Cabinet Order No. 5

6 January 2010

Guidelines for the Optimisation of the Network of Vocational Education Institutions


(Informative Part)


Abbreviations Used in the Text p.3

Explanation of the Terms Used in the Guidelines p.4

1. Link of the Guidelines with the Priorities and Approved Planning
Documents of the Government and the Ministry and the Basic Principles of the
Policy for the Optimisation of the VEI Network p.5

2. Problems Related to the Formation of the Network of
Vocational Education Institutions p.7

3. Objective and Sub-objectives of the Guidelines p.7

4. Planned Outcomes of the Guideline Policy and Outcomes of the Activity p.8

5. Main Tasks for Achievement of the Guideline Outcomes p.8

5.1. Vocational Education Institutions and Education Programmes
Implemented Thereby from the Point of View of Sectors and Regions p.10

5.1.1. Mechanical Engineering and Metal Working p.11

5.1.2. Construction and Civil Construction p.12

5.1.3. Power Industry, Electronics and Automatics p.14

5.1.4. Mechanical Sciences (Road and Rail Transport) p.15

5.1.5. Production of Food Products p.17

5.1.6. Textile Production Technologies p.18

5.1.7. Organisation of Tourism and Recreation, Hotel and Restaurant Services p.19

5.1.8. Woodworking Technologies p.20

5.1.9. Agriculture p.21

5.2. Demographic Situation in Latvia and the Plan for Optimisation of
Vocational Education Institutions Related Thereto p.22

5.2.1. Optimisation Plan in Kurzeme Region p.25

5.2.2. Optimisation Plan in Latgale Region p.27

5.2.3. Optimisation Plan in Riga Region p.29

5.2.4. Optimisation Plan in the City of Riga p.30

5.2.5. Optimisation Plan in Vidzeme Region p.32

5.2.6. Optimisation Plan in Zemgale Region p.33

6. Schedule for Execution of Tasks p.35

7. Planning of the Allocated and Additionally Necessary
Financing Corresponding to the Tasks p.38

8. Institutions Responsible for Execution of the Tasks p.39

9. Procedures for the Submission and Evaluation of Reports p.39

Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

Annex 4

Abbreviations Used in the Text

TS / Trade school
TSS / Secondary school of trades
ERDF / European Regional Development Fund
EU / European Union
ESF / European Social Fund
MoC / Ministry of Culture
FTUCL / Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia
ECL / Employers’ Confederation of Latvia
MoW / Ministry of Welfare
MoI / Ministry of the Interior
MoES / Ministry of Education and Science
Cabinet / Cabinet
VEI / Vocational education institution
WB / World Bank
VSS / Vocational secondary school
RTC / Riga Technical College
RTU / Riga Technical University
RSTC / Riga State Technical College
IMF / International Monetary Fund

Explanation of the Terms used in the Guidelines

Terms are used in the Guidelines in accordance with the terms used in the Education Law, the Vocational Education Law, Cabinet Regulation No.990 of 2 December 2008, Regulations Regarding the Classification of Education in Latvia, and the Concept “Promotion of Interest in Vocational Education and Participation of Social Partners in Assuring the Quality of Vocational Education” (hereinafter – Concept) (approved by Cabinet Order No.629 of 16 September 2009).

In addition such terms are used in the Guidelines which will be incorporated in the new Vocational Education Law, which should be developed in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Cabinet Order No.629 of 16 September 2009, On the Concept “Promotion of Interest in Vocational Education and Participation of Social Partners in Assuring the Quality of Vocational Education” by 31 December 2010.

