The ABC’s Of Fourth Grade
Attendance: Send an excuse to school after each absence.
Attendance Notes: Reminders will not be sent home after 3rd
Barth Banner: Sent home in the beginning of each month,
important information here!
Behavior: Follow the Barth Pledge!
BFF: Barth Family and Friends – Please join!
Conferences: In November, and by request at any other time.
Dismissal: Please send a note if there’s a change in the routine.
*After school plans cannot be changed without a note.
Email: Please sign email log to help us communicate with each
Field Trips: Curriculum enhancing trips.
Groups: We will be working in small, flexible groups this year.
Guidance: Stop in to meet Mrs. Mazur.
Homework Books: To be signed upon completion of nightly
homework; are a good form of communication.
Handbook: Keep handy all year!
Healthy Snacks – see the handbook for acceptable healthy
treats to bring in to the school.
In Search Of… boxes of tissues, liquid soap, old magazines, etc.
Join Chorus or play an instrument.
Keep a Positive Attitude: Positive attitudes promote success.
Label: Coats, hats, and bookbags that come to school.
Mailboxes: Check them before you leave school for
important papers and homework.
Numbers: Put on all papers that are completed.
Open House: Thank you for coming tonight!
P.S.S.A.: This year we’ll be taking Math, ELA, and Science!
Programs: Title I/Intervention, Speech,
Occupational Therapy, E.S.L., Gifted/Talented,
Instrument Lessons
Quality Club: Incentive for making good choices.
Questions: Are welcome at any time. Send an email or write a
Respect: Taught and expected towards everyone!
Responsibility: Increases as the year progresses.
Report Cards: Sent at the end of each quarter.
Reading Olympics: Fourth Graders are welcome to
SafeSchool: Enter through the front door; get a visitor’s pass in
the office.
Teacher Webpage: see district website (under schools)
Test Packets: Will be sent home periodically. Please review, sign, and return to school within two days.
Upcoming Tests: Check the homework book for upcoming test
and quiz dates.
Uniforms: Remember to check yourself before you leave
home. (Dress code is in the handbook)
Volunteers: Are always welcome! (Field trips, snacks for special
days, assist with projects, hobbies or career
information to share, guest readers, clerical work,
and more!)
*Act 24: Forms must be filled out prior to
Weather: Check the website and please make sure the
office has an updated phone number so you can
receive the call from Global Connect.
Wellness Policy: No cupcakes! Healthy snacks ONLY! See
eXciting Projects: In all curriculum areas.
You: Are an important part of your child’s learning!
Zzzzz…: A good night’s sleep makes for an alert learner!