The Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association was formed to promote the interest in Heavy Horses in Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas by the use of in-hand horses for showing, working and driving to attempt to recognise areas where horses present a viable alternative source of energy.
Formation of the Association also provides a forum for discussion and comparison for Heavy Horse owners and education for non-heavy horse owners. A regular meeting programme is scheduled every second Wednesday of each month with topics from horse brasses to security, and footcare to insurance.
*To be completed and signed by Applicant: PLEASE PRINT * Please complete in full
* Full name Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
* Address .
. * Post Code .
* Home Telephone Number . * e-mail Address .
I have read and agree to abide by the rules of the Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association Please tick box [ ]
* Members Signature . * Date .
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Single : £15-00Joint : £22-50Junior : £2-50
Life Membership : £200-00 Joint Life Membership : £300-00
* Type of membership .
Spouse’s Name .
Children . as appropriate
Total Subscription : £ . Cheque number .
Please make your cheque payable to “ Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association “
What is your connection, if any to Heavy Horses ? ______
Are you a Horse owner Yes / No
Would you like to assist in preparing and supporting the Association ? Yes / No
Please complete and return with appropriate fee to :
Membership Secretary : Ryan Kelly, 75 Hazeldell, Watton at Stone, Hertford, SG14 3SP
Office use only : Membership No : ______Date : ______
Approved by : Signed ______Membership secretary
Signed ______
Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association
Established September 1993
Terms and Conditions
1: Foundation
1.1 The Association was founded on the 15th September 1993 at Hillside Farm, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire.
1.2 The Association shall be called “ Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association.
2 Objectives
2.1> The objective of the Association are as follows:-
Promotion of the heavy horse, its presentation, handling and working, education of the heavy horse owners and
interested supporters with the special emphasis on the younger generation, provision of forum for all like minded
people to further their enjoyment of the Heavy Horse, at an affordable subscription rate
3 Constitution
3.1 An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held each February and will be chaired by the President.
3.2 The following committee will be elected at the AGM.
Chairman, ( shall hold office for a period up of to 3 years )
Honorary Secretary ( shall hold office for a period of up to 3 years )
Honorary Treasurer ( shall hold office for a period of to 3 years )
Committee Members – not exceeding 8 in number ( elected ) annually )
3.3 The president shall hold office for a period of 1 year and will be elected at AGM.
3.4 The committee shall have the power, when deemed necessary, to co-opt or elect members of the following:-
To act in an official capacity when involved with special tasks, events and function
To replace committee members who relinquish their office.
3.5 Every adult paid up member shall be eligible to hold office and vote at the AGM.
3.6 There shall be a quorum of 20 members at a AGM and 5 committee members at a committee meeting.
3.7 Any person wishing to stand for election to the committee must have a minimum of one year’s Association membership.
4.1Membership of the Association shall be open to all upon payment of the relevant subscription .
Adult annual : £15-00, Joint : £22-50, Junior : £2-50 (Under 16), Life Membership £200, Joint Life £300.
New members joining halfway through the year shall pay half membership.
4.2The subscription rate shall be subject of review in later years.
4.3Any member bringing the Association into disrepute may, at the discretion of the committee, be expelled.
5Financial Accounts
5.1The financial year shall be the 1st January to 31st December.
5.2The honorary treasurer will provide quarterly statement of accounts to the committee members and audited statement of accounts at the AGM.
5.3As funds accrue, they shall be invested as agreed by the committee until needed to promote events and functions.
5.4Surplus funds may be used for charitable purposes decided by the committee.
5.5Two signatures from the Association officers I e Chairman, Honorary Treasurer or Honorary Secretary shall be on every cheque issued by the Association.
6.1There shall be committee meetings throughout the year. The number will be decided by the committee, but will not be less than six meetings.
6.2There will be members meetings throughout the year, the number will decided by the committee, according to demand.
6.3Members may bring guests to members meetings.
7.1The committee shall organise a programme of events for members, which may include Shows, Parades, Working Days, Demonstrations,
Presentation, Film Shows, Auctions, Visits and Social Functions.
7.2For any competitions or shows organised by the Association, a recognised set of rules shall be adopted, particularly for ploughing, In-Hand and Turnout classes.
7.3The Association shall encourage members to co-operate and participate in events organised by other societies of similar interests.
7.4The Association shall promote itself at public events and encourage the interest of the general public in the working of the heavy horses.
8Amendment of Rules
8.1The rules may be altered or amended at the AGM, or if necessary, at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
9Winding Up
9.1In the event of the Association winding up for what reason the Association may be dissolved by a majority vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
9.2Any surplus funds after a final audit, shall be transferred to one or more charitable institutions having objectives reasonably similar to those here in this constitution.
9.3The minutes and books of the accounts shall than be lodged with one of the officers for whatever time necessary by the committee.
HHHA amendment 1st January 2017SG11