Title: Executive NACIS Meeting

Date: 14th February 2017 Time: 10:30am

Venue: Ashling Hotel, Dublin

Attendance: Deirdre Casey; Nuala Crowe Taft; Susan Cross; Liam Cloonan; Eamonn Burgess; Michael McGuane; Mick O’ Dwyer; Sean Sheridan; Brigid McGourty, Lorretta Harte, Ciaran Casey: Jim Stone, Philip McCabe, Richard Regan.

In Attendance; Joe Rynn NACIS Project Manager

Agenda: As Circulated and Noted below

Meeting Minutes


/ Action
1 /

Minutes of Last Meetings

1.1 / The minutes for the meeting dated 6th December were approved proposed by Brigid McGourty and seconded by Mick O’ Dwyer.
NACIS 2017 workplan- This sub group met in early January Richard Regan was not able to attend this meeting.
2 / Matters Arising
2.1 / Casual Vacancy-The Executive agreed to the proposal that Richard Regan would be co-opted to the National Executive. This was agreed, proposed by Sean Sheridan and seconded by Brigid McGourty.
Resignation from the National Executive- The Chairperson reported that Michela Benassi had submitted her letter of resignation. Due to time constraints, Michela was unable to commit to the Executive. The resignation was accepted. A new volunteer nomination will be sought from Region 1. This will be placed as an Agenda item at their next regional meeting. / Region 1 to address-Joe Rynn will follow up with Region on new nomination
2.2 / NACIS Nomination Process and Protocol- A revised draft protocol was issued to the National Executive Members which incorporated previous feedback. It was agreed that reference to skills would be included in the proposed nomination form, but it would be highlighted on the form this was not mandatory. Nominations would be determined by the Executive through a draw as per nomination protocol.
It was agreed the revised draft will be presented to the CIB for discussion. It is important that CIB are aware of the proposals which NACIS are seeking to implement, and for CIB to be more specific in future in terms of what expertise is required and whether the roles are representative or participative.
2.3 / NACIS Nomination to HR Staff Strategy Project Board- The Chairperson reported on recent communication from Susan Shanahan that this Project Board was not proceeding until restructuring proposals were finalised. 8 nominations were submitted, it was agreed Joe Rynn will send a note to those who submitted an EOI with an update / Joe Rynn
2.4 / CIB Restructuring Sub Committee- Brigid McGourty and Lorretta Harte provided a short update on the work of the CIB Subcommittee. This groups has completed its work, a draft communication plan and implementation plan will be considered by the CIB board at its meeting on 15th February.
NACIS Executive Members had specific questions regarding the work of the Restructuring subcommittee however, due to confidentially reasons the NACIS representatives were not able to responds to specifics. The agreed position as set out by NACIS was articulated. These points included
Consideration and Objectives for NACIS
A.  The regional model to be assessed and considered against the following. How will it impact on service delivery, the citizen and the quality of the service? How will the confidentiality and the professional independence of the service, to the citizen be maintained?
B.  The new model must consider the variations in service needs across the regions. A ‘one size fits all ‘will not work. Variances such as geography, rural / urban, economic conditions, demographics must be factored into shaping the new structures.
C.  Maintenance of volunteers within the regional structures is critical. A weakening of this will have a direct impact on current service delivery and will require substantial additional resourcing if this is lost.
D.  The number of new regional boards , it will be important that sufficient spread of companies is in place which will support meaningful engagement with local communities.
E.  The CIS services have provided a strong voice in advocating for citizens , how will the revised structures impact on this role? What will the role of the CIS service be in the future and will this impact on the supports provided to the Citizen?
F.  Structures are one element of the change management process. Other elements which are critical to the new model will include, governance, board selection, management / staffing, systems & processes which will be used.
G.  How will the current CIB regional structure fit into the new structures
Oireachtas Joint Committee on Social Protection- The Chairperson informed members on a recent communication circulated to the Chairs of CIS regarding MABS forthcoming presentation to this joint committee on restructuring. The committee will be reviewing the decision of CIB.
NACIS Response
The National Executive has detailed its position in a written submission which was submitted to the CIB board and distributed to all NACIS members. This document outlines NACIS collective position regarding restructuring and is with all members.
·  Executive Members discussed approaches which it could adopt to respond to the proposed CIB restructuring /implementation plan. A proposal from Region 5 that a meeting of each of the new configured regions be arranged by NACIS urgently was discussed. These meetings would include board and staff representatives where the Companies concerned could consider emerging issues for each existing CIS Board and the new Regional Structures.
·  The NACIS Executive will need to put in place a strong feedback mechanism with the CIB, this will require a structure outside CIB/ NACIS quarterly meetings to consider emerging issues.
·  Executive Members suggested that a National meeting should be arranged for all NACIS members to consider our collective response.
·  Staffing issues will require careful consideration. The Employers Forum and Union Group will play a key role in advancing these matters.
·  NACIS may need to consider how it can participate in a future regional boards.
·  Executive Members highlighted their concern, if a differing approach emerged for the restructuring of MABS services versus CIS services i.e. differing regional models and the number of regions.
The NACIS Executive agreed that a special meeting of the Executive will take place on Thursday 23rd May to consider the proposed implementation plan and develop a response which will then be circulated to all members.
Communication from CIB
