Missaukee CountyBoard of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Lake City, Michigan
Commissioners Room
August 11, 2015 @ 2:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Rogers.
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance given by Comm. Zuiderveen.
Roll Call of Districts – All present
Motion by Cairy, supported by Zuiderveen to make the followingcorrection to the agenda: Finance letter d.portion reading Carolyn Florechanged to Summerville Enterprises.
Minutes of July 14th and July 20th read and approved with the following corrections: changing minute language in the two areas that read Baird, Cotter, and Bishop doing administrator tasks to Baird, Cotter, and Bishop doing administrative accounting tasks. Carried.
Chairman Rogers opened the 2015-16 General Fund and Special Fund Budgets for a
30 day review.
Public Comment: None
Jim Bosscher, Sheriff, gave his monthly report.
Barb Hancock, County Treasurer,presented her monthly financials report. Hancock also presented a resolution on the issuance of dog licenses. Motion by Vanderwal, supported by Cairy, to adopt the following resolution:
Resolution to establish provisions for licensing dogs
WHEREAS, Public Act 339 of 1919, as amended (MCL 287.266 et seq.) allows a county board of commissioners to adopt a resolution providing when the owner of a dog that is required to be licensed must apply for a license; and
WHEREAS, the CountyTreasurer has submitted written approval of this resolution;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners provides that beginning January 1, 2016, the owner of a dog that is required to be licensed must apply for a dog license by one of the following, at the owner’s option:
1) the last day of the month of the dog’s current rabies vaccination every year;
2) the last day of the month of the dog’s current rabies vaccination, every third year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that calendar year 2016 will be considered a “transition year,” in that 2015 dog licenses will remain valid through the last day of the month of a dog’s current rabies vaccination in 2016.
Adopted this ______day of ______, 2015
Susan Rogers, Chairperson
Missaukee County Board of Commissioners
As required by Public Act 339 of 1919, as amended (MCL 287 .266 et seq.), I, Barbara
Hancock, Missaukee County Treasurer, approve the Resolution to Establish Provisions
for Licensing Dogs.
Signed this ______day of ______2015
Barbara Hancock
Missaukee County Treasurer
Dog License FeesBeginning January 1, 2016, the following applies:
The owner apply for a license by the last day of the month of the dog's current rabies vaccination,
every year. A dog license is late if obtained after the last day of the month of the dog's
current rabies vaccination.
The owner apply for a license by the last day of the month of the dog's current rabies vaccination,
every third year. A dog license is late for the current year only if obtained after the last day of the
month of the dog's current rabies vaccination.
Cost of dog licenses:
One year / Three Year
Current Fee / Late Fee / Current Fee / Late Fee
$5 / $10 / $15 / $20
Three-year dog licenses are issued only if the dog's rabies vaccination is valid for the entire duration
of the dog license.
Not Spayed/Neutered
One year / Three Year
Current Fee / Late Fee / Current Fee / Late Fee
$10 / $20 / $30 / $40
Three-year dog licenses are issued only if the dog's rabies vaccination is valid for the entire duration
of the dog license.
Carol Palmer, District Court, gave the board her monthly report.
Finance Report
The board reviewed the following 2014-15FY budget amendments:
Fund 215Revenues
215 000 580 / Local / $ 900.00 / $ 1,250.00
215 000 606 / FOC Judgments / $ 1,600.00 / $ 2,600.00
215 000 607 / Parenting Fees / $ 1,500.00 / $ 2,100.00
Totals / $ 2,500.00 / $ 3,850.00
215 000 815 / Friend of Court / $ 3,600.00 / $ 5,550.00
Totals / $ 3,600.00 / $ 5,550.00
Fund 246
246 000 628.02 / Diverted Felons / $ 16,000.00 / $ 19,000.00
246 000 629 / Board out of County / $ 65,000.00 / $ 90,000.00
246 000 664 / Interest Earned / $ 600.00 / $ 750.00
Totals / $ 81,600.00 / $ 109,750.00
246 000 702 / Salaries & Wages / $ 24,188.00 / $ 25,000.00
246 000 722.02 / BCBS / $ 1,800.00 / $ 2,000.00
246 000 722.06 / Workmans Comp / $ 500.00 / $ 650.00
246 000 723 / Retirement / $ 3,836.00 / $ 4,100.00
246 000 800 / Services & Charges / $ 75,649.00 / $ 102,373.00
Totals / $ 105,973.00 / $ 134,123.00
Revenues101 000 699.01 / Appropriated Fund Balance / $ 400,726.00 / $ 417,771.00
Total / $ 400,726.00 / $ 417,771.00
101 851 722.00 / Insurance and Bonds / $ 75,500.00 / $ 86,720.00
101 101 806.00 / Audit Fees / $ 20,690.00 / $ 25,690.00
101 894 956.00 / Substance Abuse / $ 35,000.00 / $ 35,825.00
Totals / $ 131,190.00 / $ 148,235.00
Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson, to approve the 14-15 Budget Amendments
as presented. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Cairy, Rogers, Vivian, Hughston, Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal) 0 Nays. Carried.
