents and dens with torches for our theme ‘light and dark’. The babies have also showed a strong interest in the Family Tree and looking at real life photographs of themselves doing various activities. We then used these experiences to encourage speech and social skills which the children participated well in.
Our theme this month is ‘Creepy Crawlies’. We will be going on a bug hunt and collecting various insects to look at, we will also be making lots of different colourful insects for our ‘Book Garden’.
We would like to say a big welcome to James, Thehan and Lekeisha who have joined us recently; we know you will make lots of lovely new friends! Also we would like to say goodbye to Harry & Bobby who are moving on up to the Tweenie Room, this is a very exciting time and we’re sure you’ll enjoy every minute of it!
‘Happy 1st Birthday’ to Sonny, Nimran and Miller, we hope you all have a lovely day.
Please don’t forget to provide us with sun cream, hat and hard soled shoes for your child especially as we have planned many bug hunts soon! If your child is crawling then you may wish to provide us with some dark trousers or shorts as lighter coloured clothing can get very messy and stained from crawling around the garden lots.
We do require at least 2 spare changes of clothes including socks for your child each day, please ensure these are labelled and placed on their pegs in a named non-plastic bag, thank you.
Tweenie Room
This month our theme is ‘Transport’. The children will be discovering different modes of transport and Julie will be bringing in her campervan for the children to climb in and explore.
Last month the Tweenies enjoyed learning about ‘Space’. They made rockets and a robot for the home corner.
We would like to say a big ‘Happy Birthday’ to Sophie and Vikki who are turning 2 this month; we hope you have a wonderful day!
Just to remind all parents that if you are asked for nappies, wipes or cream it is because your child is running low and will require these as soon as possible, preferably on the next day that your child attends Nursery, thank you.
Please ensure all of your child’s clothes are labelled including items in their spare clothes bag to ensure that they do not go missing. This is especially important if your child is potty training, as they may require several changes of clothes throughout the day. Please ensure you have provided us with enough named spare clothes in order to continue with potty training.
Penguin Room
Our theme this month is ‘Holidays’. The children will be exploring the countries of the World and learning about the different ways we can travel to them. We will also be talking about our own holidays that we have experienced. At the end of the month we will be having lots of fun with a summer party, including a paddling pool and yummy ice lollies!
Last month Penguins enjoyed learning about ‘Space’. We spoke about what is in Space such as the Planets, Stars, the Moon and the Sun. We had a picnic on the Moon, made space rock cakes and looked at space books during our circle times. We also made our very own space ships!
Penguin Room would like to say a very big welcome to Lukas who has just joined – we hope you have a fantastic time with us!
We would also like to say a very sad goodbye to Tabitha who will be leaving us this month. We will miss you very much and wish you all the best for the future!
Happy Birthday to Kellan and Seth who will be 3 this month! Have amazing days.
Just a reminder that breakfast time starts at 8:00am and finishes at 8:45am. We would like to finish on time as we need to start our daily routine. Thank you!
Please can parents ensure that all of your child’s clothes are labelled, as well as shoes and hats etc. Thank you.
If toys are brought into the nursery from home, could parents please ensure they are put in their child’s bag first thing in the morning as we cannot take responsibility if they get broken or lost. Thank you!
Crocodile Room
This month Crocodile Room’s theme is ‘Food’. The children will be taste testing, cooking and baking, fruit and potato stamping, baked bean, flour and rice play and drawing their favourite foods. Our role play area will be a combined restaurant, café and home. The children will also be singing lots of food related songs such as; ‘five currant buns’ and ‘10 sizzling sausages’.
Last month the children enjoyed their theme of ‘Under the Sea’. The children learnt about which creatures live under the Sea, as well as painting and sticking lots of these creatures during creative time. The children also participated in bubble painting, writing their own Under the Sea stories, sticking pasta shells on paper to make seashells, and the Sink and Float game. Our home corner turned into a pirate ship and our role play area turned into a beach, which the children enjoyed.
A big welcome to Alfie & Erin who has joined this month – we hope you are having lots of fun in Crocodile Room!
We would like to say goodbye to Jessica and Sol who will be leaving us this month – good luck in the future at ‘Big School’ we will miss you very much!
We wish Lola, Gagan, James and Alyssia a big Happy Birthday this month – we hope you enjoy being four and have fun days!
We are collecting different sized pots and tubs for our bug hunts in the garden. If you have any at home that you do not need then they will be gratefully received, please pass to Nichola in the Baby Room, thank you.
Hello everyone from the Kitchen.
Charlotte and I are looking forward to seeing lots of Dads/Carers for our Father’s Day Breakfast and Teas; hopefully you will enjoy the food and have lots of fun with your child.
This month’s recipe is Macaroni with Chorizo, a popular tea dish with the children in all the rooms!
Macaroni with Chorizo
(Serve’s 4)
-500gms macaroni
-2 tins chopped tomatoes
-1 stock cube
-1 diced small onion
-1 small packet of chopped and cooked chorizo
-Chopped vegetables of your choice that will blend well such as carrot, pepper, leeks, etc.
Cook macaroni as stated on the packet and allow it to drain. Place tomatoes, stock cube and all over vegetables into a saucepan. Add a little water and simmer until the vegetables are soft. Blend the vegetables together, mix in the cooked chorizo and serve with the macaroni.