Executive Members discussed the current approach from the CIB regarding communication and emails, previously the CIB had issued an update to a wide circulation list. It was felt any final decision which the Board of CIB issue on restructuring, should only be communicated to CIS Chairs and Managers who can in turn inform staff teams and volunteers. It was agreed that Loretta Harte and Brigid McGourty will email Ita Mangan Chairperson CIB on this and request that any decision would firstly be communicated to Chairs and Managers. / Loretta Harte & Brigid McGourty
3 / Financial Report & Finance Committee
3.1 / Minutes of the Finance Committee which took place on 10th February 2017 were circulated to all members of the National Executive.
The Treasurer update the meeting that all relevant paper work was submitted to our Auditor for the completion of the 2016 accounts.
Online Banking- The Executive agreed that NACIS will operate online banking and EFT payments. It was agreed the following will act as signatures
Joe Rynn Project Manager
Brigid McGourty Treasurer
Richard Regan- Executive Member & Finance Committee Member
Loretta Harte- Executive Member
The above were proposed by Susan Cross and seconded by Eamonn Burges.
2016 CIB Quarterly returns were circulated and approved by the Executive, proposed by Mick O Dwyer and proposed Jim Stone. Bank Balance at 31st December 2016 was noted and reported as €59,016.64, with bank reconciliation carry over to 2017 will be €53,377.40
The Executive adopted its 2017 Budget, funding of €74,450 was approved by the CIB. Total Projected Budget for 2017 was €112,395.37. Membership fee for 2017 will remain at €500. Budget adopted on the proposal of Jim Stone and seconded by Liam Cloonan.
ECAS & Triple A Project- Discussion took place regarding the project and its future given that the funding contract is concluding. It was agreed that the steering committee i.e. Brigid McGourty, Sean Sheridan, Deidre Casey would meet to consider the next steps and a report will be submitted to the NACIS Finance Committee. A full report will be prepared in advance of the next meeting of the National Executive for consideration
The Executive recorded a vote of thanks to Brigid McGourty Treasure for her work in preparing various financial returns and 2017 Budget. / Brigid McGourty and Joe Rynn to finalize with Bank
4 / Correspondence – Email from Susan Shanahan informing the Chair the HR Strategy Group was postponed was noted.
Letter of Engagement from Company Auditor circulated to all Directors.
5 / NACIS Review
5.1 / The Project Manager circulated revised ‘Terms of Reference’ and draft questionnaire to all Executive Members. The Executive approved the Terms of Reference subject to the following additions
·  The Terms of Reference to include specific reference to the future role of NACIS and the implications of CIS restructuring on NACIS.
·  The Questionnaire will include a reference in question 4.2 seeking member’s views regarding the future role for NACIS. The final summary question will seek member’s suggestions from members for NACIS and the implications of CIS restructuring for NACIS.
·  It was agreed the survey will be issued to all member companies and members of the regional committees for completion.
·  The Project Manager will be following up directly with Managers and Chairs of CIS services regarding the review.
Time Line for Completion of the review of the Review
Survey to be Completed 28th March 2017
National Review meeting Tuesday 25th April 2016
Draft Report to be presented to National Executive 23rd May 2017
6 / NACIS 2017 Work Plan
6.1 / A Draft 2017 work plan was circulated to Executive Members. The document was directly aligned to the NACIS Strategy Document approved by NACIS members at its June 2016 AGM. This was the first time NACIS had formally prepared a yearly work plan and the development of strategy document was a key part in supporting the process. NACIS will update the CIB on the details of this work plan and its 2017 Budget at the next CIB/NACIS quarterly meeting.
The Project Manager provided a summary presentation on the draft plan to the Executive. Three priority areas as outlined in strategy document are as follows
Priority One: Developing the relationship with the Citizens Information Board and the sector generally
Second priority: Demonstrating the sector’s capacity to meet the needs of customers:
Third priority: Promoting high standards across the sector
The Executive adopted the 2017 work plan proposed by Mick O’ Dwyer and seconded by Liam Cloonan. It was noted that this is first time that NACIS have adopted an annual work programme and this was a significant step forward, particularly in terms of developing a greater understanding of our role and purpose amongst the wider membership. It was agreed the document will be circulated to all members along with a copy of the presentation to all members this month with a letter from NACIS Chairperson.
The Project Manager will develop a reporting template to monitor implementation of the work plan and will report to the Executive on progress. / Joe Rynn to prepare a template
7 / NACIS / CIB Quarterly Meetings
7.1 / The next scheduled CIB/NACIS Quarterly meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 28th February. It was agreed that Sean Sheridan, Nuala Crowe Taft, Michael McGuane, Mick O’ Dwyer & Joe Rynn will attend.
The following Agenda Items were agreed for inclusion on the Agenda of the CIB / NACIS Quarterly meeting.
·  Insurance (Volunteers)
·  NACIS Nomination Protocol
·  NACIS 207 Work Plan and Budget
·  Restructuring / Joe Rynn to finalize with CIB
8 / Feedback from the Regions
Summary report distributed from the 5 regions circulated to all Executive Members.
·  Insurance- This was highlighted in Region 3. Query to Insurers regarding cover for volunteers highlighted specific requirements a service should have in place for volunteers to be covered under the insurance policy. This included volunteer agreement, adequate training, direction / supervision by the Manager. Clarity was required on these points from CIB, to ensure all CIS services were informed of the requirements.
·  Restructuring- All regions highlighted issues of concern regarding the CIB / CIS restructuring
·  CIB HR Strategy – Recommendation from Region 3 that the strategy be renamed to broader CIS Service Strategy and that the Union Staffing groups would provide a nominee to the HR Strategy Group.
12. / Date of Next Meeting- 23rd February 2017