Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Sunday, February 11, 2018
7pm, Gettysburg Eddies
Present: Leah Bernier (President), Eric Aumen (Vice President), Phil Biesecker (Tournament Director), Patty Wivell (Treasurer), Christie Bach (Administrator), Mike Fleck (Fundraising), Jebb Nelson (Member at Large), Frank Nagy (Director of Coaching & Training), Mike Bishop (Registrar), Marc Mclean and John Colgan.
1.Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.
2. January 2018 Meeting Minutes were presented by Christie Bach. Eric Aumen made motion to pass. Second by Mike Bishop. Approved by all.
3.Treasurer Report was provided by Christie Bach.
August 1, 2017- January 31, 2018
ACNB MMA, $247,900.48; ACNB G&A, $17,613.10
Income YTD- Investments, $191.74; Misc. Revenue $1,878.00; Membership Dues, $5,375.00; Player Fees, $6,910.72; Program Service Fees, $150.43; Tournament Income, $51,184.05; Program Income, $630.00; Total Program Income, $64,250.20; Total Income $66,319.94
Expenses- Bank Card Processing Fee, $396.06; League Fees & Fines, $116.50; Accounting Fees, $1,085.00; Training Services, $12,030.00; Donated Facilities, $1,250.00; Equip Rental, $2,280.67; Facilities and Equipment, $50.00; Misc. Expenses, $125.00; Payroll Administration, $2,391.78; Referee Fees, $2,399.50; Postage & Mailing Service, $110.00; Telecommunications, $912.52; Insurance Liability D&O, $267.00; Other Expenses, $75.00; Payroll Taxes, $4,748.08; Total Tournament Expenses, $28,688.65; Advertising, $122.95; Uniforms, $1,308.13; Wages, $12,849.90; Total Expenses, $71,213.90
Jebb Nelson made motion to pass. Second by Eric Aumen. Approved by all.
4. CPYSL Report-
2/12 Competition Meeting- teams to be placed in appropriate divisions. Christie & Frank will attend.
3/28/2018 CPYSL Board Meeting- Christie to attend
4/7/2018 CPYSL Spring 2018 league play begins
5. Registrar Report-. Families will be notified again of unpaid spring player balances. Player balances must be paid in full to participate in spring league games which begin 4/7/2018. Player adds: 2- U12G, 1- U9B, 2-U13B, 1-U11B. Additional players were evaluated by Frank and players are in the process of submitting their registration documents. Spring teams added U16G Revolution & U16B Union.
6. Club/Team Reports- U13B team is currently looking into the possibility of hiring Zach Ward for a coach. Price is still being determined. The cost would be split among player families in addition to GYSC player fees. GYSC trainer contract does not permit Zach to train the team instead of GYSC trainer. However, Mo has agreed to send a Harrisburg Islander player to train the team as his contract allows
7. Tournament Report- The 2018 Blue & Gray Tournament is currently in the process of being planned. Coaches have been asked to register their teams for the tournament.
8. Old Business-
A.GYSC Curriculum-Mark Mettrick is in the process of drafting age appropriate curriculum for our GYSC coaches to follow. Frank Nagy and Mo Oduor will approve the curriculum and Mo will be expected to see the curriculum is implemented. Curriculum should be completed in the next few weeks and a meeting will be scheduled for Mo and Frank to review in March prior to spring season beginning so coaches have for the spring.
B. Tryouts- April 7 & 8 (1.5 hr. sessions)- GYSC will hold tryouts for the fall 2018/spring 2019 teams on April 8, 2018 at Gettysburg Middle School. Weather permitting we will use Keaufauver field to eliminate the fee for the turf field rental. Christie Bach and Mike Bishop are getting quotes from Gettysburg College for more tryout signs. Mo Oduor will evaluate players along with Jebb Nelson, Frank Nagy, and Youseff Naciri. Frank will revise the player evaluation form. Tryout forms will be revised and a box will be added for players to express interest in playing as a goal keeper.
C. Trainer Contract- trainer contract revisions have been made to the 2018-2019 GYSC trainer contract. The contract will be reviewed in with Mo in March when we also review the GYSC drafted curriculum.
D. Training Supplies-Christie Bach will order the items for coach kits to include: numbered pinnies, medium training discs, and dry erase clipboards. GYSC will also order a set of training hoops to keep in the training supply trailer.
E. Player Evaluation Forms-A player evaluation form was presented to the board for coaches to evaluate their players. One revision will be made to the form which is the column of player self-evaluation.
F. Coaching Courses/Training- US Soccer has eliminated the F license. They have replaced it with the Grassroots courses. GYSC coaches have been given the link for the introduction of Grassroots.
G. Oakside Fields- GYSC will postpone using Oakside fields until the fall. Christie Bach will request more information from Oakside regarding the cost of fields.
9. New Business-
A. Scholarship- Christie Bach presented several scholarship applications to the board for approval. Two U11B players requesting $200 spring player fee assistance and two U16G players to receive $125 each in financial assistance. Mike Fleck made motion to pass. Second by Leah Bernier. Approved by all.
10. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm until GYSC Board of Directors Meeting March 11, 2018 7:00pm at Gettysburg Eddies.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Christie Bach