BVC Minutes Date: 4th June 2013
1. Meeting Opened
2. Apologies:
Tony Major
3. Minutes:
4. Business Arising:
Aaron Mangos from Erindale and arrive after unit reports. His attendance was not recorded.
The Scholarship the Simone Forestenko was awarded was the Jack Deeble Scholarship.
5. Chairs Report
Welcome Yass friends!! :D Good luck with exams!
6. Vice Chairs Report
7. Guest Speaker or Presentation
8. Unit Reports
Air Scouts / Cooking nights, ideals work, debates, laser tag, 14 membersBirralee / Chalk chasing, abduction of scouts – invested them, 2 invested leadership course, planning trivia night for trip, go carting, mountain biking, 12 members
Crowajinalong / Absent
Diamantina / 3/4 Members, lego night, segways around the lake, laser tag anyone? Moved to Friday
Erindale / Ice skating, sleepover, scavenger hunt, questacon night, 9 members
Kama / BWRC visited, hubbo the money man going through xero, zumba, a few going to boy scouts of America jamboree, a few going to Norway jamboree, 8 members
Kambah / Ariel sock wrestling, bungee soccer with BWRC, food night, spy vs spy, playdough Pictionary, 13 members
Lake Burley Griffin / Absent
Lake Ginninderra / Group camp fire, go carting with scouts, fire twirling with rovers, ski trip with group, zone 3 with tuggers, 11 venturers, 2 linking
Lake Tuggeranong / Absent
Lanyon Valley / Absent
Macarthur / Geocaching, 1 going to boy scouts jamboree, 7 members
Majura / Games night, orienteering, indoor rockclimbing, geocaching, unit council running, 8/9 members
Mt Mugga / Absent
Mt Rogers / Absent
Mt Taylor / 7 members, paint twister, vertical twister, movie, hike, camp at alexanders hut, QS expedition, filming a horror movie
Mulga / Absent
Southwell / Tie knots, had help from other groups, turning a live chicken into dinner, 7 members
Wanniassa / Movie night – Wanniassa Venturers in action, light to light hike, fire night, 15 members
Weston / Billy carting – pursuits, venturer skills hike, 8/9 members
Yass / 8 venturers, camp fire, fondue night, minute to win it, laser tag, venturer skills hike
9. Secretaries Report
The Blanket Ball is happening! Please tell your unit about the ball coming up which will be for the Blanket Drive that is happening. There is an event on Facebook where you can ask question or say you’re coming. An event registration will be put up on the ACT Venturers website so that you can register for tickets. Tickets will be $20 each which provides a hot meal (thanks Jason) and 1 drink. Drinks will be available to purchase more for $1 each. A DJ is coming (thanks Tony) and will play music requested and provided. The venue is Duffy Scout Hall, Tantanegra St Duffy. Tickets can be bought at the door but it would be preferred if you bought them online for catering purposes. Your leaders should have received an email with similar details and also regarding security. If you did not, please email and I will forward them to you. This is a Venturer only event although plus ones are allowed if they are between 14 and 26 yrs old. Leaders are also allowed to attend. The money raised will be going to the Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and there is an option to donate loose change on the night and any warm blankets you do not wish to have.
10. Treasurers Report
We have: $8,073
We owe: $0
We are owed: $796
Note that a copy of the monthly financial report can be sent on request.
BVC has approved Joh Raymond asking for up to $500 to help pay for her blanket ball.
11. National Youth Council
Elyse Lenehan
12. Events & Programs
Talagangda Sword!!! In September. Hannah’s Service thingy.
Marcel and Hayden are approved to sign off as examiners.
Open evening for the balloon team so people can find out what they do and such. Don’t know when as such. Rovers and Venturers event. Get to talk to the guys and have a flight in the balloon.
23rd June- Learn about Camping in the Cold- Camp Cottermouth. Apline Activities committee wishes to show how to enjoy outdoor scouting activites all through winter. Come along to the Camping in the Cold seminar for a chat about where to go, what to do and what to wear. Yes, we will try and sell you snowball fights, snowshoes and skiing with that, but this is a great opportunity to discuss ideas and gear for having an active program year-round. This is also the introduction to Alpine Leader training which will continue with a snow camp and overnight tour in July and August.
Please Contact Brin Farrally, Alpine Activities Committee on
Lee Tunks is running a St John Ambulance first aid course at the Qbn Leagues Club on the 15th-16th June. Cost is $120. Contact others/friends to see who is interested. It will run from 9:30am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Please wear functional, warm clothes.
Contact Ross McConnell
Scouts Australia is opening its first National School in Adventurous Activities allowing you and your Scouting friends to get nationally accredited qualifications in Outdoor Recreation - Certificate II, III, or IV in Outdoor Recreation, depending on their current skill and previous history. This also has the potential for future employment in the outdoor industry.
This initiative, developed by Reg Williams, Chief Commissioner of Australia, aims to increase the number of adventurous activity guides and instructors nationally and to provide career pathways for Venturers and Rovers, with New South Wales elected to run the first school at Cataract Scout Park in January 2014.
This exciting camp will last for 12 Days between 13 to 25 January. It will cover activity streams like bushwalking, abseiling, canyoning, caving, canoeing/kayaking, Sailing with some possible options; or a more concentrated stream involving just one or two activities. This will allow you to not only do what you love but get nationally recognised qualifications for it! This is an exciting time for Scouting, with it leading the way in the outdoors while complying with current industry requirements.
Scouts Australia envisages participation from all states, with members from the Adventurous Activity Teams across Australia assisting in the running of the event.
For more details on this School please contact; Joe Coppin Assistant Chief Commissioner - Adventurous Activities, Phone Ah: 02 62553553 or Mobile 0409390172.
