Software 7 Recipe Towel
Let me show you how easy it is to use your SW7 DesignerPlus lettering program to take your recipes that you have saved on your computer, with a little creative editing turn them into beautiful embroidered towels that make wonderful gifts. If you do not have DesignerPlus you are welcome to come watch us create this in the software and then sew it on your towel.
Supply List:
Kitchen towel
USB stick
Sewing Machine, cleaned and oiled, power cord, embroidery unit, 5x7 hoop, USB stick for your machine.
Basic sewing supplies- scissors, thread snips, variety of Isacord threads, Bottom Line bobbin threads to match, bobbins for your machine
You will not need stabilizer for this project. We will be using Terial Magic on our towel before we embroider it. If you have some please bring it, if you do not have any you may use mine.
We will spray the towels and let them dry while we work in the software. Then we will embroider our recipe on the towel. If you do not have a recipe on your computer I will provide a Cherry Cream Cheese Pie recipe.