The board reviewed the 2015-16FY budget as presented. Vivian relayed the budget hearing is open for 30 days, and they will adjust their September board meeting accordingly, to allow a vote after the review period.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Cairy, to approve payment to the firm of Baird, Cotter, and Bishop in the amount of $75-95 per hour, to complete administrative accounting and closing tasks as set by the board. Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Zuiderveen, to approve payment to Summerville Enterprises at a rate of $45 per hour if requested by a Commissioner for assistance. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Rogers, Vivian, Hughston, Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy) 0 Nays. Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson, to approve Carolyn Flore as a view-only user in the BS&A system if requested to view financials by a Commissioner for assistance. Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Hughston, to approve payment of the MFCI invoice in the amount of $1410.50 from fund 530 000 705.02. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Vivian, Hughston, Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy, Rogers) 0 Nays. Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Zuiderveen, to approve the Title IV-D contract amendment as presented. Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Hughston, to approve County Clerk-Register salary reduction as presented in writing from Nielsen. Carried.
The board changed September’s meeting dates as follows: Finance from September 3 to September 10 at 4pm and County Board meeting from September 8 to September 16 at 2pm.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Vanderwal, to appoint Chairman Rogers as temporary trustee for MERS, Nationwide, and Morgan Stanley.Carried.
Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to appoint Chairman Rogers as temporaryadministrator. Carried.
The board made discussion on the applicants for part-time administrator. Rogers gave a listing of what she believed should be requirements for that position. Vivian thought if we hired a part time now it could act as a training period with the hopes of making that person full time in the future.Hughston thinks there could be people that didn’t apply because of it being part time versus full time, and that we may not get as many good applicants for that reason. Zuiderveen agreed. Hughston also thought now would be the best time to get a full time administrator, to be fully trained before more employee transitions take place. Rogers also thought that if the Board all agrees we do need a full time administrator, that maybe they should repost for full time if they have enough room in the budget to do so.
Vivian thought the Board would have to consider giving back the AFSCME Union’s offer to give up their raise. Hughston said the County has to have an administrator. Vanderwal thinks starting the budget process over to pay a full time administrator wouldn’t be good for the county either.
Zuiderveen thought we need to review the three applicants we have and go from there. Cairy also thought now would be a bad time to put a full time administrator in the budget considering the budget is barely balanced right now.
The consensus of the board is to go forward reviewing the three applicants for a part time position and go forward from there.
Claims and Accounts Report
Motion by Cairy, supported by Bridson, to pay Claims and Accounts and Own Accounts as presented. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Hughston, Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy, Rogers, Vivian) 0 Nays. Carried.
Buildings and Grounds Report
Bridson discussed the Committee is looking into a purchase of a cigarette butt receptacle for the veteran’s park and possibly a sign as well. He thought the Veteran’s fund would pay for that purchase and installation.
Commissioner Reports
Vivian handed out a resolution for Declaration of Support for the County of Missaukee for Viking Energy of McBain, LLC. The current contract Viking Energy has ends 2018. Vivian said if Viking Energy cannot come up with a better rate by the end of that contract they will be out of business which employs many people in this community. They are asking entities in the area to encourage the Energy Commission to require Consumer’s to contract on a level ground.
Vivianrequested the Commissioners to take a look at it, and that it be placed on the September finance and board meeting agendas.
Rogers reported on her Networks Northwest meeting. She also announced she has received a letter of resignation from Jack Cairy as county commissioner, effective the end of August.
Public Comment: None
Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Vivian, to go into closed session to discuss the county’s attorney with everyone but commissioners excused from the room. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy, Rogers, Vivian, Hughston) 0 Nays. Carried.
Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Vivian, to come out of closed session. Roll Call: 7 Yeas (Zuiderveen, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy, Rogers, Vivian, Hughston) 0 Nays. Carried.
Meeting adjourned until September 16, 2015 at 2 PM or Call of the Chair.
Susan Rogers, ChairmanJessica Nielsen, County Clerk