Date: 10am Monday 13th January, 2014 to Friday 24th January, 2014. 3pm
Cost: $1150.00 + Transport (includes food, use of activity gear and equipment, local
transport to and from activity venues)
Location: Base: Cataract Scout Park – Appin New South Wales
Located 30 minutes to Wollongong Beaches and water activities on in the Illawarra & Sydney Harbour and just 50 minutes south of Sydney near Appin. Abseiling, canyoning and caving activities will take place at venues in the Southern Highlands and Blue Mountains
13. Commissioners Reports
Attendend a meeting of Branch Venturer Commissioners and heard about the All Section Review and the challenges Venturers have with understanding how they achieve the Queen’s Scout. Branch Venturer Leaders are in the process of reworking the Leadership Course.
At the Branch level thinking is going into a Branch Youth Council, developing Scouting in Myanmar and reinvigorating the Scouts of the World Programme.
Queen Scout isn’t about coming up with radical ideas, it’s about looking at what you and your friends do and matching it to the scheme. Talk to your leaders because they will talk to you. There is also Max and Ben who’s numbers are… Max 0404945471 Ben 0402115287
QS – If you have members of your unit working towards it, especially at green level, you need to contact Max, Ben or Kylie(0416063987) to talk about examiners. They need to hear about your examiners and need to approve it. Also, don’t leave signatures to the last minute, it is a lot easier to get it signed on the spot. If they can’t sign it, get an email or some form of proof saying that you did it.
Email if you need to add leaders to the ACT Leader Email List
14. Assistant Commissioners Report
Unit Management 3rd August
Leadership 17-18th August
Initiative 20-22nd September
15. VPA Adventurous Activities Report
Join the Facebook group!!! We needed 10 members but we were unable to get this booking for a snow camp.
Introduction to White Water Kayaking this weekend. Check FB page for event details.
27th July and 18th of something. Apologies for not catching it.
Scouts Austrlia has signed on to comply with the national standards. Everything you do can lead to a cert II or III in that sort of thing.
Diving – Rescue course in july. Must have done advanced course.
Open course at some point $450 - $500
16. District Venturer Leader Reports
Kylie - Approvals of expressions with Hayley Ackroyd – Richard Surkus Gangshow and Rock with Hayden Turner
17. Australian Venture 2015
Apologies for not making it but the message I would like to pass on:
Registrations are now open for AV 2015 and to register go to It is a good idea to register early as you will have a better chance at getting into the expedition that you would like to do.
A better report will be provided next month.
Possibly catching the train.
Design a logo!! :D
Tony Major
18. Rover Section Reports
Down the bottom
19. Other Business
Dear Scouting Friends,
Australia Post has a grant program offering up to $25,000. Scout Groups meet the criteria and there is no limit to the number who can apply. Closing date is 28 June.More information available here.
To apply – first discuss with your Regional Commissioner.
When/if you apply – please cc Branch with your application.
The application form is online, so easy to do. If you need assistance, please contact me.
Good luck.
Scouts ACT - Special Needs
Scouts ACT has a growing number of youth members with Special Needs, the most common being Autism and ADHD.
Where possible, we support the integration of young people with physical and mental disabilities into regular Scout Groups.
The basic premise of Scouting for youth with disabilities and special needs is that they want most to participate like other youth—and Scouting gives them that opportunity.
Our first presenter will be Matt Hynes who will discuss the ins and outs of ADHD.
Matt is a private practicing psychologist at Sage Psychology in Kambah. He has practiced as a therapist for 10 years and has also worked in various government agencies from time to time. Matt has experience in assessing children and adults who have symptoms of ADHD. In this regard, he has knowledge of the underlying brain activity that can lead to the behaviours of ADHD. These days, he uses various counselling skills to help these children and adults discover their strengths so that they can use them to negotiate the world effectively.
Our second presenter will be Gay Van Ess.
Gay was a Cub Leader in the 1980s when she was part of the Badimara Troop. In her professional life she has worked with children with special needs for over 30 years, being particularly interested in children who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Having worked for the ACT Department of Educationin the past Gay now runs her own Autism Consultancy, visiting children in their homes, schools and other community settings.
She is closely involved with Autism Asperger ACT and was their president for ten years.
TIME:Registration 12:30, start 1:00pm to 4:00pm, depending on question time
WHO CAN COME: All leaders and parent helpers
RSPV: 16 JUNE 2013
To confirm you place please contact Carla Howden Branch Commissioner for Special Needs by
Dear All,
I’m extremely relieved and happy to announce that we now have two web maps live on the StB section of Les Explorateurs website. Under “Progress”, we have a map that will track our progress on Scouting the Boundary. We’ve got another one under “Selecting Boundary Segments”, which allows you to see the segments colour-graded by the overall degree of difficulty (green are easy, red are the most challenging). Thanks to Peter Thomas for grading all the segments! There’s something for every section there from tenderfoot Joeys to adrenalin-junkie Venturers and Rovers. I will be away for the next week and a bit, but if you’ve got any questions or concerns about whether a section may be suitable for your section, I’m sure Peter Thomas or one of the other guides would be happy to advise you. The Branch bushwalking guides are also listed on the site.
As segments get planned, we will provide examples of the planning documents to reduce the overall planning burden. I’m a firm believer in the fish licence approach to cutting red tape (Google Monty Python Fish Licence skit and you’ll understand).
Please beam through any suggestions for improvement of the StB pages to me. If you like the overall website, please let Kay Yarrow and James Read know.
Thanks to Steve Dodt (Pfadfinders, for hosting our website!
Yours in Scouting