Attendance list (from left to right – 2nd row)
Mariana Menezes Neumann The International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood (CIESPI), Brazil
Carlos Valerio Echeverría Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE), University of Manizales, Colombia
Silvana Bruno Inter-American Children’s Institute-OEA, Uruguay
Martha Zanabria Salcedo Research Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, Mexico
Norma del Río Lugo Research Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, Mexico
Irene Rizzini The International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood (CIESPI), Brazil
Julie Meeks GardnerCaribbean Child Development Center, Jamaica
Yuherki Guaimaro CENDIF- Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela
Hilda AceitónCentre of the Study and Care of the Women and Child (CEANIM), Chile
Gloria LópezCENDIF- Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela
Minerva Gómez PlataResearch Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, México
(1st row)
Yolanda Corona CaraveoResearch Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, México
Carla Daniel SartorThe International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood (CIESPI), Brazil
Kim SaboChildren’s Environments Research Group, The City University of New York, EUA.
Sara Victoria Alvarado Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE), Colombia
Ofelia Roldán Vargas Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE), Colombia
Nathalie Coutu Research Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, México
Ricardo Fletes CoronaUniversidad de Guadalajara, México-CIESPI, Brasil
Laura Salinas BeristainResearch Program on Infancy and Childhood, UAM-Xochimilco Campus, México
9:00-11:00 what do we expect from our network? future plans
Networking: defining our commitments and relationships with other networks.
Our learning process and work dynamics
Expectations vs. results
Pending discussions
Brief evaluation of the III Conference
11:00- 11:20 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 work Agenda Proposals
12:30-14:00 Collaboration Networks
Ways of working with other thematic, training and research networks.
Mechanisms for information diffusion, exchange and feedback.
what do we expect from our network? future plans
1)In relation to the previous Conferences held by the Network, the organization improved as well as the interest in participating in the event. Students assisted during the last Conference, but this year, the goal was to privilege in-depth discussions.
2)The Network now has two publications that will be have an impact in the field of Infancy.
3)There are now three regional projects: Global Youth, Local Politics (Chapin-Hall, Chicago, EUA-UAM-Mexico, CIESPI-Brazil); Making Child Participation Visible: Children’s Environments Research Group-N.Y., EUA-CINDE-Colombia and the CINDE’s proposal to develop a Certificate Program for Young Researchers for the year 2007.
what should be worked on:
1)Think of broadening the Network’s activities beyond conferences and publications.
2)Improve of the Network’s research so that it fulfills high standards of quality and training.
3)Think of strategies to incorporate new countries, above all from the Caribbean and Central American regions.
4)Organize and structure the Network in such a way to ensure its functionality in the region.
5)Incorporate the work being done in each of our work centers to that of the Network.
6)Clearly identify the work that is being done within Childwatch to give the Network more visibility in regional academic and research spheres.
7)Evaluate our work based on our objectives and annual work programs.
8)Create both intra and inter-institutional information a feedback networks to ensure the circulation of information.
9)Develop regional programs as well as strategies to support training and fundraising.
Proposed actions and strageties:
I Set up four committees to favor an operational organization.
1) Publications and information: CCDC: Julie, IIN Silvana. CINDE: Carlos UAM: Norma, Martha.
2) Training: UAM: Yolanda, Laura. CENDIF, Gloria, CINDE: Sara Victoria
3) Organization and dissemination of events: CENDIF: Yuherki. CCDC: Julie. CEANIM, Hilda.
4) Research and membership: CIESPI Irene, Carla Ricardo (University of Guadalajara-CIESPI). CINDE, Ofelia, Sara. UAM, Norma, Yolanda.
- Each committee will present a two-year activity proposal no later than September 30th, 2006.
- These proposals will be sent to each committee.
- Each committee will have its own internal organizational structure.
- Committee membership is institutional, not personal
- If the activity proposal is not handed in, the membership committee will decide on what measures should be taken.
- Communication within each committee should preferably take place every month using affordable technology such as Skype.
- Committees should work on viable activities that do not generate extra workloads.
- Committees should be made up of (relatively) small groups to allow facilitate frequent communication.
- The Publications and Information committee will be in charge of sending the information to CWI so that it can be disseminated on its web page. It will also write a short report (Bulletin, Newsletter) every six months to inform the Network of its activities.
- Look for financial support to translate the Network’s important documents.
II Boost the work of other networks by linking as Childwatch Network members that may enable the use of the organized structure provided by them. Participatein editorial committees of journals on childhood, through scientific publications as well as those that focus on dissemination, taking advantage of human resources training programs and supporting the strongest institutions as well as those who need academic, structural and financial support.
III Establish the criteria that define the identity and purpose of the CW Network.
Spheres of action: The Network suggests we support the Caribbean Region and next year, the Central American Region.
High-priority topics: - Child and youth participation and models of political socialization.
- Migration and dislocation.
- Early childhood
- Poverty, marginalization and violence
Membership Criteria: Effective work and concrete actions are what ensure Network membership. A network cannot be maintained without the commitment of its members that is more of a burden than a help if its affiliation is only nominal. We must try to affiliate to Childwatch new centers that are located in countries that are no yet represented by the Network. The Membership Committee must propose strategies that will promote the affiliation of centers that are already collaborating with KI and take advantage of the synergies of other networks such as CLACSO, Consultive Group on Early Childhood, International Organization for Migration, Child and Family Inter-American Information Program, etc.
norma del río, programa infancia, uam, méxico
Translation: Nathalie Coutu