Vocational education competence centre / – / a vocational education institution, which contains the necessary material basis for the acquisition of vocational education in all relevant primary professions in a sector and the task of which is to provide the necessary methodical support to other vocational education institutions for the acquisition of professions of the relevant sector and to serve as the place for the acquisition of new technologies for young persons and adults, as well as is intended for fulfilling the functions of examination centres in the future, including for recognition of informal education.
Vocational education institution with a specialisation / – / a vocational education institution, which contains the necessary material basis for the acquisition of vocational qualification skills in primary professions and for the acquisition of qualification in the specialisation of primary professions in a specific education programme (for example, apiarist, pisciculturist, road construction machinery mechanic, etc).
Vocational education institution for the acquisition of basic skills / – / a vocational education institution where such education programmes are implemented, which give the basic skills in one or several professions and which contain all the necessary material basis for the acquisition of basic skills.
Integrated education institution / – / an education institution in which different programmes of general education and vocational education, as well as the training and further education of adults are implemented.
Branch of vocational education institution / – / a structural unit of a vocational education institution, which is territorially separated from a VEI, education programmes are implemented which give the basic skills in one or several professions.

1. Link of the Guidelines with the Priorities and Approved Planning Documents of the Government and the Ministry and the Basic Principles of the Policy for the Optimisation of the VEI Network

The Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter – MoES) has developed the Guidelines for the Optimisation of the Network of Vocational Education Institutions (hereinafter – Guidelines) in accordance with the task given in Paragraph 5 of Cabinet Protocol No.58 of 15 September 2009 “Report on the Progress of the Structural Reform of the Education System and the Planned Measures for Further Implementation Thereof”.

The priority tasks for optimisation of vocational education institutions were prepared in accordance with Paragraph 29 of the Action Plan for Introduction of the Programme for Stabilisation and Restoration of Growth of the Economy of Latvia (approved by Cabinet Order No.123 of 19 February 2009) – to implement comprehensive reforms in the field of education in 2009, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the WB and the IMF on the necessary changes in the sector of education. The priority tasks were prepared in accordance with the tasks specified by the MoES in the Declaration on the Implementation of Activities Intended by the Cabinet Managed by Valdis Dombrovskis (hereinafter – Declaration) for the development of vocational education and future strategic vision of vocational education and training presented in other planning documents, which contain clearly defined objectives and tasks, measures and indicators.

The priority tasks for the optimisation of vocational education institutions have been prepared in accordance with the strategic aim of the EU Lisbon Strategy – to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. Optimisation of vocational education institutions will promote the provision of the labour market with the necessary number of specialists according to the employment structure.

A strategic aim is set out in the “Latvian National Development Plan 2007-2013” – education and knowledge for the economic growth and technological excellence.

In accordance with the aforementioned strategic aim, a primary objective for the development of education – to provide each inhabitant with an opportunity to acquire qualitative education throughout his or her life according to individual interests, abilities and the economic development needs of the State – is set out in the “Guidelines for the Development of Education 2007-2013” (approved by Cabinet Order No.742 of 27 September 2006). Specific objectives have been set out for achievement of the primary objective, including to ensure an offer of education corresponding to the needs of economic development; to broaden education opportunities for different groups of inhabitants in all regions; to strengthen the capacity for ensuring and managing the quality of education.

In Sub-paragraph 10.1 of the Declaration, the MoES has been assigned, to promote the development of qualitative, accessible and resource-efficient education and knowledge at all levels for the sustainability and competitiveness of the State, ensuring the maintenance of intellectual and material resources in the conditions of a crisis; in Sub-paragraph 10.2 of the Declaration it is prescribed to arrange the network of education institutions in co-operation with self-governments, varying the offer of education programmes and ensuring rational use of school premises for both general and vocational education purposes; in Sub-paragraph 10.5 of the Declaration, the modernisation and adaptation of the content of education at all levels of education according to the abilities, needs and interests of pupils has been prescribed; in Sub-paragraph 10.6 of the Declaration, the review of the content of the initial vocational education and conformity thereof with market requirements in co-operation with representatives delegated by sectors has been prescribed; and, in Sub-paragraph 10.7 of the Declaration, the introduction of the recognition of informal vocational knowledge, skills and competence means has been prescribed.

The Guidelines have been developed, taking into account the solution specified in the Concept for the differentiation of VEI, as well as the activities of the Ministry included in the informative report developed by the MoES “On the Planned Structural Changes in the Sector of Education, the Course of Implementation Thereof and the Anticipated Benefits” (hereinafter – Informative Report) (reviewed at the Cabinet Meeting of 24 April 2009) in the conditions of financial cutbacks specified for education by the government for the time period from 2009-2011 in order to achieve the overarching objective of the management of education processes for this and the next 3 years – to ensure more efficient use of the public funds, promoting access to qualitative and resource-efficient education at all levels and the development of science for the sustainability and competitiveness of the State, as well as planned activities for achievement of the overarching objective.

