Caora Farm Sheep Dog Trial
235 Sharon Rd Millerton, NY 12546

21-24June 2018

2 Open 2 Nursery

(2 open trials held over 3 days)
USBCHA /NEBCA sanctioned

Standard may apply

Trial Managers: Mich Ferraro, Kak Weathers

Secretary: Martha Walke

First open trial: Friday, June 22at 7am. Handlers meeting 6:45

Second open trial to follow nursery class on Sat., June 23

Nursery trials: First isThursday 3pm.

Second is Saturday between the 2 open trials.

Judge (all classes): Peg Anderson


Entries open:6April 2018entries postmarked prior to April 6 will be treated as April 6th.
Closing date for entries will be 26May 2018 or when entry limits have been reached. Checks will be cashed and no refunds will be made after 28May 2018.
Dog / Time Limits: Number of dogs per handler may be limited to two per class. Open handlers wishing to enter more than two dogs in Open should submit separate checks for their third dogs.

Receipt of hard copy completed entry formand fees constitute an entry. Fees from cancelled entries will be returned or torn up provided notification of cancellation is made on or before 28May 2018. All fees must be in US dollars
Trial Sheep:farm flock/ewes.

Camping/RVparking: available with no hook-ups.

Pot-luck: Friday evening: please bring something homemade. We will have roasted turkey or grilled meat.


235 Sharon Road, Millerton, NY 12546.


From north: Do not take Kimball Wayif gps directs you to it. (we are ¼ mile further on left)

From South: BIG rigs heading north on 22:underpass on Downey road has a 12’2” height limit. (lots of other ways around)


Inn at Iron Masters , Lakeville, CT, pet friendly 860-435-9844

Interlaken Inn, Lakeville CT pet friendly but $$$ 860-435-9878

Sharon Country Inn, Sharon CT 860-364-3600

Johanna’s Motel, Copake NY 518-329-3000

White Hart Inn, Salisbury, CT $$$ 860-435-0030

FootHills Motel, Dover Plains, NY 845-877-6223

Caora Farm Sheepdog Trial Entry

Mail to Martha Walke: PO Box 66, So. Strafford, VT 05070


Handler’s name______
Phone ______Email:______

Entry Fees: (US Funds only:if you only have Canadian funds, reserve entry with a check and bring cash to trial)

Open $55 per run (Prize money after expenses)Nursery: $35 per run

Checks payable to: Caora Farm

Mail to: Martha Walke: PO Box 66, So. Strafford, VT 05070


Waiver: In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I agree not to hold the organizers and sponsors of this trial or the owners of Caora Farm responsible for any injury or damage to myself, my property or my dog. I also agree to be responsible for the actions of myself and of my dog, on andoff the trial field and in case of injury to any stock by the dog I will assume the financial responsibility for damages and veterinary care or the replacement value of the stock ($300/ewe).

Signed:______Date: ______