The basic principles of the policy for optimisation of the VEI network are as follows:

Accessibility – when planning the VEI network, all members of the society have equal opportunities for acquisition of vocational education, observing the demographic situation of the State.

Co-operation – when planning the VEI network, all interested parties are be involved: State, self-government and planning region institutions and sectoral associations.

Resource efficiency – rational and purposeful use of the available funds.

In order to ensure achievement of the overarching objective, the main tasks in the field of vocational education have been specified in the Informative Report: optimisation of the VEI network; transfer of VEI to self-governments; review of the content of vocational education; promotion of participation and responsibility of State, self-governments and employers in ensuring the accessibility and quality of vocational education.

The tasks set out in the planning documents for the development of vocational education also conform with the tasks of Activity “Modernisation of Equipment and Improvement of Infrastructure for Implementation of Vocational Education Programmes” (hereinafter – Activity and Activity “Support for Optimisation of the Network of General Education Institutions” (hereinafter – Activity of the supplement to the activity programme “Infrastructure and Services”.

The review of the content of vocational education and the promotion of participation and responsibility of the State, self-governments and employers in ensuring the accessibility and quality of vocational education will be promoted by implementing Priority 1.2 “Education and Skills” of the supplement to the activity programme “Human Resources and Employment”, Measure 1.2.1 “Development of Vocational Education and General Skills”, Activity“Development of the Vocational Education System and Improvement of the Quality, Conformity and Attraction Thereof”, Sub-activities: “Improvement of the Competence of Teachers Involved in Vocational Education”, “Support to Improvement and Implementation of the Quality of Implementation of Initial Vocational Education Programmes”, “Promotion of Attraction of Initial Vocational Education”.

It is anticipated to implement the Guidelines within 6 years. It is intended that VEI will be transferred to self-governments gradually, but not later than after 6 years, on voluntary basis and in accordance with the procedures for financing approved by the Cabinet.

2. Problems Related to the Formation of the
Network of Vocational Education Institutions

The following problems were identified as a result of the analysis of the planning documents:

1. The number of places in VEIs exceeds the number of pupils.

2. The same education programmes are being implemented in adjacent or nearby VEIs. Consolidation of education programmes is necessary.

3. There is an imbalanced arrangement of vocational education programmes. For example, in Kurzeme and Zemgale where food undertakings are located, appropriate education programmes are not being implemented.

4. The VEI infrastructure and material basis have aged, majority of the buildings were built in the 1960s-70s, have not been renovated and do not comply with contemporary requirements.

5. There is insufficient participation and responsibility of self-governments, planning regions and employers in ensuring the accessibility of vocational education.

6. The use of financial resources for the creation of material and technical basis of VEIs is not rational enough.

7. A financing system which would ensure a unified financing principle “money follows the pupil” has not been developed for all education institutions.

3. Objective and Sub-Objectives of the Guidelines

The objective of the Guidelines is to ensure further implementation of the structural reforms of the vocational education system, optimising the number and layout of VEIs in regions and performing the differentiation of VEIs, to establish a modern and logistical support of vocational education corresponding to contemporary requirements, to promote more efficient use of all types of resources, improving the quality and accessibility of vocational education.


1. to improve co-operation with self-governments and sectoral associations, as well as to involve planning regions in the development of a balanced network of schools in the relevant region, in order for State administrative institutions, self-governments and planning regions and sectoral associations to mutually co-ordinate their activities, optimising the VEI network and planning the network of education institutions of all types, using complex approach;

2. to establish a cost-efficient and energy efficient network of VEIs, which is accessible to inhabitants, in order to rationally use the State and foreign financial instruments and properties of vocational education institutions, to establish a modern and contemporary material and technical basis adequate for the acquisition of vocational education programmes resulting in promotion of the quality and conformity of vocational education with the requirements of the labour market; and